210 research outputs found

    Effect of temperature, pH and plasmids on in vitro biofilm formation in Escherichia coli

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    Acid resistance (AR) in Escherichia coli is an important trait that protects this microorganism from the deleterious effect of low-pH environments. Reports on biofilm formation in E. coli K12 showed that the genes participating in AR were differentially expressed. Herein, we investigated the relationship between AR genes, in particular those coding for specific transcriptional regulators, and their biofilm-forming ability at the phenotypic level. The latter was measured in 96-well plates by staining the bacteria attached to the well, following 24-hour growth under static conditions, with crystal violet. The growth conditions were as follows: Luria Bertani (LB) medium at neutral and acidic pH, at 37°C or 25°C. We observed that the three major transcriptional regulators of the AR genes (gadX, gadE, gadW) only marginally affected biofilm formation in E. coli. However, a striking and novel finding was the different ability of all the tested E. coli strains to form a biofilm depending on the temperature and pH of the medium: LB, pH 7.4, strongly supported biofilm formation at 25°C, with biofilm being hardly detectable at 37°C. On the contrary, LB, pH 5.5, best supported biofilm formation at 37°C. Moreover, we observed that when E. coli carried a plasmid, the presence of the plasmid itself affected the ability to develop a biofilm, typically by increasing its formation. This phenomenon varies from plasmid to plasmid, depends on growth conditions, and, to the best of our knowledge, remains largely uninvestigated

    The yhiM gene codes for an inner membrane protein involved in GABA export in Escherichia coli

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    In order to survive the exposure to acid pH, Escherichia coli activates molecular circuits leading from acid tolerance to extreme acid resistance (AR). The activation of the different circuits involves several global and specific regulators affecting the expression of membrane, periplasmic and cytosolic proteins acting at different levels to dampen the harmful consequences of the uncontrolled entry of protons intracellularly. Many genes coding for the structural components of the AR circuits (protecting from pH ≤ 2.5) and their specific transcriptional regulators cluster in a genomic region named AFI (acid fitness island) and respond in the same way to global regulators (such as RpoS and H-NS) as well as to anaerobiosis, alkaline, cold and respiratory stresses, in addition to the acid stress. Notably some genes coding for structural components of AR, though similarly regulated, are non-AFI localised. Amongst these the gadBC operon, coding for the major structural components of the glutamate-based AR system, and the ybaS gene, coding for a glutaminase required for the glutamine-based AR system. The yhiM gene, a non-AFI gene, appears to belong to this group. We mapped the transcription start of the 1.1 kb monocistronic yhiM transcript: it is an adenine residue located 22 nt upstream a GTG start codon. By real-time PCR we show that GadE and GadX equally affect the expression of yhiM under oxidative growth conditions. While YhiM is partially involved in the RpoS-dependent AR, we failed to detect a significant involvement in the glutamate- or glutamine-dependent AR at pH ≤ 2.5. However, when grown in EG at pH 5.0, the yhiM mutant displays impaired GABA export, whereas when YhiM is overexpressed, an increases of GABA export in EG medium in the pH range 2.5–5.5 is observed. Our data suggest that YhiM is a GABA transporter with a physiological role more relevant at mildly acidic pH, but not a key component of AR at pH < 2.5

    Microbial stress. From sensing to intracellular and population responses

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    We initially devised this Research Topic (RT) as a valuable initiative to collect high-quality scientific articles from the participants of the 4th European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) Microbial Stress meeting held in Kinsale, Ireland, April 2018. The scope of the RT is based on the scientific content of that “Microbial Stress: from Systems to Molecules and back” meeting. Indeed, over 40% of the articles eventually accepted for publication were contributed by meeting participants, but notably the remaining 60% was contributed by authors that work in this field. The collection of 22 original research and 2 review articles, contributed by 163 authors collectively, deal with the many different aspects of the microbial responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, relevant to many fields: from host-pathogen interactions to biotechnology, from bioremediation to food processing, from molecular and single-cell to population studies. The RT showcases the rapid developments of the microbial stress research on a range of microorganisms and stress conditions, and confirms that understanding microbial physiology under stress can be a trigger for the development of new methodologies as well as helping to integrate the knowledge from many different microbiological fields of research. The retrospective analysis of the articles contributed to this RT allowed them to be assigned to one of four main sub-topics: (i) impact of weak organic acids and low pH on micro-organisms, from clinical to biotechnological contexts; (ii) adaptive responses in microbial pathogens to abiotic/environmental stress; (iii) oxidative and metal stress, from clinical to bioremediation contexts, and (iv) regulation of transcription and translation under stress, from epigenetic aspects to the role of second messengers and sRNA

    Biochemical and spectroscopic properties of Brucella microti glutamate decarboxylase, a key component of the glutamate-dependent acid resistance system

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    In orally acquired bacteria, the ability to counteract extreme acid stress (pH < 2.5) ensures survival during transit through the animal host stomach. In several neutralophilic bacteria, the glutamate-dependent acid resistance system (GDAR) is the most efficient molecular system in conferring protection from acid stress. In Escherichia coli its structural components are either of the two glutamate decarboxylase isoforms (GadA, GadB) and the antiporter, GadC, which imports glutamate and exports γ-aminobutyrate, the decarboxylation product. The system works by consuming protons intracellularly, as part of the decarboxylation reaction, and exporting positive charges via the antiporter. Herein, biochemical and spectroscopic properties of GadB from Brucella microti (BmGadB), a Brucella species which possesses GDAR, are described. B. microti belongs to a group of lately described and atypical brucellae that possess functional gadB and gadC genes, unlike the most well-known "classical" Brucella species, which include important human pathogens. BmGadB is hexameric at acidic pH. The pH-dependent spectroscopic properties and activity profile, combined with in silico sequence comparison with E. coli GadB (EcGadB), suggest that BmGadB has the necessary structural requirements for the binding of activating chloride ions at acidic pH and for the closure of its active site at neutral pH. On the contrary, cellular localization analysis, corroborated by sequence inspection, suggests that BmGadB does not undergo membrane recruitment at acidic pH, which was observed in EcGadB. The comparison of GadB from evolutionary distant microorganisms suggests that for this enzyme to be functional in GDAR some structural features must be preserved

    The glutaminase-dependent acid resistance system. Qualitative and quantitative assays and analysis of its distribution in enteric bacteria

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    Neutralophilic bacteria have developed several strategies to overcome the deleterious effects of acid stress. In particular, the amino acid-dependent systems are widespread, with their activities overlapping, covering a rather large pH range, from 6 to <2. Recent reports showed that an acid resistance (AR) system relying on the amino acid glutamine (AR2_Q), the most readily available amino acid in the free form, is operative in Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus reuteri and some Brucella species. This system requires a glutaminase active at acidic pH and the antiporter GadC to import L-glutamine and export either glutamate (the glutamine deamination product) or GABA. The latter occurs when the deamination of glutamine to glutamate, via acid-glutaminase (YbaS/GlsA), is coupled to the decarboxylation of glutamate to GABA, via glutamate decarboxylase (GadB), a structural component of the glutamate-dependent AR (AR2) system, together with GadC. Taking into account that AR2_Q could be widespread in bacteria and that until now assays based on ammonium ion detection were typically employed, this work was undertaken with the aim to develop assays that allow a straightforward identification of the acid-glutaminase activity in permeabilised bacterial cells (qualitative assay) as well as a sensitive method (quantitative assay) to monitor in the pH range 2.5-4.0 the transport of the relevant amino acids in vivo. The qualitative assay is colorimetric, rapid and reliable and provides several additional information, such as co-occurrence of AR2 and AR2_Q in the same bacterial species and assessment of the growth conditions that support maximal expression of glutaminase at acidic pH. The quantitative assay is HPLC-based and allows to concomitantly measure the uptake of glutamine and the export of glutamate and/or GABA via GadC in vivo and depending on the external pH. Finally, an extensive bioinformatic genome analysis shows that the gene encoding the glutaminase involved in AR2_Q is often nearby or in operon arrangement with the genes coding for GadC and GadB. Overall, our results indicate that AR2_Q is likely to be of prominent importance in the AR of enteric bacteria and that it modulates the enzymatic as well as antiport activities depending on the imposed acidic stress

    A chromophore in glutamate decar☐ylase has been wrongly identified as PQQ

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    AbstractPyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) has been claimed to be a component of glutamate decar☐ylase fromEscherichia coli on the basis of a frequently used procedure in which the protein is extracted with hexanol. We demonstrate that if pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) is not added during the preparation, the apoenzyme prepared from glutamate decar☐ylase contains no chromophore absorbing above 280 nm. Full enzyme activity and the original holoenzyme spectrum are restored by the addition of PLP alone, A 340 nm-absorbing band, similar to that which prompted analysis for PQQ, is produced by exposure of the enzyme to solutions of PLP

    The Glutaminase-dependent system confers extreme acid resistance to new species and atypical strains of Brucella

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    Neutralophilic bacteria have developed specific mechanisms to cope with the acid stress encountered in environments such as soil, fermented foods, and host compartments. In Escherichia coli, the glutamate decarboxylase (Gad)-dependent system is extremely efficient: it requires the concerted action of glutamate decarboxylase (GadA/GadB) and of the glutamate (Glu)/γ-aminobutyrate antiporter, GadC. Notably, this system is operative also in new strains/species of Brucella, among which Brucella microti, but not in the "classical" species, with the exception of marine mammals strains. Recently, the glutaminase-dependent system (named AR2_Q), relying on the deamination of glutamine (Gln) into Glu and on GadC activity, was described in E. coli. In Brucella genomes, a putative glutaminase (glsA)-coding gene is located downstream of the gadBC genes. We found that in B. microti these genes are expressed as a polycistronic transcript. Moreover, using a panel of Brucella genus-representative strains, we show that the AR2_Q system protects from extreme acid stress (pH =2.5), in the sole presence of Gln, only the Brucella species/strains predicted to have functional glsA and gadC. Indeed, mutagenesis approaches confirmed the involvement of glsA and gadC of B. microti in AR2_Q and that the acid-sensitive phenotype of B. abortus can be ascribed to a Ser248Leu substitution in GlsA, leading to loss of glutaminase activity. Furthermore, we found that the gene BMI_II339, of unknown function and downstream of the gadBC-glsA operon, positively affects Gad- and GlsA-dependent AR. Thus, we identified novel determinants that allow newly discovered and marine mammals Brucella strains to be better adapted to face hostile acidic environments. As for significance, this work may contribute to the understanding of the host preferences of Brucella species and opens the way to alternative diagnostic targets in epidemiological surveillance of brucellosis

    The critical structural role of a highly conserved histidine residue in group II amino acid decarboxylases

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    AbstractGlutamate decarboxylase is a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, belonging to the subset of PLP-dependent decarboxylases classified as group II. Site-directed mutagenesis of Escherichia coli glutamate decarboxylase, combined with analysis of the crystal structure, shows that a histidine residue buried in the protein core is critical for correct folding. This histidine is strictly conserved in the PF00282 PFAM family, which includes the group II decarboxylases. A similar role is proposed for residue Ser269, also highly conserved in this group of enzymes, as it provides one of the interactions stabilising His241