76,731 research outputs found

    Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action

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    This paper is organized into two parts -- Strategic Voice and Tactical Agency. Strategic Voice argues that problems of race in policing cannot be resolved by the police alone. Other people must help by understanding and ameliorating the social conditions that cause race to be associated with crime and hence become a dilemma for American policing. Rather than accepting these conditions as givens, police leaders with their powerful collective voice should actively call attention to what needs to be changed. Tactical Agency outlines what the police can do on their own initiative to deal with the operational dilemmas of race -- in the communities they serve and in their own organizations

    Adolescent Self-Disclosure and Loneliness: Private Self-Consciousness and Parental Influences

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    Using structural equation techniques, we tested a theoretical model designed to describe the causal relations existing among loneliness, self-disclosure to peers and parents, and specific antecedent variables. Participants were 350 high-school students who answered questions concerning themselves and their interpersonal relationships. Results generally indicated a good fit between the theoretical model and the observed relations. In addition to replicating the findings of previous studies concerning the relation between self-disclosure and loneliness, results also indicated an indirect relation between private self-consciousness and loneliness via peer self-disclosure; that is, high private self-conscious adolescents\u27 greater willingness to self-disclose to peers resulted in their feeling less lonely. Results are discussed in terms of current theory in related fields

    Adolescent Loneliness, Self-Disclosure, and Private Self-Consciousness: A Longitudinal Investigation

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    Examined the causal relations that exist among loneliness, self-disclosure, and private self-consciousness, building on an earlier study by S. L. Franzoi and M. H. Davis (see record 1985-19892-001). Using structural equation techniques and a longitudinal design, a theoretical model that links these variables was tested with 332 high school students. Results indicate a good fit between the theoretical model and the observed relations. Evidence concerning 2 alternative interpretations of the original Franzoi and Davis study is provided. First, the original hypothesis that private self-consciousness leads to greater self-disclosure to peers is supported, but no support for the alternative view that such disclosure in turn increases private self-consciousness is provided. Second, the original hypothesis that greater self-disclosure reduces loneliness and the alternative view that greater loneliness reduces self-disclosure receive some support from the data. The difficulty in obtaining significant longitudinal paths (from Year 1 to Year 2) suggests that the time lags in the variables\u27 effects on one another are relatively short

    A rocket-borne data-manipulation experiment using a microprocessor

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    The development of a data-manipulation experiment using a Z-80 microprocessor is described. The instrumentation is included in the payloads of two Nike Apache sounding rockets used in an investigation of energetic particle fluxes. The data from an array of solid-state detectors and an electrostatic analyzer is processed to give the energy spectrum as a function of pitch angle. The experiment performed well in its first flight test: Nike Apache 14.543 was launched from Wallops Island at 2315 EST on 19 June 1978. The system was designed to be easily adaptable to other data-manipulation requirements and some suggestions for further development are included

    Daze fasteners

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    A daze fastener system for connecting two or more structural elements wherein the structural elements and fastener parts have substantially different coefficient of thermal expansion physical property characteristics is employed in this invention. By providing frusto-conical abutting surfaces between the structural elements and fastener parts any differences in thermal expansion/contraction between the parts is translated to sliding motion and avoids deleterious thermal stresses in the connection. An essential feature for isotropic homogeneous material connections is that at least two sets of mating surfaces are required wherein each set of mating surfaces have line element extensions that pass through a common point

    Study of inducer load and stress Interim report, 15 Feb. 1968 - 15 Oct. 1968

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    Literature survey, analytic formulations, and test rig designs for cavitating inducers in rocket engine turbopump

    The Effects of Private Self-Consciousness and Perspective Taking on Satisfaction in Close Relationships.

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    131 heterosexual student couples, aged 17–32 yrs, 30 of whom were married or engaged answered questions concerning themselves and their relationships. It was predicted that individual differences in private self-consciousness would be positively related to relationship satisfaction because of the greater self-disclosure resulting from that heightened self-attention. It was further predicted that individual differences in perspective taking would foster relationship satisfaction, independent of any influence of self-disclosure. Both expectations were confirmed. Scores on the private self-consciousness scale were predictive of reported self-disclosure, and self-disclosure was predictive of satisfaction in the relationship. Once the influence of self-disclosure was removed, no effect of self-consciousness on satisfaction remained. In contrast, after disclosure was controlled, perspective-taking scores were significantly related to satisfaction and were in fact unrelated to disclosure at all. Findings indicate that 2 personality characteristics having to do with habitual attention to behavioral tendencies, emotions, and motivations significantly enhance the quality of close heterosexual relationships in different ways

    Chiral approach to antikaon s- and p-wave interactions in dense nuclear matter

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    The properties of the antikaons in nuclear matter are investigated from a chiral unitary approach which incorporates the s- and p-waves of the KˉN{\bar K}N interaction. To obtain the in-medium meson-baryon amplitudes we include, in a self-consistent way, Pauli blocking effects, meson self-energies corrected by nuclear short-range correlations and baryon binding potentials. We pay special attention to investigating the validity of the on-shell factorization, showing that it cannot be applied in the evaluation of the in-medium corrections to the p-wave amplitudes. In nuclear matter at saturation energy, the Λ\Lambda and Σ\Sigma develop an attractive potential of about -30 MeV, while the Σ\Sigma^* pole remains at the free space value although its width gets sensibly increased to about 80 MeV. The antikaon also develops a moderate attraction that does not support the existence of very deep and narrow bound states, confirming the findings of previous self-consistent calculations.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, published in Physical Review

    Daze fasteners

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    A daze fastener system for connecting two or more structural elements wherein the structural elements and fastener parts have substantially different coefficient of thermal expansion physical property characteristics is employed in this invention. By providing frusto-conical abutting surfaces between the structural elements and fastener parts any differences in thermal expansion/contraction between the parts is translated to sliding motion and avoids deleterious thermal stresses in the connection. An essential feature for isotropic homogeneous material connections is that at least two sets of mating surfaces are required wherein each set of mating surfaces has line element extensions that pass through a common point

    Two Social Worlds: Social Correlates and Stability of Adolescent Status Groups

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    Examined adolescents\u27 peer group status in high school using self-report, peer nominations, and archival data collected during 2 consecutive school yrs. 408 students participated in the 1st yr, and 404 students participated in the 2nd yr. 60% of the 2nd yr Ss had also participated in the 1st yr. Higher status students (popular and controversial) had more close friends, engaged more frequently in peer activities, and self-disclosed more than lower status students (rejected and neglected). They were also more involved in extracurricular school activities and received more social honors from their schoolmates. Although the higher status students were more alike than different, controversial adolescents did report more self-disclosure and dating behavior than popular students. Lower status students were also highly similar, although rejected students reported lower grades