34 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of random diffusion flows in two-phase multilayered stochastically nonhomogeneous bodies

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    An approach for studying stochastical diffusion flows of admixture particles in bodies of multiphase randomly nonhomogeneous structures is proposed, according to which initialboundary value problems of diffusion are formulated for flow functions and methods of solution construction are adapted for the formulated problems. By this approach the admixture diffusion flow is investigated in a two-phase multilayered strip for the uniform distribution of phases under conditions of constant flow on the upper surface and zero concentration of admixture on the lower surface. An integro-differential equation equivalent to the original initial-boundary value problem is constructed. Its solution is found in terms of the Neumann series. Calculation formulae are obtained for the diffusion flow averaged over the ensemble of phase configurations under both zero and constant nonzero initial concentrations. Software is developed, a dependence of averaged diffusion flows on the medium characteristics is studied and general regularities of this process are established

    Simulation of diffusion flows in two-phase multilayered stochastically nonhomogeneous bodies with non-uniform distribution of inclusions

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    Admixture diffusion flows are investigated in two-phase randomly nonhomogeneous multilayered strips with non-uniform distributions of inclusions. Cases where the most probable disposition of layered inclusions is located near the body boundary on which the mass source acts in the neighborhood of another boundary and in the middle of the body are considered. The initial-boundary value problem is formulated for the function of random mass flow under conditions of a constant flow on the upper surface and zero concentration of the admixture on the lower surface. Calculation formulae are obtained for the diffusion flow averaged over the ensemble of phase configurations in the particular cases of beta-distribution at zero and nonzero initial concentrations. The dependences of the averaged admixture flows on medium characteristics are established. It is shown that if the admixture diffusion coefficient in inclusions is greater than in the matrix, consolidation of inclusions in the middle of the body leads to an increasing diffusion flow. Simulation of the averaged diffusion flows of the admixture in the multilayered strip is performed for different model variants of a probable disposition of phases in the body and their comparative analysis is carried out

    In Situ Coupling Applied Voltage and Synchrotron Radiation: Operando Characterization of Transistors

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    A compact voltage application setup has been developed for in situ electrical testing of organic field effect transistors in combination with X-ray scattering studies at a synchrotron beamlines. Challenges faced during real condition in-operando test of newly developed OFETs originated an idea of creation of a new setup which excludes number of factors that make experiments complicated. The application of the setup is demonstrated on a prototype of an organic transistors based on α,ω-dihexyl-α-quaterthiophene molecules. The new setup allows to monitor material structural changes by X-ray scattering under applied voltage conditions and their direct correlations. The versatile setup eliminates possible shadowing effects and short circuits due to misalignment of the contacts. The electrical stability of the prototypes was characterized by the application of different voltage values. Corresponding structural changes were monitored by grazing X-ray scattering technique before, during and after the voltage was applied. The selected oligothiophene material with proved transistor properties shows high stability and directional anisotropy under applied voltage conditions. Thanks to a compact and flexible design of the setup, different type of small dimension devices could be studied under external voltage conditions at various synchrotron beamlines

    Strain accommodation in Ga-assisted GaAs nanowires grown on silicon (111)

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    We study the mechanism of lattice parameter accommodation and the structure of GaAs nanowires (NWs) grown on Si(111) substrates using the Ga-assisted growth mode in molecular beam epitaxy. These nanowires grow preferentially in the zincblende structure, but contain inclusions of wurtzite at the base. By means of grazing incidence x-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy of the NW-substrate interface, we show that the lattice mismatch between the NW and the substrate is released immediately after the beginning of NW growth through the inclusion of misfit dislocations, and no pseudomorphic growth is obtained for NW diameters down to 10 nm. NWs with a diameter above 100 nm exhibit a rough interface towards the substrate, preventing complete plastic relaxation. Consequently, these NWs exhibit a residual compressive strain at their bottom. In contrast, NWs with a diameter of 50 nm and below are completely relaxed because the interface is smooth