249 research outputs found

    Prevalence of untreated dental caries in Latin American children in the Spanish child protection system

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    Introduction and objective: The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of untreated dental caries in Latin American immigrant children who enter into the child protection system in Aragon, Spain. We analyze if these are related to demographic factors, body mass index, or vulnerability circumstances. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study. We analyze the social and health records of every child between the age of 6 and 17 that required residential care in the period between 2000 and 2019. The Social Services Institute of Aragon who compiled their records and directed the protection measures assessed their vulnerability conditions. A standard anthropometric and oral evaluation by healthcare professionals, together with the recollection of their demographic data, was carried out as these children accessed the welfare system. Results: Two hundred and thirty-one children (55.8% female) with an average age (SD) of 13.6 (3.8) years were evaluated. The prevalence of untreated dental caries was 16.5%. These were associated to the age group 6-13 years-old (p<0.001), the second-generation (p=0.004) and the temporary or permanent parental inability to provide child welfare (p=0.009) due to death, incarceration, physical illness, mental illness, drug addiction, or causes of a similar nature, together with the absence of relatives taking care of the child. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 32% and do not exhibited association with the presence of untreated dental caries. Conclusion: We observe either that, besides cariogenic dietary habits acquired in their native community or their foster one, socio-family vulnerability and deprivation play an essential role in the high prevalence of untreated dental caries

    Prevalence of dental caries in intercountry adopted children

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    Background: Dental caries is one of the most prevalent pathologies worldwide. All children from international adoption have a history of exposure to potential risk factors for dental health and the development of dental caries, both before and during institutionalization before adoption. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dental caries in primary teeth in a cohort of intercountry adopted children upon arrival in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain. Material & Methods: Epidemiological, descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study from January 2000 to December 2018. A total of 264 children, aged between 1 and 6 years, were examined by a pediatrician and dentist in the first 15 days after arrival. For oral evaluation, the WHO standardized protocols and forms and the FDI notation were used. Results: The mean age at the time of the examination was 32 months. The prevalence of active dental caries in all intercountry adopted children was found to be 9.1% and dft index was 0.18 (95% CI: 0.11-0.25). The majorities were from Eastern European countries, mainly Russia. Dental caries was not detected in children from China, the Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia. No child had fissure sealant. No child had filled or missing tooth, due to caries. Of the 24 children with active dental caries, all had carious crown and only two had carious root. Conclusion: Intercountry adopted children in Aragon do not present a high prevalence of active dental caries in the examination upon arrival. Anyway, it is necessary to reinforce pediatricians and dentists to promote dental health to prevent tooth decay once they have adapted and integrated into the host community

    La conciencia de la contingencia en el condicionamiento clásico: un análisis a través del condicionamiento evaluativo y del condicionamiento semántico

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    Este trabajo refleja los enfoques teóricos, históricos y metodológicos relacionados con estos temas de estudio relevantes en psicología. Estos son: condicionamiento evaluativo, condicionamiento semántico y conciencia de contingencia. El más controvertido de los temas mencionados anteriormente ha sido el análisis de los diferentes significados del término Conciencia, porque otras disciplinas, distintas de la Psicología, ofrecen diferentes limitaciones conceptuales. Sin embargo, nuestro objetivo ha sido, sobre todo, explicitar su significado psicológico. El estudio de la evolución histórica se ha centrado en los índices que podrían ser relevantes: número de artículos publicados en idiomas distintos al español, número de tesis escritas y número de artículos publicados. En español (indicador sobre el impacto en nuestra cultura). Nosotros usamos esta información para cuantificar la incidencia de cada uno de estos temas en el corpus de Psicología. Además, llevamos a cabo un enfoque metodológico sobre cómo se han estudiado estas áreas y cómo se puede vincular y mejorar su estudio, a fin de orientar los nuevos experimentos.This piece of work reflects the theoretical, historical and methodological approaches re-garding these subjects of study relevant in Psychology. These are: Evaluative Condition-ing, Semantic Conditioning and Contingency Awareness. The most controversial of theabove-mentioned topics has been the analysisi of the different meanings of the term Con-science, because other disciplines -other than Psychology- give different conceptual limi-tations. However, our objective has been, above all, to explicit its psychological meaning.The study of the historical evolution has focused on the indexes wich could be relevant:number of articles published in lenguages other than spanish, number of thesis written andnumber of articles published in spanish (indicator regarding the impact in our culture). Weintend to use this information to quantify the incidence of each of this topics in the corpusof Psychology. Furthermore, we carry out a methodological approach regarding how thoseareas has been studied an how their study can be linked and improved, as to guide newexperiments

    Integration of SPOC courses in the subjects of degree. A practical experience

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    Los cursos SPOC (del inglés Small Private Online Course) son cursos de formación a distancia con una metodología participativa y colaborativa, características que comparten con los MOOC, aunque en este caso, los SPOC están destinados a grupos reducidos de estudiantes de perfil bien definido. La combinación de la enseñanza virtual y la enseñanza presencial es un recurso positivo para la comunidad universitaria que es importante analizar. En este estudio se elabora una comparación de dos grupos de estudiantes universitarios que realizan dos experiencias de aprendizaje, desarrolladas en contextos de aprendizaje muy diferentes, uno online a través de un curso SPOC insertado en una asignatura de Grado y otro presencial, en la que el alumnado hace el mismo curso pero dentro del contexto del aula.The SPOC (Small Private Online Course) courses are distance learning courses with am participatory and collaborative methodology, characteristics that they share with the MOOCs, although in this case, the SPOCs are aimed at small groups of well-defined students. The combination of virtual teaching and face-to-face teaching is a positive resource for the university community that is important to analyze. This study compiles a comparison of two groups of university students who carry out two learning experiences, developed in very different learning contexts, one online through an SPOC course inserted in a subject of Degree and one face-to-face, in which the Students do the same course but within the context of the classroom

    Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: principal oral and dental disorders and literature update

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    Introduction: Oral and dental (OD) disorders in children with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) are frequent but not well-known by dentists and pediatricians due to the syndrome being extremely rare. Objective: To describe the OD findings observed in a 5-year-old girl with RTS and to update the literature. Clinical case: The patient presented the following OD manifestations: prominent lower lip, narrow mouth opening, narrow and arched palate, history of angular cheilitis, micrognathia, poor lingual motility, plaque and tartar, bleeding from gingival areas due to poor dental prophylaxis, and malocclusion in the form of an anterior open bite. These OD manifestations are seen in more than 40-60% of patients with RTS. Conclusions: Professionals who treat children with RTS should become aware of the advisability of referring them to the pediatric dentist from 1 year of age and performing check-ups every 6 months. Dental management is often difficult so collaboration with anesthesiologists is recommended in order to carry out a safe and effective treatment

    Enfermedad periodontal, una compañía peligrosa.

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    La enfermedad periodontal consiste en una patología infecciosa que afecta a los tejidos desoporte de los dientes, causada principalmente por bacterias y la acumulación de placa, perode etiología multifactorial, ya que diferentes factores como la diabetes, el consumo de alcoholy tabaco o la susceptibilidad del huésped influyen en la evolución de la enfermedad. Unaspecto clave es la prevención, puesto que la enfermedad periodontal puede evolucionar demanera progresiva desde una gingivitis hasta afectar al ligamento periodontal y el huesoalveolar, pudiendo provocar la propia extracción de los dientes afectados. El principaltratamiento consiste en el raspado y alisado radicular para eliminar la mayor cantidad debacterias y placa, combinado con injertos gingivales o procedimientos regeneradores cuandosea necesario, seguido de unas correctas terapias de mantenimiento. El objetivo del presenteTrabajo de Fin de Grado es revisar la bibliografía científica existente respecto al abordaje dela enfermedad periodontal y el estudio de los diferentes factores causales. Para tal fin, seseleccionarán dos casos clínicos del Servicio de Prácticas Odontológicas de la Universidadde Zaragoza, determinando el diagnóstico y pronóstico más adecuado para cada caso yrealizando un correcto plan de tratamiento.<br /

    Estudio de las emociones, el aprendizaje autorregulado y la motivación en un curso SPOC

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    El presente trabajo analiza los resultados obtenidos a través del diseño e implementación de un curso SPOC desarrollado con un grupo de estudiantes de Grado de Magisterio. El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar la repercusión de la dimensión emocional, la motivación y el aprendizaje autorregulado en el proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje. Los SPOC son cursos de formación a distancia que se basan en el acceso al conocimiento de forma diferente a los formatos habituales, ya que se trabaja online con una metodología colaborativa y participativa. Los contextos virtuales de aprendizaje son un recurso  utilizado en la Educación Superior y cada vez son más los docentes que recurren a estas metodologías  combinándolas, con la enseñanza presencial. Los resultados revelan significativas correlaciones entre las variables utilizadas, manifestando una experiencia de enseñanza-aprendizaje positiva y de calidad, con un alto nivel de aprendizaje autorregulado y motivación.

    Study of emotions, self-regulated learning and motivation in an SPOC course in the Basque Country University (UPV/EHU)

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/IJERI/article/view/2838El presente trabajo analiza los resultados obtenidos a través del diseño e implementación de un curso SPOC (Small Private Online Course) desarrollado con un grupo de estudiantes de Grado de Educación Infantil y Primaria. El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar la repercusión de la dimensión emocional, la motivación y el aprendizaje autorregulado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los SPOC son cursos de formación a distancia que se basan en el acceso al conocimiento de forma diferente a los formatos habituales, ya que se trabaja online con una metodología colaborativa y participativa. Los contextos virtuales de aprendizaje son un recurso utilizado en la Educación Superior y cada vez son más los docentes que recurren a estas metodologías, combinándolas con la enseñanza presencial. Para realizar el estudio se ha recurrido a modelos predictivos o de regresión lineal de las variables cuantitativas, implicadas en el estudio. Los resultados revelan significativas correlaciones entre las variables utilizadas, manifestando una experiencia de enseñanza-aprendizaje positiva y de calidad con un alto nivel de aprendizaje autorregulado y motivación.This paper analyzes the results obtained through the design and implementation of a SPOC course (Small Private Online Course) developed with a group of students of the Bachelor's Degree. The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of the emotional dimension, motivation and self-regulated learning in the teaching-learning process. The SPOC are distance learning courses that are based on access to knowledge in a different way to the usual formats, since they work online with a collaborative and participatory methodology. The virtual contexts of learning are a resource used in Higher Education and more and more teachers are turning to these methodologies, combining them with face-to-face teaching. To carry out the study, we used predictive or linear regression models of the quantitative variables involved in the study. The results reveal significant correlations between the variables used, showing a positive and quality teaching-learning experience, with a high level of self-regulated learning and motivation.Universidad Pablo de Olavid