999 research outputs found

    A novel quark-field creation operator construction for hadronic physics in lattice QCD

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    A new quark-field smearing algorithm is defined which enables efficient calculations of a broad range of hadron correlation functions. The technique applies a low-rank operator to define smooth fields that are to be used in hadron creation operators. The resulting space of smooth fields is small enough that all elements of the reduced quark propagator can be computed exactly at reasonable computational cost. Correlations between arbitrary sources, including multi hadron operators can be computed a posteriori without requiring new lattice Dirac operator inversions. The method is tested on realistic lattice sizes with light dynamical quarks.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Knee joint neuromuscular activation performance during muscle damage and superimposed fatigue

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    This study examined the concurrent effects of exercise-induced muscle damage and superimposed acute fatigue on the neuromuscular activation performance of the knee flexors of nine males (age: 26.7 ± 6.1yrs; height 1.81 ± 0.05m; body mass 81.2 ± 11.7kg [mean ± SD]). Measures were obtained during three experimental conditions: (i) FAT-EEVID, involving acute fatiguing exercise performed on each assessment occasion plus a single episode of eccentric exercise performed on the first occasion and after the fatigue trial; (ii) FAT, involving the fatiguing exercise only and; (iii) CON consisting of no exercise. Assessments were performed prior to (pre) and at lh, 24h, 48h, 72h, and 168h relative to the eccentric exercise. Repeated-measures ANOVAs showed that muscle damage within the FAT-EEVID condition elicited reductions of up to 38%, 24%) and 65%> in volitional peak force, electromechanical delay and rate of force development compared to baseline and controls, respectively (F[io, 80] = 2.3 to 4.6; p to 30.7%>) following acute fatigue (Fp; i6] = 4.3 to 9.1; p ; Fp, iq = 3.9; p <0.05). The safeguarding of evoked muscle activation capability despite compromised volitional performance might reveal aspects of capabilities for emergency and protective responses during episodes of fatigue and antecedent muscle damaging exercise

    First results from 2+1 dynamical quark flavors on an anisotropic lattice: light-hadron spectroscopy and setting the strange-quark mass

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    We present the first light-hadron spectroscopy on a set of Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 dynamical, anisotropic lattices. A convenient set of coordinates that parameterize the two-dimensional plane of light and strange-quark masses is introduced. These coordinates are used to extrapolate data obtained at the simulated values of the quark masses to the physical light and strange-quark point. A measurement of the Sommer scale on these ensembles is made, and the performance of the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm used for generating the ensembles is estimated.Comment: 24 pages. Hadron Spectrum Collaboratio

    Prevention of restenosis after coronary balloon angioplasty: rationale and design of the Fluvavastatin Angioplasty Restenosis (FLARE) Trial

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    Prevention of restenosis after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty (PTCA) continues to present the greatest therapeutic challenge in interventional cardiology. Experimental and pathological studies describe restenosis as no more than the biologic healing response to arterial injury. Studies of serial quantitative coronary angiography have demonstrated that this biologic process may be measured as the loss in minimal luminal diameter (MLD) from post-PTCA to follow-up angiography and that it is essentially ubiquitous and normally distributed. Thus, quantitative coronary angiography has become the gold standard for evaluation of the angiographic outcome of clinical trials of new agents and devices aimed at prevention of restenosis. The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors inhibit biosynthesis of mevalonate, a precursor of non-sterol compounds involved in cell proliferation, and thus may control the neointimal response, which forms the kernel of restenosis. Experimental evidence suggests that fluvastatin may exert a greater direct inhibitory effect on proliferating vascular myocytes than other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, independent of any lipid-lowering action. The Fluvastatin Angioplasty Restenosis (FLARE) Trial was conceived, in collaboration between the Thoraxcenter, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and Sandoz Pharma, to evaluate the ability of fluvastatin 40 mg twice daily to reduce restenosis after successful single-lesion PTCA. Treatment of suitable patients begins 2 weeks before PTCA and continues after successful PTCA (residual diameter stenosis < 50%, without major cardiac complications) to follow-up angiography at 26 +/- 2 weeks. Restenosis is measured by quantitative coronary angiography at a core laboratory as the loss in MLD from post-PTCA to follow-up angiography. It is calculated (90% power, alpha = 0.05) that 730 evaluable patients will be needed to tes
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