6,846 research outputs found

    How Do We Keep Information ‘Online’?

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    Published online: December 24, 2016New magnetoencephalography (MEG) results indicate that a putative marker of conscious processes – namely, the global broadcasting of information across large-scale cortical networks – can also operate during the maintenance of non-conscious input. I discuss the implications for the theoretical linkage between conscious awareness and working memory functions.D.S. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres/Units of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2015-490)

    Dynamics of Price Adjustments: Evidence From Micro Level Data for Chile

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    This paper characterizes the dynamics of price adjustments in Chile using data at the establishment level of goods in the CPI basket. Our results show that nominal rigidities are lower when measured at micro-level compared to estimates based on macro data. The frequency of price adjustments appears to be relatively stable over the sample period 1999-2005. On the other hand, if we decompose price adjustments in upward and downward changes, we observe that these frequencies of adjustments for some groups of products are correlated with the level of aggregate inflation. Thus, the data shows that the intensive and extensive margins of price adjustment play a role in determining price dynamics. Finally, we find a considerable degree of synchronization in price adjustments across establishments and a moderate increase in price dispersion since 1999

    Signalling in voice over IP Networks

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    Voice signalling protocols have evolved, keeping with the prevalent move from circuit to packet switched networks. Standardization bodies have provided solutions for carrying voice traffic over packet networks while the main manufacturers are already providing products in workgroup, enterprise, or operator portfolio. This trend will accrue in next years due to the evolution of UMTS mobile networks to an “all-IP” environment. In this paper we present the various architectures that are proposed for signalling in VoIP, mainly: H.323, SIP and MGCP. We also include a brief summary about signalling in classical telephone networks and, at the end, we give some ideas about the proposed “all-IP” architectures in UMTS 3G mobile networks.Publicad

    Historia y violencia: Walter Benjamin y María Zambrano

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    Las experiencias totalitarias que asolaron Europa el pasado siglo marcaron las vidas y las obras de Walter Benjamin y María Zambrano. Ambos autores se cuestionarán el origen de la violencia europea y el derecho que la historia tiene sobre nosotros, para plantear la necesidad de reivindicar la solidaridad con el pasado de la humanidad sufriente y una nueva forma de conocimiento y de política. En este sentido, en los trabajos de Zambrano y Benjamin encontramos una recuperación de la tradición gnóstica que se revelará en un mesianismo capaz de romper la historia sacrificial de Occidente, que rebasa los límites de lo exclusivamente filosófico.Totalitarian experiences which devastated Europe during the last century marked the lives and the works of Walter Benjamin and María Zambrano. Both authors questioned themselves about the origin of European violence and the right that history has over us, to raise the necessity of claiming solidarity with the past of suffering humanity and a new way of Knowledge and Politics. In this way, the recovery of the Gnostic tradition can be found in Zambrano and Benjamin´s works. This will be disclosed in a messianism capable of breaking down the sacrificial history of the West, something which exceeds the boundaries of the purely philosophical

    Minimalismo: a vueltas con el concepto de un(as) arte(s), reflexiones en torno al ciclo ¿los límites de la composición?

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    La primera parte de este texto critica la intervención teórica de Michael Nyman sobre las nociones de "Minimalismo" y "música experimental", señalando ciertas confusiones habituales. La segunda ensaya una definición del Minimalismo en términos de "materialismo artístico", y aborda problemas y conceptos relativos a la música "minimal": la relación entre minimalismo en música y en artes plásticas; los intercambios con la música popular y el jazz; la relación entre vanguardia musical norteamericana y europea. La tercera es una reseña detallada del ciclo de conciertos y conferencias en torno a la música minimalista celebrado en La Casa Encendida de Madrid en Marzo de 2008.The first section of this essay criticizes the theoretical intervention performed by Michael Nyman on the notions of "Minimalism" and "experimental music", pointing to some usual confusions. The second section proposes a definition of Minimalism in terms of an "artistic materialism", and tackles several problems an concepts relating to Minimal music: its relationship to Minimalism in plastic arts; its exchanges with several currents of jazz and pop music; the relationship between the American and the European musical avant-gardes. The third section is a detailed review of a series of concerts and lectures around Minimal music which took place in La Casa Encendida, in Madrid, on March 2008

    Modernismo, forma, emoción y valor artístico: claves de la teoría de la modernidad artística de Clement Greenberg

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    Formalismo y materialismo: el problema de la materialidad del arte en Eduard Hanslick

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    In the very origins of formalism as a theory of arts, and in the context of the debate concerning a certain determinist formulation of "materialism" (that of G. Semper), an antinomy emerges between the perceptual or phenomenic dimension of art and its physicalmaterial dimension. Both dimensions seem equally necessary in order to specify the peculiar condition of art, which for formalism entails the difference between the diverse artistic practices. This antinomy is linked to the formalist ambition of establishing the foundations for the autonomy of the arts by specifying them through a double principle: first, an "aesthetic" principle, which emphasizes the specificity of the arts' different "sensuous spheres", and secondly, a "poietic" principle, which emphasizes the plurality of the technical processes of the different arts. Eduard Hanslick (a foundational author of formalism, from the middle of the 19th century) formulated this problematic for the art of music in terms of the "elementary materials of music". After exploring his formulation, we will quickly point to some parallelisms with formalist authors of roughly the same period such as Konrad Fiedler and Alois Riegl. We will finish by indicating how, in the future evolution of formalism as "modernism", i.e., as the main discourse about modem art, the viewpoint of the act of artistic creation would be finally displaced by that of reception and the spectator as vantage point for treating this issue of the "materiality" of art.En el origen del formalismo como teoría de las artes, y en torno al debate con cierto "materialismo" teórico de corte determinista (el de G. Semper), se plantea una antinomia entre la dimensión perceptual o fenoménica del arte y su dimensión físico-material. Ambas parecen igualmente necesarias para determinar la especificidad del arte, la cual implica, para el formalismo, la diferencialidad de las diversas artes entre sí. La antinomia está vinculada a la pretensión formalista de fundamentar la autonomía de las artes, determinándolas mediante un doble principio: uno "estético", que acentúa la especificidad de sus respectivas "esferas sensoriales", y otro "poiético", que acentúa la pluralidad de sus procesos técnicos. Eduard Hanslick (autor fundacional del formalismo a mediados del siglo XIX) formuló esta problemática como cuestión de los "materiales elementales de la música". Tras examinar dicha formulación, señalaremos los paralelismos con Konrad Fiedler y Alois Riegl, autores formalistas de la misma época. Terminaremos indicando como, en la futura deriva "modernista" del formalismo como discurso sobre el arte moderno, la perspectiva del acto creativo irá siendo desplazada por la de la recepción y el espectador, a la hora de abordar este problema de la "materialidad" del arte

    Del manejo multifuncional del territorio a la desarticulación productiva: cambios en los flujos de biomasa durante el proceso de industrialización de la agricultura gallega (1960-2012)

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    En este trabajo se ofrece una serie anual de los flujos de Biomasa vegetal en Galicia durante el periodo 1960-2012. El marco cronológico elegido abarca el periodo final del sistema agrario orgánico, las consecuencias el proceso de industrialización de la agricultura gallega y el impacto de la integración de España en la Unión Europea. En el trabajo se proporcionan varios indicadores habituales en el análisis biofísico de la agricultura, como la Extracción Doméstica de biomasa y la división de la misma en Biomasa Socializada y Biomasa Reutilizada. Asimismo, se ofrecen datos sobre las producciones ganaderas y una serie de las necesidades de alimentación ganadera. Los resultados muestran una transformación acelerada, desde la década de los setenta, de un modelo en el que la mayor parte de los flujos de biomasa estaban destinados a la reproducción de los agroecosistemas a otro donde se maximizan la Biomasa Socializada. Este cambio hacía una mayor vinculación con el mercado, sin embargo, ha convertido a Galicia en una región dependiente en alimentación, pero también en inputs externos abióticos (fertilizantes, energía) y bióticos (alimentación del ganado). Esta transformación ha tenido consecuencias tanto para la sustentabilidad como para la viabilidad económica del sector agrario de la región.This paper offers an annual series of plant biomass in Galicia during the period 1960-2012. The timeframe chosen encompasses the final period of the organic agrarian system, the consequences of the industrialisation of Galician agriculture, and the impact of Spain’s integration into the European Union. The paper provides several indicators regularly used in the biophysical analysis of agriculture such as the Domestic Extraction of Biomass, and its division into Socialised Biomass and Reutilised Biomass. Furthermore, data regarding livestock production are also provided along with a series of livestock feed requirements. The findings show an accelerated transformation since the 1970s away from a model in which the majority of biomass flows were allocated to the reproduction of agroecosystems, moving towards a model in which Socialised Biomass is maximised. This shift towards closer ties with the market, however, has turned Galicia into a food dependent region that is also dependent on abiotic (fertilisers, energy) and biotic external inputs (livestock feed). This transformation has had consequences in terms of sustainability and the economic viability of the agrarian sector in this region

    El grupo de investigación: "la Europa de la escritura" y la revista "Escritura e Imagen"

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    Zonas fronterizas: notas sobre teoría poscolonial y latinoamericanismo

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    Se pretende realizar un acercamiento a las teorías contemporáneas de lo que se ha denominado como razón postcolonial y estudios subalternos para plantear si es posible articular este panorama discursivo (filosófico y literario) sobre el estudio de la compleja realidad latinoamericana. Desde este punto de vista, se propondrá un metacrítica del latinoamericanismo tradicional, en la medida en que será considerado como un producto de la Modernidad europea, que parte de una "agencia global" que busca integrar sus datos en un conocimiento supuestamente neutral y universal que abarque todas las diferencias e identidades continentales. Frente al él, se planteará un segundo Latinoamericanismo, esbozado por Alberto Moreiras, situado en los cruces intermedios y fronterizos, que desarrolle una crítica epistemológica para detectar la incapacidad de América Latina de construir su propio lugar de enunciación.This article intends to examine contemporary theories in what has been called postcolonial reason and subaltern studies, in order to determine whether this discursive framework (both philosophical and literary) can be applied to the study of the complex Latin American reality. From this point of view, a meta-critical analysis will be made of traditional Latinamericanism, insofar as it will be considered a product of European modernity, which departs from a "global agency" which seeks to integrate its dates in knowledge supposed to be neutral and universal. This knowledge would cover all the continental differences and identities. It will be set out a second Latinamericanism, outlined by Alberto Moreiras. It will be located in the intervals and borders crosses, which develops an epistemological critic for detecting the Latin America inability of building its own enunciation place