283 research outputs found

    Reduced cortical thickness with increased lifetime burden of PTSD in OEF/OIF Veterans and the impact of comorbid TBI☆

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in military personnel is increasing dramatically following the OEF/OIF conflicts and is associated with alterations to brain structure. The present study examined the relationship between PTSD and cortical thickness, and its possible modification by mTBI, in a 104-subject OEF/OIF veteran cohort ranging in age from 20 to 62 years. For each participant, two T1-weighted scans were averaged to create high-resolution images for calculation of regional cortical thickness. PTSD symptoms were assessed using the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and scores were derived based on the previous month's symptoms (“current”) and a Cumulative Lifetime Burden of PTSD (CLB-P) reflecting the integral of CAPS scores across the lifetime. Mild TBI was diagnosed using the Boston Assessment of TBI-Lifetime (BAT-L). Results demonstrated a clear negative relationship between current PTSD severity and thickness in both postcentral gyri and middle temporal gyri. This relationship was stronger and more extensive when considering lifetime burden (CLB-P), demonstrating the importance of looking at trauma in the context of an individual's lifetime, rather than only at their current symptoms. Finally, interactions with current PTSD only and comorbid current PTSD and mTBI were found in several regions, implying an additive effect of lifetime PTSD and mTBI on cortical thickness

    Prevalence and implications of the presence of intraocular silicone oil droplets in patients treated with intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF

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    Intraocular pressure; Macular diseases; Silicone dropletsPresión intraocular; Enfermedades maculares; Gotas de siliconaPressió intraocular; Malalties maculars; Gotes de siliconaBackground To determine the percentage of patients who have silicone droplets in the vitreous after treatment with different anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (anti-VEGF) intravitreal injections (IVI) and how symptomatic they are. Methods One hundred fifty-two eyes of 140 patients who had at least received an IVI were recruited for this study. Data collection included the number and type of IVI (aflibercept, ranibizumab and bevacizumab) and the follow-up time. A complete ophthalmologic examination was carried out and patients were classified in four groups according to the amount of silicone droplets found in dilated fundoscopy (nonexistent, scarce, moderate and abundant). Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) was also carried out. An interview was conducted to report the presence and intensity of the symptomatology. Results Silicone oil droplets were reported in 109 eyes (71.7%). A positive correlation was found between the number of IVIs received and the quantity of droplets found, especially when aflibercept was used. Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) was present in 65.8% of the patients, showing a positive correlation with the number of bubbles. Regarding the symptomatology, 60 eyes (39.5%) had floaters and the disturbance was reported to be 4 out of 10. The group with a moderate amount of silicone droplets had the highest percentage of floaters (60%). No statistical differences in the IOP were found between groups, although the group with abundant droplets had a higher mean IOP. Conclusion A high prevalence of silicone droplets in vitreous of patients who undergo IVI treatment was found. It appears to have little impact on symptomatology and rise of IOP

    Different partial volume correction methods lead to different conclusions: An 18F-FDG-PET study of aging.

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    A cross-sectional group study of the effects of aging on brain metabolism as measured with 18F-FDG-PET was performed using several different partial volume correction (PVC) methods: no correction (NoPVC), Meltzer (MZ), Müller-Gärtner (MG), and the symmetric geometric transfer matrix (SGTM) using 99 subjects aged 65-87years from the Harvard Aging Brain study. Sensitivity to parameter selection was tested for MZ and MG. The various methods and parameter settings resulted in an extremely wide range of conclusions as to the effects of age on metabolism, from almost no changes to virtually all of cortical regions showing a decrease with age. Simulations showed that NoPVC had significant bias that made the age effect on metabolism appear to be much larger and more significant than it is. MZ was found to be the same as NoPVC for liberal brain masks; for conservative brain masks, MZ showed few areas correlated with age. MG and SGTM were found to be similar; however, MG was sensitive to a thresholding parameter that can result in data loss. CSF uptake was surprisingly high at about 15% of that in gray matter. The exclusion of CSF from SGTM and MG models, which is almost universally done, caused a substantial loss in the power to detect age-related changes. This diversity of results reflects the literature on the metabolism of aging and suggests that extreme care should be taken when applying PVC or interpreting results that have been corrected for partial volume effects. Using the SGTM, significant age-related changes of about 7% per decade were found in frontal and cingulate cortices as well as primary visual and insular cortices

    Cirugía hepática extrema: tomar una actitud proactiva para mejorar la evolución postoperatoria inmediata.

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    Objetivo: Describir las primeras intervenciones mediante cirugía hepática extrema en nuestro hospital, así como las reflexiones surgieron entorno a ellas. Material y métodos: Se recogieron datos los sobre los pacientes, intervención e ingreso en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de los 4 pacientes que fueron intervenidos entre noviembre de 2017 y enero de 2019. Resultados: La tasa de complicaciones/acontecimientos adversos en esta serie fue relativamente baja y prácticamente en todos los casos se resolvieron antes del alta de la unidad de cuidados posquirúrgicos. Ninguno de los pacientes con hígado macroscópicamente normal presentó signos clínicos/analíticos de disfunción hepática. Conclusiones: La cirugía hepática extrema parece una opción terapéutica factible para pacientes que previamente se habrían considerado candidatos únicamente a tratamientos paliativos, aunque todavía es preciso definir claramente los límites de la evolución normal en los primeros días tras la intervención y su perfil de acontecimientos adversos tardíos y mortalidad. Palabras claveNeoplasias hepáticas, complicaciones posoperatorias, estudio observacional (DeCS)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17268/rmt.2020.v15i03.0

    Fluid intelligence and brain functional organization in aging yoga and meditation practitioners

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    Numerous studies have documented the normal age-related decline of neural structure, function, and cognitive performance. Preliminary evidence suggests that meditation may reduce decline in specific cognitive domains and in brain structure. Here we extended this research by investigating the relation between age and fluid intelligence and resting state brain functional network architecture using graph theory, in middle-aged yoga and meditation practitioners, and matched controls. Fluid intelligence declined slower in yoga practitioners and meditators combined than in controls. Resting state functional networks of yoga practitioners and meditators combined were more integrated and more resilient to damage than those of controls. Furthermore, mindfulness was positively correlated with fluid intelligence, resilience, and global network efficiency. These findings reveal the possibility to increase resilience and to slow the decline of fluid intelligence and brain functional architecture and suggest that mindfulness plays a mechanistic role in this preservation

    Cardiovascular and metabolic health is associated with functional brain connectivity in middle-aged and older adults: Results from the Human Connectome Project-Aging study

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    Several cardiovascular and metabolic indicators, such as cholesterol and blood pressure have been associated with altered neural and cognitive health as well as increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer\u27s disease in later life. In this cross-sectional study, we examined how an aggregate index of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factor measures was associated with correlation-based estimates of resting-state functional connectivity (FC) across a broad adult age-span (36-90+ years) from 930 volunteers in the Human Connectome Project Aging (HCP-A). Increased (i.e., worse) aggregate cardiometabolic scores were associated with reduced FC globally, with especially strong effects in insular, medial frontal, medial parietal, and superior temporal regions. Additionally, at the network-level, FC between core brain networks, such as default-mode and cingulo-opercular, as well as dorsal attention networks, showed strong effects of cardiometabolic risk. These findings highlight the lifespan impact of cardiovascular and metabolic health on whole-brain functional integrity and how these conditions may disrupt higher-order network integrity