1,217 research outputs found

    Advanced superconducting MHD magnet design for a retrofit power plant

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    DC CICC retrofit magnet preliminary design, protection analysis and software development

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    In the past few years, several computer codes have been written for the purpose of analyzing transient recovery and quench in internally-cooled cable-in-conduit superconductors (ICCS). These codes all include a transient, compressible helium flow model. They differ in the dimensionality'' of the models, ranging from one- to three-dimensional finite element modeling of thermal conduction. The code used in this study, Wong's CICC, is a 1-{1/2} D code that models thermal conduction through the insulation of an individual conduit. Until recently, the calibration of CICC was restricted to measurements of helium expulsion in normal conductor. No actual quenches in ICCS coils had been simulated. In the past year, several experiments on ICCS conductors of differing topology have been performed and compared with CICC simulations, with varying success. This paper reports on the capability of CICC to predict and analyze ICCS recovery and quench, and on the code's limitations and need for further improvements

    An Investigation on Cooling of CZT Co-Planar Grid Detectors

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    The effect of moderate cooling on CdZnTe semiconductor detectors has been studied for the COBRA experiment. Improvements in energy resolution and low energy threshold were observed and quantified as a function of temperature. Leakage currents are found to contribute typically ∼\sim5 keV to the widths of photopeaks.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research,

    Large pion pole in Z_{S}^{MOM}/Z_{P}^{MOM} from Wilson action data

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    We show that, contrarily to recent claims, data from the Wilson (unimproved) fermionic action at three different beta values demonstrate the presence of a large Goldstone boson contribution in the quark pseudoscalar vertex, quantitatively close to our previous estimate based on the SW action with c_{SW}=1.769. We show that discretisation errors on Z_{S}^{MOM}/Z_{P}^{MOM} seem to be much smaller than the Goldstone pole contribution over a very large range of momenta. The subtraction of this non perturbative contribution leads to numbers close to one-loop BPT.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, laTeX, minor corrections of typos, beta dependence made more explicit, added one table giving the contribution of the Goldstone vs. the discretisation errors at ap=


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    We make a comprehensive study of H I absorption toward H II regions located within |l| < 10°. Structures in the extreme inner Galaxy are traced using the longitude-velocity space distribution of this absorption. We find significant H I absorption associated with the Near and Far 3 kpc Arms, the Connecting Arm, Bania's Clump 1, and the H I Tilted Disk. We also constrain the line-of-sight distances to H II regions, by using H I absorption spectra together with the H II region velocities measured by radio recombination lines

    Altered functional brain network connectivity and glutamate system function in transgenic mice expressing truncated Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1

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    Considerable evidence implicates DISC1 as a susceptibility gene for multiple psychiatric diseases. DISC1 has been intensively studied at the molecular, cellular and behavioral level, but its role in regulating brain connectivity and brain network function remains unknown. Here, we utilize a set of complementary approaches to assess the functional brain network abnormalities present in mice expressing a truncated Disc1 gene (Disc1tr Hemi mice). Disc1tr Hemi mice exhibited hypometabolism in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and reticular thalamus along with a reorganization of functional brain network connectivity that included compromised hippocampal–PFC connectivity. Altered hippocampal–PFC connectivity in Disc1tr Hemi mice was confirmed by electrophysiological analysis, with Disc1tr Hemi mice showing a reduced probability of presynaptic neurotransmitter release in the monosynaptic glutamatergic hippocampal CA1–PFC projection. Glutamate system dysfunction in Disc1tr Hemi mice was further supported by the attenuated cerebral metabolic response to the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonist ketamine and decreased hippocampal expression of NMDAR subunits 2A and 2B in these animals. These data show that the Disc1 truncation in Disc1tr Hemi mice induces a range of translationally relevant endophenotypes underpinned by glutamate system dysfunction and altered brain connectivity


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    We present parsec-scale resolution observations of the atomic and molecular ISM in two Galactic supershells, GSH 287+04–17 and GSH 277+00+36. Hi synthesis images from the Australia Telescope Compact Array are combined with 12CO(J=1–0) data from the NANTEN telescope to reveal substantial quantities of molecular gas closely associated with both shells. These data allow us to confirm an enhanced level of molecularization over the volumes of both objects, providing the first direct observational evidence of increased molecular cloud production due to the influence of supershells. We find that the atomic shell walls are dominated by cold gas with estimated temperatures and densities of T ∼ 100 K and n0 ∼ 10 cm−3. Locally, the shells show rich substructure in both tracers, with molecular gas seen elongated along the inner edges of the atomic walls, embedded within Hi filaments and clouds, or taking the form of small CO clouds at the tips of tapering atomic ‘fingers’. We discuss these structures in the context of different formation scenarios, suggesting that molecular gas embedded within shell walls is well explained by in-situ formation from the swept up medium, whereas CO seen at the ends of fingers of Hi may trace remnants of molecular clouds that pre-date the shells. A preliminary assessment of star formation activity within the shells confirms ongoing star formation in the molecular gas of both GSH 287+04–17 and GSH 277+00+36

    The Diversity Dividend: does a more diverse and inclusive research community produce better biomedical and health research?

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    Over the past decade, the need for greater diversity and inclusion across research systems has received greater emphasis from policymakers, funders, universities and stakeholders. Strategies in support of diversity and inclusion need to be underpinned by the best available evidence. This short briefing paper is a summary of a larger review carried out by a multidisciplinary team from University of Sheffield of the relationship between a diverse and inclusive biomedical and health research community, and the qualities and impacts of its research
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