606 research outputs found

    An Inquiry into the Causes of Growth in Gross Domestic Product

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    This study is an inquiry into the causes of growth in nationwide gross domestic product in the United States of America. The primary objective has been to measure the effects of taxation, saving rate and government investment on this important economic indicator. “Taxation” has been broken down into three components; personal income tax, corporate income tax and consumption tax. Personal income tax is separated once again into the highest and lowest brackets to facilitate more incisive analysis of the results. Consumption taxes are decided at the state level which meant that an average national consumption tax had to be calculated for every period in study. An ordinary least squares regression, in keeping with econometric studies of this kind, will be the method employed for exploring the relationships of the exogenous variables to the endogenous. This project covers the thirty year stretch between 1977 and 2007, just before the Great Recession. The data for each of the variables have been arranged as indices with the first quarter of 1977 as the base period in all cases. The anticipated outcome, based on the existing research, is that lower levels of taxation and a lower saving rate, will be positively correlated with GDP growth, and that lower levels of government investment will be negatively correlated with GDP growth

    Fractional magnesium absorption is significantly lower in human subjects from a meal served with an oxalate-rich vegetable, spinach, as compared with a meal served with kale, a vegetable with a low oxalate content

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate Mg absorption from a test meal served with an oxalate-rich vegetable, spinach, as compared with a test meal served with a vegetable with a low oxalate content, kale. Mg absorption was measured by a stable-isotope technique based on extrinsic labelling of the test meals and faecal monitoring of the excreted isotope labels. Nine healthy adults participated in the study. The test meals were based on 100g phytate-free white bread, served with 300g spinach (6·6mmol oxalate; 0·7mmol 25Mg label added, 5·0mmol total Mg) or 300g kale (0·1mmol oxalate; 1·2mmol 26Mg label added, 4·8mmol total Mg). The test meals were served on days 1 and 3, at breakfast and lunch, using a cross-over design. The results from the present study demonstrated that apparent Mg absorption was significantly lower from the meal served with spinach (26·7 (sd 10·4) %) than the meal served with kale (36·5 (sd 11·8) %) (P=0·01). However, the lower fractional apparent Mg absorption from the test meal served with spinach can be assumed to be, at least partly, counterbalanced by the higher native Mg content of spinach as compared with kale. Although based on indirect evidence, i.e. not based on an evaluation of added (or removed) oxalic acid, the difference in Mg absorption observed in the present study is attributed to the difference in oxalic acid content between the two vegetable

    Iron absorption from experimental infant formulas based on pea (Pisum sativum)-protein isolate: the effect of phytic acid and ascorbic acid

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    Infant formula based on pea (Pisum sativum)-protein isolate has been suggested as an alternative to soyabean formula in countries where soyabean is not a native crop, or when soyabean protein cannot be used due to allergic reactions or intolerances. In the present study, Fe absorption from experimental infant formulas based on pea-protein isolate was measured in healthy non-anaemic young women. The influence of phytic acid and ascorbic acid on Fe absorption was evaluated, using a stable-isotope technique based on incorporation of Fe stable-isotope labels into erythrocytes 14 d after administration. Geometric mean Fe absorption increased from 20·7 (+1SD 41·6, -1sd 10·3) % to 33·1 (+1sd 58·6, -1sd 18·7) %; (P<0·0001; n 10) after enzymic degradation of virtually all phytic acid. Doubling the molar ratio Fe : ascorbic acid from 1 : 2·1 to 1 : 4·2 in the infant formula with native phytic acid content also increased Fe absorption significantly (P<0·0001; n 10); geometric mean Fe absorption increased from 14·8 (+1sd 32·1, -1sd 6·8) % to 22·1 (+1sd 47·2, -1sd 10·4) %. These results confirm the inhibitory and enhancing effects of phytic acid and ascorbic acid respectively on Fe absorption, but also indicate relatively high fractional Fe absorption from the pea-protein-based formulas. After adjusting for differences in Fe status, our data indicate that Fe absorption from dephytinised pea protein might be less inhibitory than dephytinised soyabean protein as measured in a previous study (

    The effect of retinyl palmitate added to iron-fortified maize porridge on erythrocyte incorporation of iron in African children with vitamin A deficiency

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    Retinyl palmitate added to Fe-fortified maize bread has been reported to enhance Fe absorption in adult Venezuelan subjects but not in Western Europeans. It is not known to what extent these results were influenced by differences in vitamin A status of the study subjects. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of retinyl palmitate added to Fe-fortified maize porridge on erythrocyte incorporation of Fe in children with vitamin A deficiency, before and after vitamin A supplementation. Erythrocyte incorporation of Fe-stable isotopes was measured 14 d after intake of maize porridge (2·0 mg Fe added as ferrous sulfate) with and without added retinyl palmitate (3·5 μmol; 3300 IU). The study was repeated 3 weeks after vitamin A supplementation (intake of a single dose of 210 μmol retinyl palmitate; ‘vitamin A capsule'). Vitamin A status was evaluated by the modified relative dose-response (MRDR) technique. Retinyl palmitate added to the test meal reduced the geometric mean erythrocyte incorporation of Fe at baseline from 4·0 to 2·6 % (P=0·008, n 13; paired t test). At 3 weeks after vitamin A supplementation, geometric mean erythrocyte incorporation was 1·9 and 2·3 % respectively from the test meal with and without added retinyl palmitate (P=0·283). Mean dehydroretinol:retinol molar ratios were 0·156 and 0·125 before and after intake of the single dose of 210 μmol retinyl palmitate; ‘vitamin A capsule' (P=0·15). In conclusion, retinyl palmitate added to the labelled test meals significantly decreased erythrocyte incorporation of Fe in children with vitamin A deficiency at baseline but had no statistically significant effect 3 weeks after vitamin A supplementation. The difference in response to retinyl palmitate added to Fe-fortified maize porridge on erythrocyte incorporation of Fe before and after intake of the vitamin A capsule indicates, indirectly, changes in vitamin A status not measurable by the MRDR technique. The lack of conclusive data on the effect of retinyl palmitate on Fe absorption indicates the complexity of the interactions between vitamin A status, dietary vitamin A and Fe metabolis

    Continent urinary tract reconstruction - the Lund experience.

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    The Department of Urology in Lund, Sweden, has a long association with innovations in reconstructive urology. The authors from that department describe their experience over a long period with orthotopic bladder substitution and continent cutaneous urinary diversion. They conclude that continent urinary tract reconstruction is associated with a high incidence of early and late complications. They also found that for storage and emptying, their Lundiana pouch was superior to the Goldwasser neobladder. OBJECTIVE: To assess the early and late complications and functional results in patients undergoing continent reconstruction of the urinary tract, i.e. orthotopic bladder substitution (OBS) or continent cutaneous diversion (CCD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The medical records of all patients undergoing OBS (Goldwasser technique) or CCD ('Lundiana' technique) for malignant or benign disease during 1987-1999 and followed to December 2001 were reviewed. There were 67 patients with neobladders, 77 with a Lundiana pouch who had undergone radical cystectomy and 22 with a Lundiana pouch operated for benign disorders. RESULTS: Early complications requiring reoperation occurred in 12% of the cystectomy group, with no difference with type of reconstruction, and in 10% with benign diseases. Four patients (3%) undergoing radical cystectomy died from early cardiovascular complications, two after surgery for intra-abdominal complications. Intestinally related complications and wound dehiscence requiring re-operation occurred in nine and six patients, respectively. The incidence of late complications requiring open surgery was 22% and 23% after cystectomy with OBS and CCD, respectively. The value in patients with benign diseases undergoing CCD was also 23%. Stone formation in the pouch was common, occurring in 12% in patients with OBS and in 10% after CCD. The pouch perforated or ruptured in four patients. The incidence of uretero-intestinal stricture using the Le Duc technique was 2.4% and renal function was well preserved. The incidence of revisional surgery of the Lundiana pouch outlet for incontinence was low and all patients but four were continent. The functional outcome in patients with OBS was less good; some needed pouch augmentation or an artificial urinary sphincter. Most patients used incontinence products and many needed clean intermittent self-catheterization. CONCLUSION: Continent urinary tract reconstruction is associated with a high incidence of early and late complications. For storage and emptying, the CCD Lundiana pouch is superior to the OBS of Goldwasser

    Iron absorption from ferrous fumarate in adult women is influenced by ascorbic acid but not by Na2EDTA

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    Ascorbic acid and Na2EDTA enhance Fe absorption from the water-soluble Fe compound FeSO4 but their effect on poorly water-soluble Fe compounds such as ferrous fumarate is less well established. In the present study, the effects of ascorbic acid and Na2EDTA on Fe absorption from ferrous fumarate were evaluated in adult women (ten women/study) from the erythrocyte incorporation of Fe stable isotopes (57Fe or 58Fe) 14 d after administration. Two separate studies were made with test meals of Fe-fortified infant cereal (5 mg Fe/meal). Data were evaluated by paired t tests and the results are presented as geometric means. In study 1a, the comparison between Fe absorption from ferrous fumarate- and FeSO4-fortified cereal showed that adult women absorb Fe as well from ferrous fumarate as from FeSO4 (3·0 and 3·1 % respectively, P=0·85). After addition of Na2EDTA (Na2EDTA:fortification Fe molar ratio of 1:1), Fe absorption from FeSO4 was significantly higher than from ferrous fumarate (5·3 v. 3·3 % respectively, P<0·01; study 1b). In study 2, Fe absorption was compared from ferrous fumarate-fortified meals with and without ascorbic acid added at a 4:1 molar ratio (relative to fortification Fe) and the results showed that ascorbic acid increased Fe absorption from ferrous fumarate significantly (6·3 v. 10·4 %, P=0·02). The results of the present studies show that Fe absorption from ferrous fumarate is enhanced by ascorbic acid but not by Na2EDTA, thus emphasising that not all findings from Fe absorption studies made with FeSO4 can be extrapolated to Fe compounds with different solubility propertie

    Implications of the Small Spin Changes Measured for Large Jupiter-Family Comet Nuclei

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    Rotational spin-up due to outgassing of comet nuclei has been identified as a possible mechanism for considerable mass-loss and splitting. We report a search for spin changes for three large Jupiter-family comets (JFCs): 14P/Wolf, 143P/Kowal-Mrkos, and 162P/Siding Spring. None of the three comets has detectable period changes, and we set conservative upper limits of 4.2 (14P), 6.6 (143P) and 25 (162P) minutes per orbit. Comparing these results with all eight other JFCs with measured rotational changes, we deduce that none of the observed large JFCs experiences significant spin changes. This suggests that large comet nuclei are less likely to undergo rotationally-driven splitting, and therefore more likely to survive more perihelion passages than smaller nuclei. We find supporting evidence for this hypothesis in the cumulative size distributions of JFCs and dormant comets, as well as in recent numerical studies of cometary orbital dynamics. We added 143P to the sample of 13 other JFCs with known albedos and phase-function slopes. This sample shows a possible correlation of increasing phase-function slopes for larger geometric albedos. Partly based on findings from recent space missions to JFCs, we hypothesise that this correlation corresponds to an evolutionary trend for JFCs. We propose that newly activated JFCs have larger albedos and steeper phase functions, which gradually decrease due to sublimation-driven erosion. If confirmed, this could be used to analyse surface erosion from ground and to distinguish between dormant comets and asteroids

    Outgassing of icy bodies in the Solar System - II. Heat transport in dry, porous surface dust layers

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    In this work, we present a new model for the heat conductivity of porous dust layers in vacuum, based on an existing solution of the heat transfer equation of single spheres in contact. This model is capable of distinguishing between two different types of dust layers: dust layers composed of single particles (simple model) and dust layers consisting of individual aggregates (complex model). Additionally, we describe laboratory experiments, which were used to measure the heat conductivity of porous dust layers, in order to test the model. We found that the model predictions are in an excellent agreement with the experimental results, if we include radiative heat transport in the model. This implies that radiation plays an important role for the heat transport in porous materials. Furthermore, the influence of this new model on the Hertz factor are demonstrated and the implications of this new model on the modeling of cometary activity are discussed. Finally, the limitations of this new model are critically reviewed.Comment: Submitted to Icaru

    Comparison of urinary monitoring, faecal monitoring and erythrocyte analysis of stable isotope labels to determine magnesium absorption in human subjects

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    We have evaluated urinary monitoring and erythrocyte analysis to determine Mg absorption in human subjects as alternatives to the conventional technique of faecal monitoring by stable-isotope techniques. Ten healthy adults received 2·2 mmol 25Mg in water, together with wheat bread, followed 15 min later by intravenous injection of 0·6 mmol 26Mg (day 1). Brilliant blue and Yb (given on day 0 and day 1 respectively) served as qualitative and quantitative faecal markers. Urine was collected for 6 d after test meal intake. Complete collections of faeces were made until excretion of the second brilliant blue marker (given on day 7). Mg isotope ratios were determined by thermal ionisation-MS in urine and faeces and by inductively coupled plasma-MS in erythrocytes. Absorption was determined based on: (1) 6 d urine pools; (2) 24 h urine pools (collected 22-46 h after test meal intake); (3) erythrocytes from a blood sample drawn on day 14; (4) complete 6 d faecal pools; (5) faecal pools based on the first three consecutive stools after excretion of the first brilliant blue marker. Differences in mean Mg absorption (42 44 %) were statistically insignificant between techniques, except when based on 6 d urine pools for which the value was significantly lower (33 (sd 7) %, P=0·0003, ANOVA). The results indicate that Mg absorption can be determined from 24 h urine pools or erythrocytes obtained 14 d after test meal intake, an alternative method to the more time-consuming and labour-intense faecal monitoring. The choice of technique depends on practical and financial consideration

    A micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate with high relative bioavailability in man

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    Ferric pyrophosphate is a water-insoluble Fe compound used to fortify infant cereals and chocolate-drink powders as it causes no organoleptic changes to the food vehicle. However, it is only of low absorption in man. Recently, an innovative ferric pyrophosphate has been developed (Sunactive Fe™) based on small-particle-size ferric pyrophosphate (average size 0·3 μm) mixed with emulsifiers, so that it remains in suspension in liquid products. The aim of the present studies was to compare Fe absorption of micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate (Sunactive Fe™) with that of ferrous sulfate in an infant cereal and a yoghurt drink. Two separate Fe absorption studies were made in adult women (ten women/study). Fe absorption was based on the erythrocyte incorporation of stable isotopes (57Fe and 58Fe) 14 d after the intake of labelled test meals of infant cereal (study 1) or yoghurt drink (study 2). Each test meal was fortified with 5 mg Fe as ferrous sulfate or micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate. Results are presented as geometric means. There was no statistically significant difference between Fe absorption from micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate- and ferrous sulfate-fortified infant cereal (3·4 and 4·1 % respectively; P=0·24) and yoghurt drink (3·9 and 4·2 % respectively; P=0·72). The results of the present studies show that micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate is as well absorbed as ferrous sulfate in adults. The high relative Fe bioavailability of micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate indicates the potential usefulness of this compound for food fortificatio