741 research outputs found

    Effects of different field expansions on omnidirectional proton counting rate data

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    Field expansion effects on omnidirectional proton counting rate dat

    Plasma clouds in the magnetosphere

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    Injection of hot plasma clouds into magnetosphere during magnetospheric substorm

    Long term variations in high-energy geomagnetically trapped particles

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    Long term variations in high energy geomagnetically trapped particles from satellite detector dat

    Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale

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    We will use new data from the High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) with unprecedented spatial resolution of the solar corona to investigate the structure of coronal loops down to 0.2 arcsec. During a rocket flight Hi-C provided images of the solar corona in a wavelength band around 193 A that is dominated by emission from Fe XII showing plasma at temperatures around 1.5 MK. We analyze part of the Hi-C field-of-view to study the smallest coronal loops observed so far and search for the a possible sub-structuring of larger loops. We find tiny 1.5 MK loop-like structures that we interpret as miniature coronal loops. These have length of the coronal segment above the chromosphere of only about 1 Mm and a thickness of less than 200 km. They could be interpreted as the coronal signature of small flux tubes breaking through the photosphere with a footpoint distance corresponding to the diameter of a cell of granulation. We find loops that are longer than 50 Mm to have a diameter of about 2 arcsec or 1.5 Mm, consistent with previous observations. However, Hi-C really resolves these loops with some 20 pixels across the loop. Even at this greatly improved spatial resolution the large loops seem to have no visible sub-structure. Instead they show a smooth variation in cross-section. The fact that the large coronal loops do not show a sub-structure at the spatial scale of 0.1 arcsec per pixel implies that either the densities and temperatures are smoothly varying across these loops or poses an upper limit on the diameter of strands the loops might be composed of. We estimate that strands that compose the 2 arcsec thick loop would have to be thinner than 15 km. The miniature loops we find for the first time pose a challenge to be properly understood in terms of modeling.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (Jun 19, 2013), 11 pages, 10 figure

    Inelastic nucleon contributions in (e,e)(e,e^\prime) nuclear response functions

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    We estimate the contribution of inelastic nucleon excitations to the (e,e)(e,e^\prime) inclusive cross section in the CEBAF kinematic range. Calculations are based upon parameterizations of the nucleon structure functions measured at SLAC. Nuclear binding effects are included in a vector-scalar field theory, and are assumed have a minimal effect on the nucleon excitation spectrum. We find that for q\lsim 1 GeV the elastic and inelastic nucleon contributions to the nuclear response functions are comparable, and can be separated, but with roughly a factor of two uncertainty in the latter from the extrapolation from data. In contrast, for q\rsim 2 GeV this uncertainty is greatly reduced but the elastic nucleon contribution is heavily dominated by the inelastic nucleon background.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures available from the authors at Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester NY 1462

    Charge and matter distributions and form factors of light, medium and heavy neutron-rich nuclei

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    Results of charge form factors calculations for several unstable neutron-rich isotopes of light, medium and heavy nuclei (He, Li, Ni, Kr, Sn) are presented and compared to those of stable isotopes in the same isotopic chain. For the lighter isotopes (He and Li) the proton and neutron densities are obtained within a microscopic large-scale shell-model, while for heavier ones Ni, Kr and Sn the densities are calculated in deformed self-consistent mean-field Skyrme HF+BCS method. We also compare proton densities to matter densities together with their rms radii and diffuseness parameter values. Whenever possible comparison of form factors, densities and rms radii with available experimental data is also performed. Calculations of form factors are carried out both in plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) and in distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). These form factors are suggested as predictions for the future experiments on the electron-radioactive beam colliders where the effect of the neutron halo or skin on the proton distributions in exotic nuclei is planned to be studied and thereby the various theoretical models of exotic nuclei will be tested.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Relativistic Hamiltonians in many-body theories

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    We discuss the description of a many-body nuclear system using Hamiltonians that contain the nucleon relativistic kinetic energy and potentials with relativistic corrections. Through the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, the field theoretical problem of interacting nucleons and mesons is mapped to an equivalent one in terms of relativistic potentials, which are then expanded at some order in 1/m_N. The formalism is applied to the Hartree problem in nuclear matter, showing how the results of the relativistic mean field theory can be recovered over a wide range of densities.Comment: 14 pages, uses REVTeX and epsfig, 3 postscript figures; a postscript version of the paper is available by anonymous ftp at ftp://carmen.to.infn.it/pub/depace/papers/951

    Inelastic electron-nucleus scattering and scaling at high inelasticity

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    Highly inelastic electron scattering is analyzed within the context of the unified relativistic approach previously considered in the case of quasielastic kinematics. Inelastic relativistic Fermi gas modeling that includes the complete inelastic spectrum - resonant, non-resonant and Deep Inelastic Scattering - is elaborated and compared with experimental data. A phenomenological extension of the model based on direct fits to data is also introduced. Within both models, cross sections and response functions are evaluated and binding energy effects are analyzed. Finally, an investigation of the second-kind scaling behavior is also presented.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures; formalism extended and slightly reorganized, conclusions extended; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Experimental determination of the evolution of the Bjorken integral at low Q^2

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    We extract the Bjorken integral Gamma^{p-n}_1 in the range 0.17 < Q^2 < 1.10 GeV^2 from inclusive scattering of polarized electrons by polarized protons, deuterons and 3He, for the region in which the integral is dominated by nucleon resonances. These data bridge the domains of the hadronic and partonic descriptions of the nucleon. In combination with earlier measurements at higher Q^2, we extract the non-singlet twist-4 matrix element f_2.Comment: Quoted world data updated. Minor change in some results, Minor rephrasin

    Tensor Analyzing Powers for Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering from Deuterium

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    We report on a first measurement of tensor analyzing powers in quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering at an average three-momentum transfer of 1.7 fm1^{-1}. Data sensitive to the spin-dependent nucleon density in the deuteron were obtained for missing momenta up to 150 MeV/cc with a tensor polarized 2^2H target internal to an electron storage ring. The data are well described by a calculation that includes the effects of final-state interaction, meson-exchange and isobar currents, and leading-order relativistic contributions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure