91 research outputs found

    Defining Desire: Re(storyng) a 'fraudulent' marriage in 1901 Spain

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    In the second half of the 19th century, two Spanish primary school teachers were married despite the fact that their legal status as women rendered this union not only illegal but also publicly scandalous. In 2008 their story was resurrected in the form of a book based on an extensive review of educational, legal, and media archives. The Spanish press responded to the book’s publication by embedding the events within a more recent historical narrative around the struggle for gay marriage rights. In this article, we analyze the events in light of the understandings of sex, gender and sexuality that were available at the time, and then explore both the continuities and discontinuities with the modern interpretive framework that affords these women a lesbian identity, drawing upon Bennett’s notion of ‘‘lesbian-like’’ practices in eras where such identities were not yet conceptualized

    A Historia da educación en tempos posmodernos

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    [Resumo] O modelo da historia social está sendo cuestionado nas últimas décadas, coin- cidindo coa crise que experimentaron algúns dos seus referentes ideolóxicos e coa emer- xencia do denominado pensamento posmoderno. Fronte a este modelo, que algúns consi- deran esgotado, proponse outro caracterizado como cultural. Este mesmo cambio —ou pro- posta de cambio— tamén se observa no campo educativo: a “vella” historia social da edu- cacion debe deixar paso a unha “nova” historia cultural da educación.[Abstract] The social history model has been questioned in recent decades and this coin- cides with the crisis being experienced by some of its ideological references as well as with the emergence of what has been termed post-modern thought. As an alternative to this model, which some consider to have run its course, this article proposes another model, which may be characterised as cultural. This very change -or rather proposal for change- has also been seen in the field of education: the “old” social history of education must get out of the way and make room for a “new” cultural history of education

    Castelao, educator of the nation

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    [Resumen] Castelao criticaba o sistema de ensino existente en Galiza polo seu carácter imperialista, e defendía, con criterios políticos e pedagóxicos, a necesidade de que incorporase a cultura e a lingua galegas. Mentres este proposito non se conseguía, os galeguistas, encabezados por Castelao, convertéronse en educadores da nación.[Abstract] Castelao criticized the educational system in Galicia because of it imperialist nature and he championed, based on political and pedagogical criteria, the need for it to incorporate the Galician language and culture. Although, this proposal was not achieved, the defenders of Galician language and culture, headed by Castelao, became the educators of the nation

    O noso profesor, o noso compañeiro, o noso amigo

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    [Resumo] Herminio Barreiro, in memoriam: O noso profesor, o noso compañeiro, o noso amigo

    The purge of schoolteachers in the province of A Coruña

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    [Resumo] Neste artigo ofrécese unha visión panorámica da depuración sufrida polo maxisterio público da provincia da Coruña entre 1936 e 1942, que conduciu á sanción dunha boa parte dos seus efectivos. Examínase primeiro a represión practicada polas autoridades militares e académicas, concentrada nos meses de agosto e setembro de 1936, e despois a realizada polo aparato especificamente depurador entre 1937 e 1942; diferénciase o alcance que tivo este proceso para mestras e mestres; descríbese a xeografía da represión, tomando o concello como unidade de análise; e revísanse os expedientes de depuración de Xosé Toba Fernández e de Palmira González López. As principais fontes utilizadas foron o Boletín Oficial do Estado e o Boletín Oficial da Provincia da Coruña, que permitiron cuantificar o proceso, e os expedientes de depuración, que resultan fundamentais para apreciar a súa dinámica e significado.[Abstract] This article offers an overview of the purge of public schoolteachers in the province of A Coruña from 1936 to 1942, which led to sanctions being imposed on a large part of these teachers. The article focuses first on the repression carried out by the military and academic authorities, concentrated in the months of August and September of 1936. It goes on to examine the repression conducted by the purge apparatus between 1937 and 1942, differentiating the repercussions of this process on male and female schoolteachers. The geography of the repression is also described, using the municipality as the unit of analysis. The procedures against Xosé Toba Fernández and de Palmira González López during the purge are reviewed. The main sources used were the Official Gazette of the Central Government and the Official Gazette of the Province of A Coruña, which allowed us to quantify the process and the procedures -essential to gaining insight into the dynamics and meaning of the purg

    Escolantes e escolas de ferrado

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    [Resumo] A instrucción popular en Galicia ten unha das súas concrecións máis xenuinas nas escolas de ferrado. Trátase de escolas sostidas polos propios labregos, que pagaban normalmente en especie: un ferrado de centeo, trigo ou millo por alumno e ano; funcionaban nos meses de inverno; estaban instala- das en locais diversos e improvisados; desenvolvían un currículo restrinxido as máis das veces á ler, escri- bir e contar, ademais do catecismo; e ao seu frente figuraban mestres sin título -os chamados escolantes- e cunha limitada formación, que compaxinaban o ensino con outros oficios. Malia todas as súas caren- cias, teñen realizado unha importante contribución á difusión social da lectura e da escritura.[Abstract] One of the most authentic characterizations of popular education in Galicia can be seen in the Schools of the "ferrado". These schools were supported by the farmers themselves, who would gene- rally pay in kind - a "ferrado" (a measure) of rye, wheat or corn per student per year. These schools were in session during the winter months and the makeshift classrooms were set up in a variety of places- The curriculum was limited, including mostly reading, writing and simple arithmetic, as well as the catechism. The lessons were given by teachers without a degree, known as "escolantes" with few qualifications who combined teaching with other jobs. Despite the lack of means, these schoolteachers made an important contribution to the social dissemination of reading and writing