29 research outputs found

    Response of the ultra high performance concrete under dynamic compressive loading

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    Ultra high performance concrete is a modern cementitious material which exhibits excellent mechanical properties such as damage tolerance, fracture toughness and durability. These features make this materials suitable for wide range of applications where is the material subjected to different modes of loading and different loading rates.This paper deals with measurement of the Ultra high performance concrete reinforced with steel fibres in quasi-static compression mode of deformation and two elevated strain rates using split Hopkinson pressure bar. The results of the measurement show high increase of the mechanical properties with elevated strain rate

    Prognostic impact of neck responders on conception rate of Czech Fleckvieh Simmental cows

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-25 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.58-61The climate in the Czech Republic is mild, transient between oceanic and continental, with a typical alternation of 4-year periods. The continental climate is characterized by high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter. During the extreme fluctuation of microclimatic conditions in the stable, there is also a change in individual reproductive indicators due to disruption of hormonal secretion, which further affects individual physiological processes, thus worsening conception or milder manifestations of heat, which we currently try to detect by neck responders and other modern systems.The experiment analyzed the effect of the average monthly temperature and humidity in the stable on the percentage of pregnant cows, in 2017 without the use of neck responders and in 2019, when all cows already had a neck responder. Monitoring was performed in 2017 and 2019 on the private farm GenAgro Říčany, a.s. (GPS 49 ° 12'32.319 "N, 16 ° 23'42.666" V). The values of average temperatures and relative humidity were calculated from 15-minute interval recordings of HOBO brand data loggers (Onset), which were placed in the stable, at the height at the withers of the cows without the possibility of influencing the measurements by the cows themselves. The object of monitoring was a herd of approximately 700 cows of Czech Fleckvieh Simmental various lactations. Data on the conception of cows were obtained both from the monthly reports of the breeding organization and from the data of the breeder.Thermal stress can have a long-lasting effect observable for weeks or months after the summer. This is also evidenced by the results of the work, which shows the worsening conception of cows, especially in late summer and autumn. At the same time, the results show a positive effect of the used neck responders, which help with the detection of heat and thus improve the reproduction of the whole herd.Keywords: Czech Fleckvieh Simmental, smart farming, neck responders, reproduction, heat stressReferencesBadinga, L., et al. (1985). Effects of climatic and management factors on conception rate of dairy cattle in subtropical environment. J Dairy Sci, 68, 78–85.Bertipaglia, E. C. A., et al. (2005). Fertility and hair coat characteristics of Holstein cows in a tropical environment. Anim Reprod, 2(3), 187–194.Bridges, P. J. et al. (2005). Elevated temperature (heat stress) in vitro reduces androstenedione and estradiol and increases progesterone secretion by follicular cells from bovine dominant follicles. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 29, 508–522, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.domaniend.2005.02.017.Funnell, A. (2015). Robots and the future of agriculture.[cited 2020-10-15].  Available from:http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/futuretense/a-swarmof-agbots/6968940Jelínek, P., Koudela, K. et al. (2003). Fyziologie hospodářských zvířat. Brno: Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita.Rensis, F. D., Scaramuzzi, R. . (2003). Heat stress and seasonal effects on reproduction in the dairy cow – a review. Theriogenology, 60,1139–1151, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0093-691X(03)00126-2.Schmitt, E. J. et al. (1996). Differential response of the luteal phase and fertility in cattle following ovulation of the first-wave follicle with human chorionic gonadotropin or an agonist of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone. J Anim Sci, 74, 1074–1083, DOI: 10.2527/1996.7451074xSchwab, K. (2016). The fourth industrial revolution. New York: Crown Business.Ustundag, A., Cevikcan, E. (2017). Industry 4.0: managing the digital transformation. New York: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Velechovská, J. (2016). Monitoring přežvykování pro efektivnější chov. Chov [online]., 8. číslo 18–20 str. [cited 2020-10-15]. Available from:https://www.eurofarm.cz/sites/www.eurofarm.cz/files/u2018/08-2016-chov-priloha_str18-20-eurofarm.pdfWolfenson, D., Roth, Z., Meidan, R. (2000). Impaired reproduction in heat stressed: basic and applied aspects. Anim Reprod Sci, 60, 535–547, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-4320(00)00102-0

    Gravitational Wave Emission from the Single-Degenerate Channel of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The thermonuclear explosion of a C/O white dwarf as a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) generates a kinetic energy comparable to that released by a massive star during a SN II event. Current observations and theoretical models have established that SNe Ia are asymmetric, and therefore--like SNe II--potential sources of gravitational wave (GW) radiation. We perform the first detailed calculations of the GW emission for a SN Ia of any type within the single-degenerate channel. The gravitationally-confined detonation (GCD) mechanism predicts a strongly-polarized GW burst in the frequency band around 1 Hz. Third-generation spaceborne GW observatories currently in planning may be able to detect this predicted signal from SNe Ia at distances up to 1 Mpc. If observable, GWs may offer a direct probe into the first few seconds of the SNe Ia detonation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Manufactured caverns in carbonate rock

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    Disclosed is a process for manufacturing underground caverns suitable in one embodiment for storage of large volumes of gaseous or liquid materials. The method is an acid dissolution process that can be utilized to form caverns in carbonate rock formations. The caverns can be used to store large quantities of materials near transportation facilities or destination markets. The caverns can be used for storage of materials including fossil fuels, such as natural gas, refined products formed from fossil fuels, or waste materials, such as hazardous waste materials. The caverns can also be utilized for applications involving human access such as recreation or research. The method can also be utilized to form calcium chloride as a by-product of the cavern formation process

    Growth dynamics of young fattened bulls measured by non-stress methods at the commercial feedlot

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    Response of the ultra high performance concrete under dynamic compressive loading

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    Ultra high performance concrete is a modern cementitious material which exhibits excellent mechanical properties such as damage tolerance, fracture toughness and durability. These features make this materials suitable for wide range of applications where is the material subjected to different modes of loading and different loading rates. This paper deals with measurement of the Ultra high performance concrete reinforced with steel fibres in quasi-static compression mode of deformation and two elevated strain rates using split Hopkinson pressure bar. The results of the measurement show high increase of the mechanical properties with elevated strain rate

    The right to statutory judge

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    Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult