336 research outputs found

    Failure to progress or just normal? A constructivist grounded theory of physiological plateaus during childbirth

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    Background and problem: During childbirth, one of the most common diagnoses of pathology is ‘failure to progress’, frequently resulting in labour augmentation and intervention cascades. However, failure to progress is poorly defined and evidence suggests that some instances of slowing, stalling and pausing labour patterns may represent physiological plateaus. Aim: To explore how midwives conceptualise physiological plateaus and the significance such plateaus may have for women\u27s labour trajectory and birth outcome. Methods: Twenty midwives across Australia participated in semi-structured interviews between September 2020 and February 2022. Constructivist grounded theory methodology was applied to analyse data, including multi-phasic coding and application of constant comparative methods, resulting in a novel theory of physiological plateaus that is firmly supported by participant data. Findings: This study found that the conceptualisation of plateauing labour depends largely on health professionals’ philosophical assumptions around childbirth. While the Medical Dominant Paradigm frames plateaus as invariably pathological, the Holistic Midwifery Paradigm acknowledges plateaus as a common and valuable element of labour that serves a self-regulatory purpose and results in good birth outcomes for mother and baby. Discussion: Contemporary medicalised approaches in maternity care, which are based on an expectation of continuous labour progress, appear to carry a risk for a misinterpretation of physiological plateaus as pathological. Conclusion: This study challenges the widespread bio-medical conceptualisation of plateauing labour as failure to progress, encourages a renegotiation of what can be considered healthy and normal during childbirth, and provides a stimulus to acknowledge the significance of childbirth philosophy for maternity care practice

    Does midwifery-led care demonstrate care ethics: A template analysis

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    Background: Ethical care in maternity is fundamental to providing care that both prevents harm and does good, and yet, there is growing acknowledgement that disrespect and abuse routinely occur in this context, which indicates that current ethical frameworks are not adequate. Care ethics offers an alternative to the traditional biomedical ethical principles. Research aim: The aim of the study was to determine whether a correlation exists between midwifery-led care and care ethics as an important first step in an action research project. Research design: Template analysis was chosen for this part of the action research. Template analysis is a design that tests theory against empirical data, which requires pre-set codes. Participants and context: A priori codes that represent midwifery-led care were generated by a stakeholder consultative group of nine childbearing women using nominal group technique, collected in Perth, Western Australia. The a priori codes were applied to a predesigned template with four domains of care ethics. Ethical considerations: Ethics approval was granted by the Edith Cowan University research ethics committee REMS no. 2019-00296-Buchanan. Findings: The participants generated eight a priori codes representing ethical midwifery care, such as: 1.1 Relationship with Midwife; 1.2 Woman-centred care; 2.1 Trust women’s bodies and abilities; 2.2. Protect normal physiological birth; 3.1. Information provision; 3.2. Respect autonomy; 4.1. Birth culture of fear (midwifery-led care counter-cultural) and 4.2. Recognition of rite of passage. The a priori codes were mapped to the care ethics template. The template analysis found that midwifery-led care does indeed demonstrate care ethics. Discussion: Care ethics takes into consideration what principle-based bioethics have previously overlooked: relationship, context and power. Conclusion: Midwifery-led care has been determined in this study to demonstrate care ethics, which suggest that further research is defensible with the view that it could be incorporated into the ethical codes and conduct for the midwifery profession

    Referral Criteria to Specialist Palliative Care for People with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Context: People with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) have significant morbidity, yet for many, access to palliative care occurs late, if at all. Objectives: This study sought to examine criteria for referral to specialist palliative care for adults with advanced CKD with a view to improving use of these essential services. Methods: Systematic review of studies detailing referral criteria to palliative care in advanced CKD conducted and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) guideline and registered (PROSPERO: CRD42021230751). Data sources: Electronic databases (Ovid, MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, and PubMed) were used to identify potential studies, which were subjected to double review, data extraction, thematic coding, and descriptive analyses. Results: Searches yielded 650 unique titles ultimately resulting in 56 studies addressing referral criteria to specialist palliative care in advanced CKD. Of 10 categories of referral criteria, most commonly discussed were: Critical times of treatment decision making (n = 23, 41%); physical or emotional symptoms (n = 22, 39%); limited prognosis (n = 18, 32%); patient age and comorbidities (n = 18, 32%); category of CKD/ biochemical criteria (n = 13, 23%); functional decline (n = 13, 23); psychosocial needs (n = 9, 16%); future care planning (n = 9, 16%); anticipated decline in illness course (n = 8, 14%); and hospital use (n = 8, 14%). Conclusion: Clinicians consider referral to specialist palliative care for a wide range of reasons, with many related to care needs. As palliative care continues to integrate with nephrology, our findings represent a key step towards developing consensus criteria to standardize referral for patients with chronic kidney diseases

    MicroGrid Resilience-Oriented Scheduling:A Robust MISOCP Model

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    This article introduces a Robust Mixed-Integer Second Order Cone Programming (R-MISOCP) model for the resilience-oriented optimal scheduling of microgrids (MGs). This is developed for MGs that are islanded due to a scheduled interruption from the main grid, where minimizing both operational costs and load shedding is critical. The model introduced presents two main benefits. Firstly, an accurate second order cone power flow model (SOC-PF) is used, which ensures global optimality. Through a comparison with a piecewise linear power flow model on a modified IEEE 33 bus network, it is demonstrated that failure to accurately model power flow equations, can result in a significant underestimation of the operational cost of almost 12%. Secondly, uncertainty is modelled using a robust approach which allows trade-offs between the uncertainty that a MG operator is willing to tolerate, and performance. In this article, performance criteria considered are operational cost and load shedding. Market price, demand, renewable generation and islanding duration are considered as uncertain variables. Results show that by controlling the budget of uncertainty, the MG operator can achieve an almost 20% reduction in the operating cost, compared to a fully robust schedule, while achieving 0% probability of shedding more demand than expected

    Supportive Care: Economic Considerations in Advanced Kidney Disease

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    Kidney supportive care describes multiple interventions for patients with advanced CKD that focus on improving the quality of life and addressing what matters most to patients. This includes shared decision making and aligning treatment plans with patient goals through advance care planning and providing relief from pain and other distressing symptoms. Kidney supportive care is an essential component of quality care throughout the illness trajectory. However, in the context of limited health care resources, evidence of its cost-effectiveness is required to support decisions regarding appropriate resource allocation. We review the literature and outline the evidence gaps and particular issues associated with measuring the costs, benefits, and cost-effectiveness of kidney supportive care. We find evidence that the dominant evaluative framework of a cost per quality–adjusted life year may not be suitable for evaluations in this context and that relevant outcomes may include broader measures of patient wellbeing, having care aligned with treatment preferences, and family satisfaction with the end of life care experience. To improve the evidence base for the cost-effectiveness of kidney supportive care, large prospective cohort studies are recommended to collect data on both resource use and health outcomes and should include patients who receive conservative kidney management without dialysis. Linkage to administrative datasets, such as Medicare, Hospital Episode Statistics, and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for prescribed medicines, can provide a detailed estimate of publicly funded resource use and reduce the burden of data collection for patients and families. Longitudinal collection of quality of life and functional status should be added to existing cohort or kidney registry studies. Interventions that improve health outcomes for people with advanced CKD, such as kidney supportive care, not only have the potential to improve quality of life, but also may reduce the high costs associated with unwanted hospitalization and intensive medical treatments

    Time to improve informed consent for dialysis: an international perspective

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    The literature reveals that current nephrology practice in obtaining informed consent for dialysis falls short of ethical and legal requirements. Meeting these requirements represents a significant challenge, especially because the benefits and risks of dialysis have shifted significantly with the growing number of older, comorbid patients. The importance of informed consent for dialysis is heightened by several concerns, including: (1) the proportion of predialysis patients and patients on dialysis who lack capacity in decision making and (2) whether older, comorbid, and frail patients understand their poor prognosis and the full implications to their independence and functional status of being on dialysis. This article outlines the ethical and legal requirements for a valid informed consent to dialysis: (1) the patient was competent, (2) the consent was made voluntarily, and (3) the patient was given sufficient information in an understandable manner to make the decision. It then considers the application of these requirements to practice across different countries. In the process of informed consent, the law requires a discussion by the physician of the material risks associated with dialysis and alternative options. We argue that, legally and ethically, this discussion should include both the anticipated trajectory of the illness and the effect on the life of the patient with particular regard to the outcomes most important to the individual. In addition, a discussion should occur about the option of a conservative, nondialysis pathway. These requirements ensure that the ethical principle of respect for patient autonomy is honored in the context of dialysis. Nephrologists need to be open to, comfortable with, and skillful in communicating this information. From these clear, open, ethically, and legally valid consent discussions, a significant dividend will hopefully flow for patients, families, and nephrologists alike

    Bronchiectasis Rheumatoid Overlap Syndrome Is an Independent Risk Factor for Mortality in Patients With Bronchiectasis:A Multicenter Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: This study assessed if bronchiectasis (BR) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), when manifesting as an overlap syndrome (BROS), were associated with worse outcomes than other BR etiologies applying the Bronchiectasis Severity Index (BSI). METHODS: Data were collected from the BSI databases of 1,716 adult patients with BR across six centers: Edinburgh, United Kingdom (608 patients); Dundee, United Kingdom (n = 286); Leuven, Belgium (n = 253); Monza, Italy (n = 201); Galway, Ireland (n = 242); and Newcastle, United Kingdom (n = 126). Patients were categorized as having BROS (those with RA and BR without interstitial lung disease), idiopathic BR, bronchiectasis-COPD overlap syndrome (BCOS), and "other" BR etiologies. Mortality rates, hospitalization, and exacerbation frequency were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 147 patients with BROS (8.5% of the cohort) were identified. There was a statistically significant relationship between BROS and mortality, although this relationship was not associated with higher rates of BR exacerbations or BR-related hospitalizations. The mortality rate over a mean of 48 months was 9.3% for idiopathic BR, 8.6% in patients with other causes of BR, 18% for RA, and 28.5% for BCOS. Mortality was statistically higher in patients with BROS and BCOS compared with those with all other etiologies. The BSI scores were statistically but not clinically significantly higher in those with BROS compared with those with idiopathic BR (BSI mean, 7.7 vs 7.1, respectively; P < .05). Patients with BCOS had significantly higher BSI scores (mean, 10.4), Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization rates (24%), and previous hospitalization rates (58%). CONCLUSIONS: Both the BROS and BCOS groups have an excess of mortality. The mechanisms for this finding may be complex, but these data emphasize that these subgroups require additional study to understand this excess mortality

    Partnership-building considerations for implementation science in learning health systems: a case study of the Implementation Science Collaborative in Alberta, Canada

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    IntroductionImplementation of health innovations is inherently collaborative, requiring trans-sectoral partnerships between implementation researchers, innovation teams, and implementation practitioners. Implementation science has been shown to improve implementation successes; however, challenges that hinder partnerships to advance implementation science continue to persist. Using a whole-system approach to assess and respond to implementation science partnership barriers may shed light on effective responses.MethodsWe conducted a case study of Alberta's learning health system, using semi-structured group and individual interviews to create a nuanced understanding of the considerations required for implementation research collaborations. We interviewed 53 participants representing 21 offices in the health system, academia, professional associations, and government who regularly plan, evaluate, and/or study health system implementation initiatives in Alberta. Using the Partnership Model for Research Capacity Building, we identified current facilitators and challenges for partnerships for conducting and using implementation science, at different levels of Alberta's health-research ecosystem.ResultsAlberta's healthcare system is well set up to readily embed intervention effectiveness and efficacy research. Infrastructure was also in place to strengthen implementation practice. However, weaknesses around exchanging knowledge and skills, providing feedback and mentoring, and accommodating diversity affected the ability of both individuals and teams to build implementation science capacity. Without this capacity, teams could not participate in embedded implementation research collaborations. We report the response of the Alberta Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research SUPPORT Unit to these barriers to provide practical guidance on various program options to strengthen individual- and organization-level implementation science capacity.DiscussionThis study applied a whole-system approach to assess factors across Alberta's health-research ecosystem, which affect partnerships to advance implementation science. Our findings illustrated that partnership considerations go beyond interpersonal factors and include system-wide considerations. With the results, health organization leaders have (1) a method for assessing organizational capability to readily embed implementation research and (2) a catalog of potential responses to create conditions to readily engage with implementation science in their day-to-day implementation processes

    Managing the symptom burden associated with maintenance dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference

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    Individuals with kidney failure undergoing maintenance dialysis frequently report a high symptom burden that can interfere with functioning and diminish life satisfaction. Until recently, the focus of nephrology care for dialysis patients has been related primarily to numerical targets for laboratory measures, and outcomes such as cardiovascular disease and mortality. Routine symptom assessment is not universal or standardized in dialysis care. Even when symptoms are identified, treatment options are limited and are initiated infrequently, in part because of a paucity of evidence in the dialysis population and the complexities of medication interactions in kidney failure. In May of 2022, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) held a Controversies Conference-Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis-to identify the optimal means for diagnosing and managing symptom-based complications in patients undergoing maintenance dialysis. Participants included patients, physicians, behavioral therapists, nurses, pharmacists, and clinical researchers. They outlined foundational principles and consensus points related to identifying and addressing symptoms experienced by patients undergoing dialysis and described gaps in the knowledge base and priorities for research. Healthcare delivery and education systems have a responsibility to provide individualized symptom assessment and management. Nephrology teams should take the lead in symptom management, although this does not necessarily mean taking ownership of all aspects of care. Even when options for clinical response are limited, clinicians should focus on acknowledging, prioritizing, and managing symptoms that are most important to individual patients. A recognized factor in the initiation and implementation of improvements in symptom assessment and management is that they will be based on locally existing needs and resources
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