63 research outputs found

    The effect of tissue preparation and donor age on striatal graft morphology in the mouse

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease in which striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) are lost. Neuronal replacement therapies aim to replace MSNs through striatal transplantation of donor MSN progenitors, which successfully improve HD-like deficits in rat HD models and have provided functional improvement in patients. Transplants in mouse models of HD are more variable and have lower cell survival than equivalent rat grafts, yet mice constitute the majority of transgenic HD models. Improving the quality and consistency of mouse transplants would open up access to this wider range of rodent models and facilitate research to increase understanding of graft mechanisms, which is essential to progress transplantation as a therapy for HD. Here we determined how donor age, cell preparation, and donor/host strain choice influenced the quality of primary embryonic grafts in quinolinic acid lesion mouse models of HD. Both a within-strain (W-S) and a between-strain (B-S) donor/host paradigm were used to compare transplants of donor tissues derived from mice at embryonic day E12 and E14 prepared either as dissociated suspensions or as minimally manipulated tissue pieces (TP). Good graft survival was observed, although graft volume and cellular composition were highly variable. The effect of cell preparation on grafts differed significantly depending on donor age, with E14 cell suspensions yielding larger grafts compared to TP. Conversely, TP were more effective when derived from E12 donor tissue. A W-S model produced larger grafts with greater MSN content, and while high levels of activated microglia were observed across all groups, a greater number was found in B-S transplants. In summary, we show that the effect of tissue preparation on graft morphology is contingent on the age of donor tissue used. The presence of microglial activation in all groups highlights the host immune response as an important consideration in mouse transplantation

    Generation of c-MycERTAM-transduced human late-adherent olfactory mucosa cells for potential regenerative applications

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    Human olfactory mucosa cells (hOMCs) have been transplanted to the damaged spinal cord both pre-clinically and clinically. To date mainly autologous cells have been tested. However, inter-patient variability in cell recovery and quality, and the fact that the neuroprotective olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) subset is difficult to isolate, means an allogeneic hOMC therapy would be an attractive “off-the-shelf” alternative. The aim of this study was to generate a candidate cell line from late-adherent hOMCs, thought to contain the OEC subset. Primary late-adherent hOMCs were transduced with a c-MycERTAM gene that enables cell proliferation in the presence of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT). Two c-MycERTAM-derived polyclonal populations, PA5 and PA7, were generated and expanded. PA5 cells had a normal human karyotype (46, XY) and exhibited faster growth kinetics than PA7, and were therefore selected for further characterisation. PA5 hOMCs express glial markers (p75NTR, S100ß, GFAP and oligodendrocyte marker O4), neuronal markers (nestin and ß-III-tubulin) and fibroblast-associated markers (CD90/Thy1 and fibronectin). Co-culture of PA5 cells with a neuronal cell line (NG108-15) and with primary dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons resulted in significant neurite outgrowth after 5 days. Therefore, c-MycERTAM-derived PA5 hOMCs have potential as a regenerative therapy for neural cells

    Is the adult mouse striatum a hostile host for neural transplant survival?

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    Human donor cells, including neurally directed embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells with the potential to be used for neural transplantation in a range of neurodegenerative disorders, must first be tested preclinically in rodent models of disease to demonstrate safety and efficacy. One strategy for circumventing the rejection of xenotransplanted human cells is to desensitize the host animal to human cells in the early neonatal period so that a subsequent transplant in adulthood is not immunorejected. This method has been robustly validated in the rat, but currently not in the mouse in which most transgenic models of neurodegeneration have been generated. Thus, we set out to determine whether this could be achieved through modification of the existing rat protocol. Mice were inoculated in the neonatal period with a suspension of human embryonic cortical tissue of varying cell numbers, and received a subsequent human embryonic cortical tissue cell transplant in adulthood. Graft survival was compared with those in mice immunosuppressed with cyclosporine A and those receiving allografts of mouse whole ganglionic eminence tissue. Poor survival was found across all groups, suggesting a general problem with the use of mouse hosts for testing human donor cells

    Primary Teachers’ Recommendations for the Development of a Teacher-Oriented Movement Assessment Tool for 4–7 Years Children

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    To inform the development of a teacher-oriented movement assessment tool, this study aimed to explore primary school teachers’ perceptions of assessing fundamental movement skills (FMS) within Physical Education (PE) lessons. Thirty-nine primary school teachers of PE, located in the United Kingdom, participated in an individual or group in-depth interview. Findings signify that teachers perceive a need for a movement assessment tool that is simple for them to use, quick to administer and provides valuable feedback to guide future teaching and learning. This is vital as teachers indicated a lack of appropriate resources and a shortage of curriculum time restricts their use of assessment within PE. A movement assessment tool that was integrated on a digital technology platform could increase teachers’ understanding of assessing FMS and enhance children’s learning of FMS

    A small-molecule PI3Kα activator for cardioprotection and neuroregeneration

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    Harnessing the potential beneficial effects of kinase signalling through the generation of direct kinase activators remains an underexplored area of drug development1,2,3,4,5. This also applies to the PI3K signalling pathway, which has been extensively targeted by inhibitors for conditions with PI3K overactivation, such as cancer and immune dysregulation. Here we report the discovery of UCL-TRO-1938 (referred to as 1938 hereon), a small-molecule activator of the PI3Kα isoform, a crucial effector of growth factor signalling. 1938 allosterically activates PI3Kα through a distinct mechanism by enhancing multiple steps of the PI3Kα catalytic cycle and causes both local and global conformational changes in the PI3Kα structure. This compound is selective for PI3Kα over other PI3K isoforms and multiple protein and lipid kinases. It transiently activates PI3K signalling in all rodent and human cells tested, resulting in cellular responses such as proliferation and neurite outgrowth. In rodent models, acute treatment with 1938 provides cardioprotection from ischaemia–reperfusion injury and, after local administration, enhances nerve regeneration following nerve crush. This study identifies a chemical tool to directly probe the PI3Kα signalling pathway and a new approach to modulate PI3K activity, widening the therapeutic potential of targeting these enzymes through short-term activation for tissue protection and regeneration. Our findings illustrate the potential of activating kinases for therapeutic benefit, a currently largely untapped area of drug development

    Does the Swiss Car Market Reward Fuel Efficient Cars? Evidence from Hedonic Pricing Regressions, Matching and a Regression Discontinuity Design

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    To correct market failures due to the presence of negative externalities associated with energy consumption, governments have adopted a variety of policies, including taxes, subsidies, regulations and standards, and information-based policies. For example, labels that clearly convey energy consumption rates, associated costs, and emissions of conventional pollutants and CO2, have been devised and used in the last two decades in several countries. In 2003, Switzerland introduced a system of fuel economy labels, based on grades ranging from A to G, where is A best and G is worst, to assist consumers in making decisions that improve the fleet s fuel economy and lower emissions. We use a dataset documenting all passenger cars approved for sale in Switzerland each year from 2000 to 2011 to answer three key research questions. First, what is the willingness to pay for fuel economy? Second, do Swiss drivers - or Swiss auto importers on their behalf - appear to do a one-to-one tradeoff between car purchase price and savings on fuel costs over the lifetime of the car? Third, does the label have an additional effect on price, all else the same, above and beyond that of fuel efficiency alone? Hedonic pricing regressions that exploit the variation in fuel economy across make-models, and over time within make-models, suggest that there is a (modest) capitalization of fuel economy into car prices. The diesel premium, however, exceeds the future fuel cost savings made possible by diesel cars, even at zero discount rates. An alternate calculation suggests that the fuel economy premium is consistent with a very low discount rate (2.5%). We use a sharp regression discontinuity design (RDD) based on the mechanism used by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy to assign cars to the fuel economy label to see if the label has an independent effect on price, above and beyond that of the fuel economy. The RDD approach estimates the effect to be 6-11%. To broaden the fuel economy range over which we assess the effect of the A label, we also deploy matching estimators, and find that the effect of an A label on car price is approximately 5%
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