25,789 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of the Rise and Decline of Developmental States

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    Based on a classical political economy, on Latin American structuralism, and on Gramscian perspective about the state this paper argues that national economic strategies are formed by particular interactions between institutions and economic structures and evolve according to social conflicts in a non neutral international environment. This idea is explored to interpret the rise of the developmental state in some national development strategies experienced by peripheral countries during the highest convergence period of the Golden Age and its crisis and redefinitions during the greatest divergence phase and neoliberal reforms of the last two decades of the 20th century.Political economy, Developmental state, Economic development

    Good fences make good neighbors: an investigation on the place of law and its limits in the context of the Brazilian private law movement Escola do Direito Civil-Constitucional

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    In this paper, an analysis of Robert Frost’s poem Mending Wall is presented as a hermeneutical key to investigate and criticize two examples of the oblivion of the reasonable distinction and the reasonable relationship between ethics and law proposed by a new Brazilian private law movement called Escola do Direito Civil-Constitucional (The Private-Constitutional School of Thought). Those examples of unreasonable relationship between ethics and law are: 1) the right to be loved and 2) the right to get a private education without paying for it

    Phronesis and the control of public administration acts in brazilian legal system

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    This article considers the Brazilian Legal System and the requirements of an act performed by public administration. To do so, it presents six main chapters. The first one considers Brazilian Constitution as it regards State form, legal and judicial systems. The second chapter presents the public administration stated in the Constitution. The requirements of a public administration act are presented in the third chapter. The improbity law, which determines how public administration acts should be performed, is presented on the fourth chapter. How one of the main judicial courts of Brazil has understood this law is the topic of the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter presents a proposal of how could be Phronesis used to solve misunderstandings about improbity in the Brazilian Legal System

    Temporal recompression through a scattering medium via a broadband transmission matrix

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    The transmission matrix is a unique tool to control light through a scattering medium. A monochromatic transmission matrix does not allow temporal control of broadband light. Conversely, measuring multiple transmission matrices with spectral resolution allows fine temporal control when a pulse is temporally broadened upon multiple scattering, but requires very long measurement time. Here, we show that a single linear operator, measured for a broadband pulse with a co-propagating reference, naturally allows for spatial focusing, and interestingly generates a two-fold temporal recompression at the focus, compared with the natural temporal broadening. This is particularly relevant for non-linear imaging techniques in biological tissues.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Hans Kelsen and the tradition of natural law: why Kelsen’s objections to the natural-law doctrine does not apply against Aquinas’s theory of natural law

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    In his works, Hans Kelsen elaborates several objections to the so-called “doctrine of natural law”, especially in his essay The Natural-Law Doctrine Before the Tribunal of Science. Kelsen argues that natural law theorists, searching for an absolute criterion for justice, try to deduce from nature the rules of human behavior. Robert P. George, in the essay Kelsen and Aquinas on the ‘Natural Law Doctrine’ examines his criticism and concludes that what Kelsen understands as the Natural-law doctrine does not include the natural law theory elaborated by Thomas Aquinas. In this paper, we will try to corroborate George’s theses and try to show how Aquinas’ natural law theory can be vindicated against Kelsens criticisms