2,440 research outputs found

    On-line process analysis innovation: DiComp (tm) shunting dielectric sensor technology

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    The DiComp Shunting Dielectric Sensor (SDS) is a new patent-pending technology developed under the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) for NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The incorporation of a shunt electrode into a conventional fringing field dielectric sensor makes the SDS uniquely sensitive to changes in material dielectric properties in the KHz to MHz range which were previously detectable only at GHz measurement frequencies. The initial NASA application of the SDS for Nutrient Delivery Control has demonstrated SDS capabilities for thickness and concentration measurement of Hoagland nutrient solutions. The commercial introduction of DiComp SDS technology for concentration and percent solids measurements in dispersions, emulsions and solutions represents a new technology for process measurements for liquids in a variety of industries

    Cultural assimilation in Njals saga

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    My ambition in this essay is to explore more deeply the final fraught stages in the dynamic assimilation between Lonnroth's two systems of medieval Icelandic literary culture, between the one system dominated by the most prestigious narrative complex in clerical education and ideology--the Bible and its dependent vitae sanctorum--and the other system first generated within the matrix of pre-Christian Norse mythology. More specifically, I intend to argue that the most potent, but subtle and ramifying, issue at the heart of the greatest of the Icelandic family sagas, Njals saga, is that between two competing systems of eventuality, two opposed formulations of what Joseph Harris has called the "plot of history" (1986:202, 213; 1974:264).Not

    Wetland Bird Abundance and Safety Implications for Military Aircraft Operations

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    Wetlands with associated avifauna can pose a substantial hazard to aviation safety, potentially increasing bird–aircraft collision (strike) risk when located near air operations areas.We modeled year-round use by wetland avifauna of Drummond Flats Wildlife Management Area (Drummond Flats), a wetland complex located within 10 km of Vance Air Force Base (AFB), Enid, Oklahoma, USA. Our objectives were to 1) quantify seasonal avifauna abundances at Drummond Flats; 2) test a priori models reflecting use by bird species recognized as hazardous to aviation safety relative to environmental factors including flooded wetland habitat and vegetation cover; 3) use these models to predict maximal expected abundances of wetland avifauna during flood conditions; and 4) compare our findings with reported bird strikes at Vance AFB. Drought conditions influenced avian use during our study. Of the species expected to respond predictably to flooded wetland habitat, only ducks (Anatinae) occurred in numbers conducive to modeling. Using zeroinflated Poisson models, we found that duck abundance was positively associated with permanent wetland habitat type and, excluding winter, available habitat area (i.e., standing water); whereas, \u3e50% vegetation cover was negatively correlated with abundance. No model predicted \u3e97.2 ducks/ha for any habitat type, except during winter. Our models also identified potential peaks in abundance not evident from raw count data, emphasizing the benefits of this approach. Identifying factors driving abundances also enables targeted management of hazardous species. Further, we found double-sampling to be a practical method for assessing detection bias during avian surveys at wetlands. Restricting to obligate wetland species associated with Drummond Flats, we found 1 strike/184,212 flight-hours, which was an order of magnitude lower than the average for U.S. civil aircraft (1990–2014). Thus, under drought conditions, bird use of Drummond Flats likely did not elevate strike risk for Vance AFB aircraft operations. Published 2017. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the US

    Cabbage pest management

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    "In Missouri, about 600 acres of cabbage and 200 acres of broccoli, cauliflower, and collards are planted each year. The majority of this acreage is in commercial production in the St. Louis and Bootheel areas. Small truck farms and home gardens produce cabbage and related cole crops throughout the state."--First page.James R. Davis, K.D. Biever, W.S. Craig, and M.L. Fairchild (Department of Entomology)New 8/85/6

    Comparison of Dog Surveys and Fall Covey Surveys in Estimating Fall Population Trends of Northern Bobwhite

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    The use of fall covey surveys to monitor population trends for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter bobwhite) have been widely used in bobwhite research. Estimates of relative abundance from this monitoring technique are often important in assessing population responses to management practices or annual variation. However, conducting covey call surveys is labor intensive and typically can only be conducted during a narrow time frame. The use of dogs as a research tool may offer an efficient alternative to monitor bobwhite population trends. While dogs have been used in research for many other gallinaceous species, their application for bobwhite has received minimal research. To compare traditional and novel (dog) methods for both relative population abundance and density estimation, we conducted covey call surveys (50 points) and dog transects (32 km) during the fall (Sep-Oct) season from 2012-2014 at Beaver River WMA, Beaver County, Oklahoma, USA. A total of 306 detections were observed through fall covey count surveys, while only 44 detections were observed through dog transect surveys. Fall covey surveys yielded indices of 1.45, 2.04, and 3.21 detections per point count during 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. Dog transects yielded 0.23, 0.34, and 0.67 detections per km during 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. A Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.996 indicated high correlation between indices estimated between both survey methods. However, the low sample size for detections during dog surveys precluded any analysis that would yield bobwhite density estimates. Our results indicate that dog transects can be a method for estimating abundance indices for bobwhite. However, if estimates of bobwhite densities are of interest, then use of dog transect surveys are not recommended as only under high quail densities or with high observer efforts do enough detections accumulate for robust density estimation unless large effort is expended

    Industrial policy change in the post-crisis British economy: policy innovation in an incomplete institutional and ideational environment

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    Industrial policy rarely features in analysis of post-crisis economic policy change in Britain, despite manufacturing featuring centrally in the 'rebalancing' narrative espoused by elites since 2008. The article seeks to interrogate the character of recent governments' approaches to industrial policy and manufacturing industries. It does so through the prism of Peter Hall's 'three orders of policy change' framework, with particular reference to its application to macroprudential regulation by Andrew Baker. The article argues that the framework must be furnished with additional variables, namely, the type of institutional arrangements related to the policy area, and the status of the associated economic activities within the wider growth model, in order to better understand how ideas, institutions and interests interact in processes of policy change. The article finds little evidence of a 'paradigm shift' and suggests that innovations in industrial policy have served to reinforce the foundational assumptions of the British growth model

    In Memory of Roderick Glen Ayers, Jr. (1947–2017), Professor of Law, St. Mary\u27s University School of Law

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    On September 27, 2017, Glen Ayers, a former professor at St. Mary’s School of Law, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. Two St. Mary\u27s alumni—Bankruptcy Judge Craig A. Gargotta (1989) and William R. “Dick” Davis, Jr. (1983)—have provided this tribute to an icon of San Antonio’s bankruptcy bar

    A new era of wide-field submillimetre imaging: on-sky performance of SCUBA-2

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    SCUBA-2 is the largest submillimetre wide-field bolometric camera ever built. This 43 square arc-minute field-of-view instrument operates at two wavelengths (850 and 450 microns) and has been installed on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. SCUBA-2 has been successfully commissioned and operational for general science since October 2011. This paper presents an overview of the on-sky performance of the instrument during and since commissioning in mid-2011. The on-sky noise characteristics and NEPs of the 450 and 850 micron arrays, with average yields of approximately 3400 bolometers at each wavelength, will be shown. The observing modes of the instrument and the on-sky calibration techniques are described. The culmination of these efforts has resulted in a scientifically powerful mapping camera with sensitivities that allow a square degree of sky to be mapped to 10 mJy/beam rms at 850 micron in 2 hours and 60 mJy/beam rms at 450 micron in 5 hours in the best weather.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures.SPIE Conference series 8452, Millimetre, Submillimetre and Far-infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI 201
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