45 research outputs found

    The delivery of technology content in one-year initial teacher education partnership schemes

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    This paper describes a model for the delivery of Technology subject content in the new teacher education partnership arrangement starting in 1993. It is based upon the scheme initially tried with articled teachers and which has now been further developed. The University of Manchester model of initial teacher education is based on the principle of empowerment of the classroom, laboratory and workshop teachers in the mentor role, rather than the use of a top-down model in which the school senior management pass the training through the hierarchical structure to the student. The simple subdivision of the work of the higher education institutions and the schools into theory and practice has been shown to be unsatisfactory. It is shown how the two partners in the scheme can jointly improve the quality of the teacher education provided for the students by allowing the students to be the auditors of their own progress; it is shown how individualisation of the students' programmes can be very effective in optimum use of their time and in reducing unnecessary repetition

    Follow the Stones: Explorations in the High Andes

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    My studies at UIC have led me to explore ancient road networks and caravan routes in the high Andes of southern Peru. This photo, taken at 13,450 feet above sea level, captures a number of apachetas, or stone cairns that mark key mountain passes between the highlands and lower valleys. As a ritual of travel, passersby will often build or add a stone to these cairns while making offerings of prayer, coca leaf, and hard spirits to ensure safe voyage and relieve fatigue. My research utilizes contemporary geospatial tools to model ancient travel routes in relation to known prehistoric sites, resources and terrain, as well as sacred locations such as the glaciated volcanic dome - Nevado Coropuna - seen in the background. In the shadow of Coropuna, Ice-age hunter gatherers once lived in rock-shelter caves, the domestication of camelids would give rise to long-distance caravans, and the Inca Empire expanded its road system and hegemony southward across much of South America. These cairns still guide modern llama caravans that carry trade goods across the elevated plains, always in sight of this landscape imbued with ancient and contemporary meaning

    Engraved in Stone: Desert Shamans of South America

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    Located in the deserts of southern Peru, my studies have led me to explore ancient road systems that once connected vibrant prehistoric communities and agricultural landscapes. Due to climate change and increased aridification, the encroaching desert now holds evidence of abandoned ruins, looted cemeteries, and broken pottery, as well as engravings, known as petroglyphs, left on volcanic boulders. Since the intense desert sun often washes out photographs of rock art, I utilize image manipulation software to inverse and adjust the colors to better define the petroglyphs. In so doing, animals such as birds and mountain cats emerge from the darkness alongside geometric designs and humans with outstretched hands. In the southern Andes, this tradition of rock art is often associated with shaman figures, perhaps depicted within this image. Anthropologically, risky or dangerous behavior is often associated with ritual belief to ensure one's safety. This may explain the connection between rock art, ritual, and prehistoric roads where travelers and llama caravans once crossed perilous desert landscapes and where the availability of water was a constant concern

    Candidate models (ΔAIC≤2) of common dolphin occurrence in bycatch in the albacore tuna fishery.

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    <p>Candidate models (ΔAIC≤2) of common dolphin occurrence in bycatch in the albacore tuna fishery.</p

    Model averaging results of common dolphin occurrence in bycatch in the albacore tuna fishery.

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    <p>β model averaged coefficients; SE standard error; RI relative importance.</p

    Signal processing and trading simulation performance measures.

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    <p>n is the total number of data patterns.</p><p><i>y</i> and represent the actual and predicted output value.</p><p>Signal processing and trading simulation performance measures.</p

    Mean absolute value of the error for out of sample data.

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    <p>Mean absolute value of the error for out of sample data.</p

    Age group classification of male and female common and striped dolphins determined through analysis of teeth and age at length data.

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    <p>Age group classification of male and female common and striped dolphins determined through analysis of teeth and age at length data.</p

    5-step time-series prediction results.

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    <p>5-step time-series prediction results.</p

    The age class and sex composition of common dolphin and striped dolphin group catches.

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    <p>The age class and sex composition of common dolphin and striped dolphin group catches.</p