25 research outputs found

    Time course analysis of gene expression identifies multiple genes with differential expression in patients with in-stent restenosis

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    Abstract Background The vascular disease in-stent restenosis (ISR) is characterized by formation of neointima and adverse inward remodeling of the artery after injury by coronary stent implantation. We hypothesized that the analysis of gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) would demonstrate differences in transcript expression between individuals who develop ISR and those who do not. Methods and Results We determined and investigated PBMC gene expression of 358 patients undergoing an index procedure to treat in de novo coronary artery lesions with bare metallic stents, using a novel time-varying intercept model to optimally assess the time course of gene expression across a time course of blood samples. Validation analyses were conducted in an independent sample of 97 patients with similar time-course blood sampling and gene expression data. We identified 47 probesets with differential expression, of which 36 were validated upon independent replication testing. The genes identified have varied functions, including some related to cellular growth and metabolism, such as the NAB2 and LAMP genes. Conclusions In a study of patients undergoing bare metallic stent implantation, we have identified and replicated differential gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, studied across a time series of blood samples. The genes identified suggest alterations in cellular growth and metabolism pathways, and these results provide the basis for further specific functional hypothesis generation and testing of the mechanisms of ISR.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112500/1/12920_2010_Article_214.pd

    Functional genomic screen and network analysis reveal novel modifiers of tauopathy dissociated from tau phosphorylation

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    A functional genetic screen using loss-of-function and gain-of-function alleles was performed to identify modifiers of tau-induced neurotoxicity using the 2N/4R (full-length) isoform of wild-type human tau expressed in the fly retina. We previously reported eye pigment mutations, which create dysfunctional lysosomes, as potent modifiers; here, we report 37 additional genes identified from ∼1900 genes screened, including the kinases shaggy/GSK-3beta, par-1/MARK, CamKI and Mekk1. Tau acts synergistically with Mekk1 and p38 to down-regulate extracellular regulated kinase activity, with a corresponding decrease in AT8 immunoreactivity (pS202/T205), suggesting that tau can participate in signaling pathways to regulate its own kinases. Modifiers showed poor correlation with tau phosphorylation (using the AT8, 12E8 and AT270 epitopes); moreover, tested suppressors of wild-type tau were equally effective in suppressing toxicity of a phosphorylation-resistant S11A tau construct, demonstrating that changes in tau phosphorylation state are not required to suppress or enhance its toxicity. Genes related to autophagy, the cell cycle, RNA-associated proteins and chromatin-binding proteins constitute a large percentage of identified modifiers. Other functional categories identified include mitochondrial proteins, lipid trafficking, Golgi proteins, kinesins and dynein and the Hsp70/Hsp90-organizing protein (Hop). Network analysis uncovered several other genes highly associated with the functional modifiers, including genes related to the PI3K, Notch, BMP/TGF-β and Hedgehog pathways, and nuclear trafficking. Activity of GSK-3β is strongly upregulated due to TDP-43 expression, and reduced GSK-3β dosage is also a common suppressor of Aβ42 and TDP-43 toxicity. These findings suggest therapeutic targets other than mitigation of tau phosphorylation

    Excitotoxic stimulation of brain microslices as an in vitro model of stroke

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    Examining molecular mechanisms involved in neuropathological conditions, such as ischemic stroke, can be difficult when using whole animal systems. As such, primary or 'neuronal-like' cell culture systems are commonly utilized. While these systems are relatively easy to work with, and are useful model systems in which various functional outcomes (such as cell death) can be readily quantified, the examined outcomes and pathways in cultured immature neurons (such as excitotoxicity-mediated cell death pathways) are not necessarily the same as those observed in mature brain, or in intact tissue. Therefore, there is the need to develop models in which cellular mechanisms in mature neural tissue can be examined. We have developed an in vitro technique that can be used to investigate a variety of molecular pathways in intact nervous tissue. The technique described herein utilizes rat cortical tissue, but this technique can be adapted to use tissue from a variety of species (such as mouse, rabbit, guinea pig, and chicken) or brain regions (for example, hippocampus, striatum, etc.). Additionally, a variety of stimulations/treatments can be used (for example, excitotoxic, administration of inhibitors, etc.). In conclusion, the brain slice model described herein can be used to examine a variety of molecular mechanisms involved in excitotoxicity-mediated brain injury

    Feasibility and Utility of a Cardiovascular Risk Screening Tool in Women Undergoing Routine Gynecology Evaluation

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    Background: The goals of this multicenter survey were to examine the prevalence and patient awareness of cardiovascular risk factors, and the association between history of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APO-including gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia) and prevalence of cardiovascular risks among women presenting to outpatient obstetrics/gynecology (OB/GYN) clinics. Materials and Methods: We surveyed 2,946 female patients attending 16 outpatient OB/GYN clinics across the United States between January 2010 and January 2012. Main outcome measures were self-reported cardiovascular risk factors and symptoms such as angina and dyspnea. Results: Mean age of the patients was 51 ± 13.6 years. Cardiovascular risks and symptoms were highly prevalent (86.0% and 40.1%, respectively). Many patients did not know if they had common risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or diabetes (18.4%, 32.0%, and 17.9%, respectively). Women with a history of APO were slightly more likely to be aware of common risk factors, including abnormal blood pressure (17% vs. 18.6%), high cholesterol (31.7% vs. 32%), and obesity/elevated body mass index (43.9% vs. 49.7%). Compared with patients with no history of APO, patients with APO (n = 380, 12.9%) were more likely to have risk factors (89.5% vs. 83.9%, p = 0.002) and symptoms (45.5% vs. 39.3%, p = 0.02). Conclusions: Awareness of cardiovascular risk factors and symptoms among all women surveyed in this study was poor, although awareness for some risk factors was relatively higher among patients with APO. This study demonstrates the feasibility of cardiovascular assessment in OB/GYN clinics using a simple questionnaire and its potential role for early recognition and timely intervention