4,134 research outputs found

    Zeolite phi: a physical mixture of chabazite and offretite

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    Zeolite Phi is synthesized by two methods reported previously. Results from X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy suggest that the materials are physical mixtures of chabazite and offretite; one sample has a small amount of phillipsite. The X-ray powder diffraction data from these samples, and those reported previously, are indexed and their unit-cell parameters compare well to those obtained from a physical mixture of chabazite and offretite. These samples show multiple particle morphologies that are indicative of physical mixtures. Zeolite Phi is concluded to be a physical mixture of chabazite and offretite and we suggest that the use of the name zeolite Phi be discontinued

    Extreme scattering events and Galactic dark matter

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    Extreme Scattering Events (ESEs) are attributed to radio-wave refraction by a cloud of free-electrons crossing the line-of-sight. We present a new model in which these electrons form the photo-ionized 'skin' of an underlying cool, self-gravitating cloud in the Galactic halo. In this way we avoid the severe over-pressure problem which afflicts other models. The UV flux in the Galactic halo naturally generates electron densities of the right order. We demonstrate, for the first time, a good reproduction of the prototypical ESE in the quasar 0954+658. The neutral clouds are a few AU in radius and have masses less than about 10^{-3} solar. The observed rate of ESEs implies that a large fraction of the mass of the Galaxy is in this form.Comment: 5 pp incl 3 figs, LaTeX, uses aas2pp4.sty. Minor revisions. ApJ Letters in pres

    The Extreme Spin of the Black Hole in Cygnus X-1

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    The compact primary in the X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 was the first black hole to be established via dynamical observations. We have recently determined accurate values for its mass and distance, and for the orbital inclination angle of the binary. Building on these results, which are based on our favored (asynchronous) dynamical model, we have measured the radius of the inner edge of the black hole's accretion disk by fitting its thermal continuum spectrum to a fully relativistic model of a thin accretion disk. Assuming that the spin axis of the black hole is aligned with the orbital angular momentum vector, we have determined that Cygnus X-1 contains a near-extreme Kerr black hole with a spin parameter a/M>0.95 (3\sigma). For a less probable (synchronous) dynamical model, we find a/M>0.92 (3\sigma). In our analysis, we include the uncertainties in black hole mass, orbital inclination angle and distance, and we also include the uncertainty in the calibration of the absolute flux via the Crab. These four sources of uncertainty totally dominate the error budget. The uncertainties introduced by the thin-disk model we employ are particularly small in this case given the extreme spin of the black hole and the disk's low luminosity.Comment: Paper III of three papers on Cygnus X-1; 21 pages including 5 figures and 12 tables, ApJ in press. The paper is significantly restructured; two further tests of the robustness of our spin measurement are presented, and our error analysis has been substantially improved; the conclusions are unchange

    High-Resolution Monitoring for Thermal Remediation Optimization

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    Abstract is in response to call for abstracts for Battelle Chlorinated Solvent Conference. The abstract discusses how we conducted high-resolution monitoring for thermal remediation optimization

    The Effects of Different Levels of Ambient Oxygen in an Oxygen-Enriched Surgical Environment and Production of Surgical Fires

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    Surgical fires require an oxygen-enriched environment, a flammable substrate, and an ignition source. We hypothesized ambient oxygen concentration is proportional to the latency time to combustion and the incidence of surgical fires that are detected. We examined latency time and number of events, utilizing the VanCleave et al model of intraoral fire ignition under 60, 80, and 100% oxygen concentration and flow rates of 4 and 10 L/min. Results demonstrated that ambient oxygen concentration and flow rate correlated positively to the initiation of combustion. The number of combustion events with 60% oxygen was significantly lower than with both 80% ( p = .0168) and 100% ( p = .002). Likewise, the number of events with 80% oxygen was significantly lower than with 100% oxygen ( p = .0019). Flow rate has a significant effect on the time to the first event ( p = .0002), time to first audible pop ( p = .0039), and time to first flash or fire ( p < .0001). No combustion occurred at oxygen concentrations less than 60% or flows less than 4 L/min. We conclude that latency time to combustion is directly proportional to ambient oxygen concentration and flow rate. Minimum oxygen concentration and flow rate were identified in our model. Further research is indicated to determine the minimal clinical oxygen concentration and flow rate needed to support combustion of an intraoral fire in a patient

    Challenges of and Insights into Acid-Catalyzed Transformations of Sugars

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    The selective transformation of hexose and pentose sugars to intermediate platform chemicals, such as furans, is an essential step in the conversion of cellulosic and hemicellulosic biomass to biofuels and biochemicals. Yet, many challenges in achieving commercially viable processes remain. In this feature article, we outline challenges that need to be overcome to enable these transformations. Then, we present the newly introduced acid-catalyzed isomerization of aldose sugars to ketose sugars via a class of solid Lewis acid catalysts (e.g., Sn-Beta, Ti-Beta). We elucidate mechanistic insights arising from subnanometer cooperativity and solvent effects that can be controlled to tune reaction pathways and selectivity and draw parallels between heterogeneous and homogeneous Lewis acid catalysts. Subsequently, we discuss fructose dehydration to 5-hydroxyl-methylfurfural (HMF) via homogeneous and heterogeneous Brønsted acid-catalyzed chemistry. We show how fundamental insights arising from the combination of kinetics, spectroscopy, and multiscale simulations rationalize the improved yield of HMF in water–organic cosolvents. The stability of heterogeneous Lewis acid catalysts under low pH enables tandem Brønsted and Lewis acid-catalyzed reactions in a single pot that overcomes equilibrium limitations and gives a high HMF yield starting from sugar raw materials. Additionally, we provide an overview of multicomponent adsorption of biomass derivatives from solution in microporous materials and discuss how structure–property relations can lead to superior micro- and micromesoporous carbon adsorbents for reactive adsorption toward high HMF yield. Finally, we provide an outlook for the field
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