33,973 research outputs found

    The quenching of star formation in accretion-driven clumpy turbulent tori of active galactic nuclei

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    Galactic gas-gas collisions involving a turbulent multiphase ISM share common ISM properties: dense extraplanar gas visible in CO, large linewidths (>= 50 km/s), strong mid-infrared H_2 line emission, low star formation activity, and strong radio continuum emission. Gas-gas collisions can occur in the form of ICM ram pressure stripping, galaxy head-on collisions, compression of the intragroup gas and/or galaxy ISM by an intruder galaxy which flies through the galaxy group at a high velocity, or external gas accretion on an existing gas torus in a galactic center. We suggest that the common theme of all these gas-gas interactions is adiabatic compression of the ISM leading to an increase of the turbulent velocity dispersion of the gas. The turbulent gas clouds are then overpressured and star formation is quenched. Within this scenario we developed a model for turbulent clumpy gas disks where the energy to drive turbulence is supplied by external infall or the gain of potential energy by radial gas accretion within the disk. The cloud size is determined by the size of a C-type shock propagating in dense molecular clouds with a low ionization fraction at a given velocity dispersion. We give expressions for the expected volume and area filling factors, mass, density, column density, and velocity dispersion of the clouds. The latter is based on scaling relations of intermittent turbulence whose open parameters are estimated for the CND in the Galactic Center. The properties of the model gas clouds and the external mass accretion rate necessary for the quenching of the star formation rate due to adiabatic compression are consistent with those derived from high-resolution H_2 line observations. Based on these findings, a scenario for the evolution of gas tori in galactic centers is proposed and the implications for star formation in the Galactic Center are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication by A&

    Star Formation and Dynamics in the nuclei of AGN

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    Using adaptive optics on Keck and the VLT in the H- and K-bands, we have begun a project to probe the dynamics and star formation around AGN on scales of 0.1arcsec. The stellar content of the nucleus is traced through the 2.29micron CO2-0 and 1.62micron CO6-3 absorption bandheads. These features are directly spatially resolved, allowing us to measure the extent and distribution of the nuclear star forming region. The dynamics are traced through the 2.12micron H_2 1-0S(1) and 1.64micron [FeII] emission lines, as well as stellar absorption features. Matching disk models to the rotation curves at various position angles allows us to determine the mass of the stellar and gas components, and constrain the mass of the central black hole. In this contribution we summarise results for the two type~1 AGN Mkn231 and NGC7469.Comment: contribution to "The interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", March 200

    How effective is harassment on infalling late-type dwarfs?

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    A new harassment model is presented that models the complex, and dynamical tidal field of a Virgo like galaxy cluster. The model is applied to small, late-type dwarf disc galaxies (of substantially lower mass than in previous harassment simulations) as they infall into the cluster from the outskirts. These dwarf galaxies are only mildly affected by high speed tidal encounters with little or no observable consequences; typical stellar losses are <10%<10\%, producing very low surface brightness streams (μB>31\mu_B > 31 mag arcsec−2^{-2}), and a factor of two drop in dynamical mass-to-light ratio. Final stellar discs remain disc-like, and dominated by rotation although often with tidally induced spiral structure. By means of Monte-Carlo simulations, the statistically likely influences of harassment on infalling dwarf galaxies are determined. The effects of harassment are found to be highly dependent on the orbit of the galaxy within the cluster, such that newly accreted dwarf galaxies typically suffer only mild harassment. Strong tidal encounters, that can morphologically transform discs into spheroidals, are rare occurring in <15%<15 \% of dwarf galaxy infalls for typical orbits of sub-structure within Λ\LambdaCDM cluster mass halos. For orbits with small apocentric distances (<<250 kpc), harassment is significantly stronger resulting in complete disruption or heavy mass loss (>90%>90 \% dark matter and >50%> 50 \% stellar), however, such orbits are expected to be highly improbable for newly infalling galaxies due to the deep potential well of the cluster.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    The existence and detection of optically dark galaxies by 21cm surveys

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    One explanation for the disparity between Cold Dark Matter (CDM) predictions of galaxy numbers and observations could be that there are numerous dark galaxies in the Universe. These galaxies may still contain baryons, but no stars, and may be detectable in the 21cm line of atomic hydrogen. The results of surveys for such objects, and simulations that do/do not predict their existence, are controversial. In this paper we use an analytical model of galaxy formation, consistent with CDM, to firstly show that dark galaxies are certainly a prediction of the model. Secondly, we show that objects like VIRGOHI21, a dark galaxy candidate recently discovered by us, while rare are predicted by the model. Thirdly, we show that previous 'blind' HI surveys have placed few constraints on the existence of dark galaxies. This is because they have either lacked the sensitivity and/or velocity resolution or have not had the required detailed optical follow up. We look forward to new 21cm blind surveys (ALFALFA and AGES) using the Arecibo multi-beam instrument which should find large numbers of dark galaxies if they exist

    A method to remove residual OH emission from near infrared spectra

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    I present a technique to remove the residual OH airglow emission from near infrared spectra. Historically, the need to subtract out the strong and variable OH airglow emission lines from 1-2.5um spectra has imposed severe restrictions on observational strategy. For integral field spectroscopy, where the field of view is limited, the standard technique is to observe blank sky frames at regular intervals. However, even this does not usually provide sufficient compensation if individual exposure times are longer than 2-3minutes due to (1) changes in the absolute flux of the OH lines, (2) variations in flux among the individual OH lines, and (3) effects of instrumental flexure which can lead to `P-Cygni' type residuals. The data processing method presented here takes all of these effects into account and serendipitously also improves background subtraction between the OH lines. It allows one, in principle, to use sky frames taken hours or days previously so that observations can be performed in a quasi-stare mode. As a result, the observing efficiency (i.e. fraction of time spent on a source) at the telescope can be dramatically increased.Comment: MNRAS, accepted; 8 pages, with 8 figure

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey VII : A Dense Filament With Extremely Long HI Streams

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    We present completed observations of the NGC 7448 galaxy group and background volume as part of the blind neutral hydrogen Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES). Our observations cover a region spanning 5x4 degrees, over a redshift range of approximately -2,000 < cz < 20,000 km/s. A total of 334 objects are detected, mostly in three overdensities at cz ∼\sim7,500, cz ∼\sim9,600 and cz ∼\sim 11,400 km/s. The galaxy density is extremely high (15 per square degree) and many (∼\sim24%) show signs of extended HI emission, including some features as much as 800 kpc in projected length. We describe the overall characteristics of this environment : kinematics, typical galaxy colours and mass to light ratios, and substructure. To aid in the cataloguing of this data set, we present a new FITS viewer (FRELLED : Fits Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension). This incorporates interactive source cataloguing tools which increase our source extraction speed by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Early-type Galaxies in the Cluster Abell 2390 at z=0.23

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    To examine the evolution of the early-type galaxy population in the rich cluster Abell 2390 at z=0.23 we have gained spectroscopic data of 51 elliptical and lenticular galaxies with MOSCA at the 3.5 m telescope on Calar Alto Observatory. This investigation spans both a broad range in luminosity (-19.3>M_B>-22.3) and uses a wide field of view of 10'x10', therefore the environmental dependence of different formation scenarios can be analysed in detail as a function of radius from the cluster centre. Here we present results on the surface brightness modelling of galaxies where morphological and structural information is available in the F814W filter aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and investigate for this subsample the evolution of the Fundamental Plane.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in "Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 3: Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution", ed. J. S. Mulchaey, A. Dressler, and A. Oemler (Pasadena: Carnegie Observatories, http://www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia/series/symposium3/proceedings.html

    The supermassive black hole in NGC4486a detected with SINFONI at the VLT

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    The near-infrared integral field spectrograph SINFONI at the ESO VLT opens a new window for the study of central supermassive black holes. With a near-IR spatial resolution similar to HST optical and the ability to penetrate dust it provides the possibility to explore the low-mass end of the M-sigma relation (sigma<120km/s) where so far very few black hole masses were measured with stellar dynamics. With SINFONI we observed the central region of the low-luminosity elliptical galaxy NGC4486a at a spatial resolution of ~0.1arcsec in the K band. The stellar kinematics was measured with a maximum penalised likelihood method considering the region around the CO absorption band heads. We determined a black hole mass of M_BH=1.25^{+0.75}_{-0.79} x 10^7 M_sun (90% C.L.) using the Schwarzschild orbit superposition method including the full 2-dimensional spatial information. This mass agrees with the predictions of the M-sigma relation, strengthening its validity at the lower sigma end.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by MNRA
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