429 research outputs found

    Estudio de las capacidades cognoscitivas en el fútbol-sala

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    Este estudio tuvo como objeto analizar la conducta cognoscitiva de los jugadores de fútbolsala, verificando de que forma se producen las modificaciones en el pensamiento táctico tras el desarrollo de un programa de entrenamiento específico de las capacidades de percepción, anticipación y toma de decisiones. Se llevó a cabo una investigación de carácter experimental con dos grupos de atletas practicantes de fútbol-sala: un grupo de control y un grupo experimental en el que se realizó un entrenamiento específico de las capacidades cognoscitivas. Se utilizó un test para medir la capacidad de concentración de los atletas, una prueba para medir la capacidad de captar senales importantes en situación de juego resuelta, un test para medir la capacidad de elaboración de esquemas en situaciones concretas de juego y un test para medir la capacidad para captar y procesar información bajo la presión de un tiempo limitado para emitir la respuesta. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el entrenamiento específico de las capacidades cognoscitivas es más eficaz para el desarrollo de las mismas que el entrenamiento tradicional basado en el desarrollo de las capacidades físicas y técnicas, optimizando la resolución de situaciones-problema en secuencia con intervalos de tiempo reducidas. Se pone además de manifiesto que el volumen de entrenamiento no garantiza la calidad en el aprendizaje cognoscitivo ni una mejora del rendimiento cognoscitivo en el fútbol-sala y que el entrenamiento específico no edad y la experiencia para el desarrollo de las capacidades cognoscitivas de los atletas.The purpose of our study was to analyze cognoscitive behaviour of indoor soccer players, verifying how modifications in tactical thinking develop with an specific programme for training capacities of perception, anticipation and decision making. The investigation was carried out with two groups of players: a control group and a experimental group with specific training of cognitive capacities. Concentration capacity, capacity for picking up important signals in playing situations, capacity of scheme elaboration and capacity for processing information under limited time were studied by specific tests. Results obtained indicate that specific training of cognitive capacities results more efficient in terms of its development that a traditional training based in development of physical and technical capacities and that there is an optimization of the solution of problem situations in sequence with reduced time intervals. Training volume does not guarantee quality of cognitive learning and specific training is not dependent on age or experience for the development of cognitive capacities


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    Propane is one of the simplest hydrocarbons that can be a representative of higher hydrocarbons used in many applications. Therefore, this work develops a ten-step reduced kinetic mechanism among 14 reactive species for the propane combustion. The model is based on the solution of the flamelet equations. The equations are discretized using the second-order space finite difference method, using LES (Large-Eddy Simulation). Obtained results compare favorably with data in the literature for a propane jet diffusion flame. The main advantage of this strategy is the decrease of the work needed to solve the system of governing equations

    Development of glass-stalks-unsaturated polyester hybrid composites

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility to use agro-residues of the vinification process as a cheaper and eco-friendly fillers to prepare unsaturated polyester composites for interior design building sector. Experimental unsaturated polyester–based resin composite samples, reinforced with grape stalks, were prepared by a simple casting technique. The glass microspheres were added in the mixing to increase the mechanical and physical properties of the final materials. A silane coupling agent was used to increase the interface adhesion between resin and grape stalks. The samples were subjected to several tests. Unfilled samples were analyzed by Differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC). Prepared silanized and non-silanized composites were completely characterized in order to study the effect of stalk fibers concentration on the mechanical, chemical and physical properties. The results showed that mechanical and physical properties for silanized composites were superior to non-silanized composites. The presence of stalks, up to 50% wt. increased Young's Modulus preserving a satisfactory tensile strength and hardness in comparison with the neat resin properties. Then, the final results showed that grape stalks from winemaking can be satisfactory used as natural filler resource to produce composites for interior furniture

    Evaluation of Competencies for a Sustainable Industrial Environment

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    The organisation of worker activities in manufacturing shops have been differently conceived depending on political, societal, environmental and economic circumstances affecting industrial development. From Taylorism and Fordism through Lean Manufacturing to the innovative Cell Production system, the level and quality of abilities and competencies of workers have increasingly become the kernel of factory management models. Sustainability has increasingly become a crucial factor for product success. The design and manufacture of industrial products are conceived in circular loops within the 6R framework. The digitalisation of information has allowed significant advancements. Qualified and skilled operators have accompanied and led these evolutions, and their abilities and creativity have grown relevant, despite the continuous increase in automation. This work investigates the contribution of craftsmanship abilities in the industrial environment. For this purpose, the Craftsmanship Index has been proposed to assign a quantitative value to the craftsmanship skills contributing to the manufacturing activities. A customised questionnaire to be administered to workers is used to calculate this index, which is helpful to analyse worker abilities and the way they are learned and developed, being part of effective management and decision-making tools. A case study in the Japanese manufacturing environment expands on previous results achieved in Italy. The Craftsmanship Index allowed us to give a quantitative relevance to the level of abilities of operators depending on the analysed department. Some cultural differences have also emerged thanks to the comparison between the Japanese and the Italian culture

    Parasitismo de Telenomus remus em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda e Corcyra cephalonica.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar as características biológicas de T. remus criado em ovos do hospedeiro alternativo C. cephalonica comparando-se ao hospedeiro natural S. frugiperda. O experimento foi conduzido em sala climatizada (T: 25±2°C; UR: 70±10%; Fotofase: 12h), com delineamento inteiramente casualizado sendo dois tratamentos (hospedeiros) e 20 repetições. Em tubos de vidro de fundo chato, foram colocados 30 ovos parasitados de S. frugiperda. Após a emergência dos adultos (24h), aproximadamente 100 ovos inviabilizados de C. cephalonica e aproximadamente 100 ovos de S. frugiperda, foram colados com cola atóxica (30%) em cartelas de papel e oferecidos aos parasitoides. O parasitismo foi permitido por 24h. Os parâmetros biológicos avaliados foram: porcentagem de parasitismo; viabilidade e razão sexual. As porcentagens de parasitismo (92,64% e 48,27%) e viabilidade (96,79% e 89,14%) apresentaram diferença significativa, já a razão sexual (0,78 e 0,68 fêmeas) não diferiu entre os hospedeiros S. frugiperda e C. cephalonica, respectivamente. O menor parasitismo verificado em ovos do hospedeiro alternativo pode ser atribuído ao fato do parasitoide ser criado por sucessivas gerações em ovos do hospedeiro natural em contrapartida, a alta viabilidade nos ovos de C. cephalonica (>80%) indica um hospedeiro potencial para criações massais de T. remus. Assim, para que o hospedeiro alternativo possa ser utilizado com sucesso, fazem-se necessários estudos de T. remus criados por sucessivas gerações em ovos de C. cephalonica