1,408 research outputs found

    The construction of knowledge-based economies versus knowledge societies: The cases of Germany and Singapore

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    In the past decades, terms such as knowledge-based economy (KBE)\u27, and \u27information/knowledge society\u27 have been adopted by governments worldwide in order to underline their interest in developing their economies and societies further and assure future growth. Many governments used these catchwords as labels for government programs and action plans aiming at economic and social prosperity. This aim of national governments to construct knowledge-based economies, information/knowledge societies, the actions taken and especially the ability or disability to do so, is the topic of this paper. As two cases of comparison act Singapore and Germany. (DIPF/Orig.

    Infestação e danos de Cinara atlantica relacionados com o estado nutricional e hídrico em mudas de Pinus taeda.

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    Foi avaliada a resposta de populações de Cinara atlantica ao estado nutricional de mudas de Pinus taeda L., em condições de campo no município de Três Barras (SC), e ao estresse hídrico, em casa de vegetação em Colombo (PR). Em casa de vegetação, foram avaliados 4 tratamentos com 30 mudas cada: plantas não-estressadas (com 60% da capacidade de campo) e estressadas (com 30% da capacidade de campo), ambos com e sem insetos. Cada planta foi infestada com 10 ninfas de 3º e 4º instar. Semanalmente, era contado o número de afídeos, medidos a altura e o diâmetro de todas as plantas e acrescentado o volume de água correspondente. Em campo, foram plantadas 60 plantas, das quais, quinzenalmente, 15 plantas eram arrancadas ao acaso, contando-se o número de afídeos por planta e analisando-se o estado nutricional, durante dois meses. Constatou-se que o aumento do teor de nitrogênio nas mudas de P. taeda correlaciona-se diretamente com o aumento no número de insetos. As mudas com estresse hídrico apresentaram maiores teores de nitrogênio e incidência de pulgões. Em casa de vegetação, as plantas apresentaram menor crescimento em altura na presença de insetos, com ou sem estresse hídrico. As mudas infestadas apresentaram maior crescimento em diâmetro, independentemente do estresse hídrico, no tempo observado e condições do estudo

    Modern meson--exchange potential and superfluid neutron star crust matter

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    In this work we study properties of neutron star crusts, where matter is expected to consist of nuclei surrounded by superfluid neutrons and a homogeneous background of relativistic electrons. The nuclei are disposed in a Coulomb lattice, and it is believed that the structure of the lattice influences considerably the specific heat of the neutronic matter inside the crust of a neutron star. Using a modern meson--exchange potential in the framework of a local--density approximation we calculate the neutronic specific heat accounting for various shapes of the Coulomb lattice, from spherical to non--spherical nuclear shapes. We find that a realistic nucleon--nucleon potential leads to a significant increase in the neutronic specific heat with respect to that obtained assuming a uniform neutron distribution. The increase is largest for the non--spherical phase of the crust. These results may have consequences for the thermal history of young neutron stars.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages, 4 figures included as uuencoded p

    TabVida: sistema computacional para cálculo de parâmetros biológicos e de crescimento populacional de afídeos.

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    Efficacy of Mesoglycan in Pain Control after Excisional Hemorrhoidectomy. A Pilot Comparative Prospective Multicenter Study

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    Introduction. Various pain management strategies for patients undergoing open excisional hemorrhoidectomy have been proposed, yet postoperative pain remains a frequent complaint. Objective. To determine whether mesoglycan (30 mg two vials i.m. once/day for the first 5 days postoperative, followed by 50 mg 1 oral tablet twice/day for 30 days) would reduce the edema of the mucocutaneous bridges and thus improve postoperative pain symptoms. Patients and Methods. For this prospective observational multicenter study, 101 patients undergoing excisional diathermy hemorrhoidectomy for III-IV degree hemorrhoidal disease were enrolled at 5 colorectal referral centers. Patients were assigned to receive either mesoglycan (study group SG) or a recommended oral dose of ketorolac tromethamine of 10 mg every 4-6 hours, not exceeding 40 mg per day and not exceeding 5 postoperative days according to the indications for short-term management of moderate/severe acute postoperative pain, plus stool softeners (control group CG). Results. Postoperative thrombosis (SG 1/48 versus CG 5/45) (p < 0 001) and pain after rectal examination (p < 0 001) were significantly reduced at 7-10 days after surgery in the mesoglycan-treated group, permitting a faster return to work (p < 0 001); however, in the same group, the incidence of postoperative bleeding, considered relevant when needing a readmission or an unexpected outpatient visit, was higher, possibly owing to the drug's antithrombotic properties. Conclusions. The administration of mesoglycan after an open diathermy excisional hemorrhoidectomy can reduce postoperative thrombosis and pain at 7-10 days after surgery, permitting a faster return to normal activities

    Atmospheric bulk deposition to the Lagoon of Venice: Part I, fluxes of metals, nutrients and organic contaminants.

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    First available data on atmospheric fall-out were provided by sampling monthly bulk depositions in four sites inside the Lagoon of Venice (550 km2). Sampling was carried out monthly during the period July 1998 – July 1999, in one site near an industrial area (Porto Marghera; site D), another site in the city of Venice (site A), and the remaining two in the southern- and northernmost ends of the Lagoon (Valle Figheri, site C; Valle Dogà site B). The following determinations were carried out for each samples: pH, conductivity, grain-size, particulate load, and dissolved nutrients (N, P). Samples were then subdivided into soluble and insoluble fractions, and Al, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Si, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Ti, V, S, P, Se and Sb were analysed on both fractions. Total organic micropollutants (PAH, PCB, HCB, DDT, PCDD/F) were measured. As regards particle size distribution, there was great variability among sampling sites. The percentage of the <2 µm grain-size fraction was higher in the southern and northern ends of the Lagoon. Small differences were found among sites for major elements, whereas higher variability was observed for inorganic and organic micropollutants, with standard deviations between 20 and 60% of the fluxes measured. Major differences in annual fluxes between the most polluted sites (mostly D and A) and background (site B) were seen for Cd, (0.26 vs. 0.06 mg m-2yr-1), Hg (41 vs. 15 µg m-2yr-1), PCB (~2500 vs. ~500 ng m-2yr-1) and HCB (~8000 vs. ~1000 ng m-2yr-1). Comparisons with previous data, collected in the periods 1993-94 and 1995-97, were only available for a few trace metals. A definite decline in the annual Pb flux in the city of Venice was detected, from 18 to 13 mg m-2 in 1996/97 and 1995/96 respectively, to ~5 mg m-2 in the present study. Total annual deposition was calculated by means of two different methods, which gave very similar results: (i) the mean value of deposition in the four sites was multiplied by lagoon area (550 km2); (ii) the monthly rain isopleths were combined to normalize deposition values. The figures are: 15-34 kg of Hg and Sb, ~200 kg of As, ~100 kg of Cd and PAH, 0.7 to 1.3 tons of Cr, Ni and V, more than 2 tons of Cu and Pb, 17 of Zn, 55 of total P, ~200 of Al, and 3900 of DIN. Total fluxes of organics inside the lagoon were: PAH ~100 kg; HCB ~ 1 kg; DDT ~ 0.4 kg. PCB and PCDD/F fluxes were ~ 500 g and ~10 g, corresponding respectively to 0.1 and 0.4 g I-TE. The correlations between fluxes of inorganic micropollutants and grain-size were significant. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to investigate more accurately relationships between the insoluble and dissolved fractions of inorganic micropollutants and grain-size fractions. In particular, significant correlations were highlighted between the dissolved fraction of As and the < 1 µm particle size fraction. Relations between levels of EPCDDF, EPCDD, PCB and PAH congeners and grain-size revealed significant correlation coefficients for the remote sites (B, C), and none in the urban and industrial sites (A, D). In particular, significant correlations were highlighted between EPCDDF, EPCDD and particle size fraction < 2 µm, and between benzo(a)pyrene and PCB 167 and particle size fraction 4-8 µm

    Muons and emissivities of neutrinos in neutron star cores

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    In this work we consider the role of muons in various URCA processes relevant for neutrino emissions in the core region of neutron stars. The calculations are done for β\beta--stable nuclear matter with and without muons. We find muons to appear at densities ρ=0.15\rho = 0.15 fm3^{-3}, slightly around the saturation density for nuclear matter ρ0=0.16\rho_0 =0.16 fm3^{-3}. The direct URCA processes for nucleons are forbidden for densities below ρ=0.5\rho = 0.5 fm3^{-3}, however the modified URCA processes with muons (n+Np+N+μ+νμ,p+N+μn+N+νμ(n+N\rightarrow p+N +\mu +\overline{\nu}_{\mu}, p+N+\mu \rightarrow n+N+\nu_{\mu}), where NN is a nucleon, result in neutrino emissivities comparable to those from (n+Np+N+e+νe,p+N+en+N+νe(n+N\rightarrow p+N +e +\overline{\nu}_e, p+N+e \rightarrow n+N+\nu_e). This opens up for further possibilities to explain the rapid cooling of neutrons stars. Superconducting protons reduce however these emissivities at densities below 0.40.4 fm3^{-3}.Comment: 14 pages, Revtex style, 3 uuencoded figs include

    Impact of Sexualized Substance Use and Other Risk Practices on HCV Microelimination in gbMSM Living with HIV: Urgent Need for Targeted Strategies

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    In the original publication of the article, the article funding note was incorrectly published, the correct one should read as: This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project ‘‘PI18/00583’’ and co-funded by European Regional Development Fund ‘‘A way to make Europe’’. This has been corrected in this paper. © The Author(s) 2022