537 research outputs found
Women and Reparations
Reparations for victims of gross human rights violations are becoming an increasingly
acknowledged feature in post-authoritarian and post-conflict societies coping with the
legacy of a violent past. Despite some recent progress much more work needs to be done
for massive reparations programs to respond better to the needs of women. This article,
resting as it does on a comprehensive conception of reparations, outlines both the procedural
and substantive components of reparations programs necessary for the programs to
fulfill the goal of providing (partial) justice to women
Balance de una estrategia fallida
Hace trece años atrás, el doctor Gustavo de Greiff, escribió para esta revista un ensayo sobre la política prohibicionista de las drogas psiicotrópicas y narcotizantes, bajo el título "La guerra contra las drogas: éxito dudoso, fracasos ciertos" (1999). Hoy presenta un balance que permite concluir si el fin perseguido se ha alcanzado o no
The international centre for theoretical physics, 1960-1979 : ideology and practice in a United Nations institution for scientific co-operation and third world development
In this work the history of the establishment of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste is studied with particular attention to its first director Abdus Salam and the dynamics of international co-operation in science during its foundation and early years. Some aspects of Salam's social, religious and cultural background, as well as his Cambridge training in physics and mathematics are discussed as essential elements in motivating and enabling his career as a scientific diplomat and administrator. It is argued that although Salam managed to provide an effective justification for the creation and existence of the Centre, the majority of the industrialised countries, as well as the Socialist countries, opposed the initiative. The negotiation process for the creation of the ICTP is studied in detail highlighting the crucial role played by Italy and Trieste. It is also argued that institutional instability created by a lack of both financial support and a permanent scientific staff recognised by the scientific elite undermined the status of the institution as well as the work carried out within its walls. Two contrasting images of the Centre prevailed throughout the period studied: for the elite among the scientific community in the industrialised countries, it was a United Nations development institute for the education of Third World scientists, whereas in the developing countries it was perceived as a scientific centre for mainstream research. The fund-raising strategies, based on the cultivation of a network of personal contacts around the world are discussed, focusing on the relation between the ICTP and the Ford Foundation. Finally, the everyday operation of the ICTP as an academic institution is studied. This entails a discussion of the scientific population of the Centre as well as an analysis of the activities carried out there in terms of training and research. The effect of the ICTP on Salam’s scientific work and the influence of Salam on some features of the ICTP’s scientific practices are also discussed in detail. The history of the ICTP stands as an excellent case study in the contrast that can exist between public rhetoric regarding scientific collaboration between unequal international partners and the reality of that collaboration
Internacionalismo científico y religioso. discurso y práctica de la política científica de abdus salam
En este trabajo muestro cómo se entrelazan los discursas rc1igiosos y científicos en los espacios de interacción y negociación política. De forma complementaria muestro cómo una estrategia de cooperación científica puede verse desde la perspectiva de la sociología de las religiones. De forma específica me concentro en e! caso del Premio Nobel de Física de 1979, Abdus Salam, musulmán y paquistaní. Su discurso acerca de la colaboración científica es una prolongación del discurso "revitalista" islámico. Similarmente, su decisión de optar por el apoyo de Naciones Unidas tiene grandes coincidencias con la estrategia que su comunidad religiosa optó para protegerla de posibles ataques. PALABRAS CLAVES. Ciencia, religión, Islam, internacionalismo cientifico
Fantasías de nubes al viento: primera ronda
Oiga entonces, óye, oíd palabras sin sentido conocido: Las otras son tan huecas si sonoras (dice mi risa) como tambor de feria (añejo símil de Perogrullo "profundas", "salomónicas" (torna a decir Mi Risa o Mi Sonrisa). -Tan profundas que no se toca fondo- (símil vetusto asaz, no nada gris, mas sí del buen Monsieur de la Palice...
La poesía de León de Greiff
A continuación se presenta un fragmento de la obra del autor
Drogas, soberanía nacional y legitimidad democrática
En contraste con los otros autores en este volumen, estoy interesado en la cuestión de la justicia de la política antinarcóticos de los Estados Unidos desde una perspectiva internacional. La mayoría de los ensayos precedentes examina si esa política es justa para los ciudadanos dentro de una sociedad liberal particular, es decir, la de los Estados Unidos. El enfoque de mi ensayo es más bien el de si la política estadunidense sobre las drogas es justa para aquellos cuyas vidas son afectadas po..
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