348 research outputs found

    Linearly Dichroic Plasmonic Lens and Hetero-Chiral Structures

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    We present theoretical and experimental study of plasmonic Hetero-Chiral structures, comprised of constituents with opposite chirality. We devise, simulate and experimentally demonstrate different schemes featuring selective surface plasmon polariton focusing of orthogonal polarization states and standing plasmonic vortex fields.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Gap plasmon polariton structure for very efficient micro to nano scale interfacing

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    The seamless transition between micro-scale photonics and nano-scale plasmonics requires the mitigation between different waveguiding mechanisms as well as between few orders of magnitude in the field lateral size, down to a small fraction of a wavelength. By exploiting gap plasmon polariton waves both at the micro and nano scale, very high power transfer efficiency (>60%) can be achieved using an ultrashort (few microns) non adiabatic tapered gap plasmon waveguide. Same mechanism may be used to harvest impinging light waves and direct them into a nano hole or slit, to exhibit an anomalous transmission - without the conventional periodic structures. The special interplay of plasmonic and oscillating modes is analyzed.Comment: Submitted to PRL. Part of the work was presented at IPRA-2005 conference, paper JWA

    How to improve influenza vaccine coverage of healthcare personnel

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    Abstract Influenza causes substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide each year. Healthcare-associated influenza is a frequent event. Health care personnel (HCP) may be the source for infecting patients and may propagate nosocomial outbreaks. All HCP should receive a dose of influenza vaccine each year to protect themselves and others. This commentary will discuss the study recently published in the IJHPR by Nutman and Yoeli which assessed the beliefs and attitudes of HCP in an Israel hospital regarding influenza and the influenza vaccine. Unfortunately, as noted by Nutman and Yoeli in this issue many HCP in Israel choose not to receive influenza immunization and many harbor misconceptions regarding their risk for influenza as well as the benefits of influenza vaccine. We also discuss proven methods to increase acceptance by HCP for receiving an annual influenza vaccine

    Emergence of the persistent spin helix in semiconductor quantum wells

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    According to Noethers theorem, for every symmetry in nature there is a corresponding conservation law. For example, invariance with respect to spatial translation corresponds to conservation of momentum. In another well-known example, invariance with respect to rotation of the electrons spin, or SU(2) symmetry, leads to conservation of spin polarization. For electrons in a solid, this symmetry is ordinarily broken by spin-orbit coupling, allowing spin angular momentum to flow to orbital angular momentum. However, it has recently been predicted that SU(2) can be achieved in a two-dimensional electron gas, despite the presence of spin-orbit coupling. The corresponding conserved quantities include the amplitude and phase of a helical spin density wave termed the persistent spin helix. SU(2) is realized, in principle, when the strength of two dominant spin-orbit interactions, the Rashba (strength parameterized by \alpha) and linear Dresselhaus (\beta_1), are equal. This symmetry is predicted to be robust against all forms of spin-independent scattering, including electron-electron interactions, but is broken by the cubic Dresselhaus term (\beta_3) and spin-dependent scattering. When these terms are negligible, the distance over which spin information can propagate is predicted to diverge as \alpha approaches \beta_1. Here we observe experimentally the emergence of the persistent spin helix in GaAs quantum wells by independently tuning \alpha and \beta_1. Using transient spin-grating spectroscopy, we find a spin-lifetime enhancement of two orders of magnitude near the symmetry point.........Comment: Will be published in Nature on April 2, 200

    Effects of Space Charge, Dopants, and Strain Fields on Surfaces and Grain Boundaries in YBCO Compounds

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    Statistical thermodynamical and kinetically-limited models are applied to study the origin and evolution of space charges and band-bending effects at low angle [001] tilt grain boundaries in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 and the effects of Ca doping upon them. Atomistic simulations, using shell models of interatomic forces, are used to calculate the energetics of various relevant point defects. The intrinsic space charge profiles at ideal surfaces are calculated for two limits of oxygen contents, i.e. YBa2_2Cu3_3O6_6 and YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7. At one limit, O6_6, the system is an insulator, while at O7_7, a metal. This is analogous to the intrinsic and doping cases of semiconductors. The site selections for doping calcium and creating holes are also investigated by calculating the heat of solution. In a continuum treatment, the volume of formation of doping calcium at Y-sites is computed. It is then applied to study the segregation of calcium ions to grain boundaries in the Y-123 compound. The influences of the segregation of calcium ions on space charge profiles are finally studied to provide one guide for understanding the improvement of transport properties by doping calcium at grain boundaries in Y-123 compound.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Music Education, Aesthetics, and the Measure of Academic Achievement

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    Grades and test scores are the traditional measurement of academic achievement. Quantitative improvements on standardized scores in Math/Science/Language are highly-coveted outcomes for meeting accreditation standards required for institutional program funding. Music and the Fine Arts, difficult to assess by traditional academic achievement measurement, and often devalued as so-called “luxury” subjects, struggle for necessary funding. Showing measureable collateral value to other academic subjects—such as math—in order to justify music program funding is dubious. To objectify the purpose of music education in terms of its influence on other subjects is to overlook aesthetic value. The scholarly literature recognizes an historical tendency to correlate music activities and aptitude to other subjects (and to intelligence in general), but quantitative causeeffect claims are not supported scientifically. Music participation from childhood helps build productive, well-socialized, excellent people, but to quantitatively trace the cause to music itself remains unproven. To recognize the benefits of music and the arts by aesthetic merit involves practical, holistic views of education not based on quantifiable test scoring

    Non-diffusive spin dynamics in a two-dimensional electrongas

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    We describe measurements of spin dynamics in thetwo-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells. Opticaltechniques, including transient spin-grating spectroscopy, are used toprobe the relaxation rates of spin polarization waves in the wavevectorrange from zero to 6E4 cm-1. We find that the spin polarization lifetimeis maximal at nonzero wavevector, in contrast with expectation based onordinary spin diffusion, but in quantitative agreement with recenttheories that treat diffusion in the presence of spin-orbitcoupling
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