2,116 research outputs found

    Limits on the use of cobalt sulfide as anode of p-type dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Thin films of cobalt sulfide (CoS) of thickness l < 10m have been employed as anodes of p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (p-DSCs) when P1-sensitized nickel oxide (NiO) was the photoactive cathode and /I - constituted the redox mediator. In the role of counter electrode for p-DSCs, CoS was preferred over traditional platinized fluorine-doped indium oxide (Pt-FTO) due to the lower cost of the starting materials (Co salts) and the easier procedure of deposition onto large area substrates. The latter process was carried out via direct precipitation of CoS from aqueous solutions. The photoconversion efficiency (η) of the corresponding device was 0.07%. This value is about 35% less than the efficiency that is obtained with the analogous p-DSC employing the Pt-FTO anode (η = 0.11). Unlike p-DSCs based on Pt-FTO anodes, the photoelectrochemical cells employing CoS electrodes showed that this anodic material was not able to sustain the photocurrent densities generated by P1-sensitized NiO at a given photopotential. Illumination of the p-DSCs with CoS anodes and P1-sensitized NiO cathodes actually induced the reverse bias of the photoelectrochemical cell with CoS behaving like a p-type semiconductor with no degeneracy. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd


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    In order to investigate whether early malnutrition causes lasting changes in the reactivity to anxiolytic drugs, rat dams lactation (21 days) and pops after weaning until the 49th day of life were fed on 8% casein diet (M rats), while their well-nourished controls received 25% casein (W rats), from day 50 on all animals ate the same balanced diet. Experiments started on the 91st day. Rats deprived for 22 hours drank water containing either 1.8% or 2.7% sodium chloride for 30 min in a test chamber, total intake being measured. Dose-effect curves for diazepam (0.5-5.0 mg/kg, IP), as well as for the monbenzodiazepine anxiolytics ipsapirone (0.5-5.0 mg/kg), ritanserin (0.05-1.0 mg/kg) and isamoltane (2.5-20.0 mg/kg) were determined in M as well as in W rats. Diazepam and ipsapirone dose-dependently released drinking suppressed by either salt concentration in W rats, but caused little or no effect in M rats. Ritanserin and isamoltane were ineffective in both groups. These and previously reported results show that early protein malnutrition markedly reduces anticonflict effect of anxiolytics, indicating long-lasting impairment of neuronal systems underlying emotional behavior. Keywords: early protein malnutrition, hypertonic saline intake, diazepam, ipsapirone.

    Dually-beneficial habitats serve as a practical biodiversity mainstreaming tool in European crop production

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    Die Schaffung semi-natürlicher Habitate in Europa ist eine Maßnahme, um dem Verlust von Habitaten entgegen zu wirken, die durch die Vereinfachung landwirtschaftlicher Landschaften entstanden sind. Die meisten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten zu Habitaten fokussieren auf Artenschutz, während Untersuchungen zur Bereitstellung verschiedener Agrar-Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen begrenzt sind. Kenntnisse über den Nutzen derartiger Habitate für den Ackerbau, würden es jedoch ermöglichen, sie zur Standard-Maßnahme („mainstreaming“) für die Integration von Biodiversität im Ackerbau einzusetzen. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, zweifach-nützliche Habitate zu identifizieren, die in Getreide, Raps und Sonnen­blumenfeldern eingerichtet werden könnten, da diese die drei wichtigsten Ackerkulturen in Europa darstellen. Diese Kulturen werden oft in vereinfachten Agrar­landschaften angebaut, wo die Notwendigkeit zur verbesserten Konnektivität der biologischer Vielfalt auf Landschaftsebene hoch ist, und ihre Integration den größten Nutzen verspricht. Eine qualitative Beurteilung dieser Habitate erfolgt im Rahmen ökologisch fokussierter Agrar-Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen und -Undienste, erläutert Kompromisse (Vor- und Nachteile) für den Ackerbau sowie poten­tielle Synergien. Vier unterschiedlich geeignete Gruppen von Habitaten konnten identifiziert werden: 1. Brachfelder/Teilflächen, 2. Bewirtschaftete Felder/Teilflächen, 3. Bewirtschaftete Blühflächen, 4. Bewirtschaftete Ackerrandstreifen.Semi-natural habitat creation in Europe is a tool to address habitat loss, caused by agricultural landscape simplification. Research on habitats is mostly conservation-centered, while studies on their delivery of multiple agro-ecosystem services are limited. However, know­ledge about these habitats’ suitability for production could make them a practical biodiversity mainstreaming tool. This paper identifies potential dually-beneficial (db) habitats for use in cereals, oilseed rape, and sunflowers, the three major EU arable field crops. They are often grown in simplified landscapes, where the need for improved biodiversity connectivity at landscape level is high and their integration expected to be most effective. The paper provides a qualitative survey of the db-habitats effects on agro-ecosystem services and disservices while addressing trade-offs and synergies thereby using an ecology-focused agro-ecosystem services and disservices framework. Four differently suitable db-habitat groups were identified: 1. Uncropped fields/subfield areas, 2. Managed fields/subfield areas, 3. Managed flower areas and 4. Managed margins

    Escola de design em São Bento do Sul

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Arquiteturasem resumo