202 research outputs found

    Strain induced mobility modulation in single-layer MoS2_{2}

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    In this paper the effect of biaxial and uniaxial strain on the mobility of single-layer MoS2_{2} for temperatures T >> 100 K is investigated. Scattering from intrinsic phonon modes, remote phonon and charged impurities are considered along with static screening. Ab-initio simulations are utilized to investigate the strain induced effects on the electronic bandstructure and the linearized Boltzmann transport equation is used to evaluate the low-field mobility under various strain conditions. The results indicate that the mobility increases with tensile biaxial and tensile uniaxial strain along the armchair direction. Under compressive strain, however, the mobility exhibits a non-monotonic behavior when the strain magnitude is varied. In particular, with a relatively small compressive strain of 1% the mobility is reduced by about a factor of two compared to the unstrained condition, but with a larger compressive strain the mobility partly recovers such a degradation

    Single Particle Transport in Two-dimensional Heterojunction Interlayer Tunneling Field Effect Transistor

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    The single particle tunneling in a vertical stack consisting of monolayers of two-dimensional semiconductors is studied theoretically and its application to a novel Two-dimensional Heterojunction Interlayer Tunneling Field Effect Transistor (Thin-TFET) is proposed and described. The tunneling current is calculated by using a formalism based on the Bardeen's transfer Hamiltonian, and including a semi-classical treatment of scattering and energy broadening effects. The misalignment between the two 2D materials is also studied and found to influence the magnitude of the tunneling current, but have a modest impact on its gate voltage dependence. Our simulation results suggest that the Thin-TFETs can achieve very steep subthreshold swing, whose lower limit is ultimately set by the band tails in the energy gaps of the 2D materials produced by energy broadening. The Thin-TFET is thus very promising as a low voltage, low energy solid state electronic switch

    Universal analytic model for tunnel FET circuit simulation

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    A simple analytic model based on the Kane-Sze formula is used to describe the current-voltage characteristics of tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs). This model captures the unique features of the TFET including the decrease in subthreshold swing with drain current and the superlinear onset of the output characteristic. The model also captures the ambipolar current characteristic at negative gate-source bias and the negative differential resistance for negative drain-source biases. A simple empirical capacitance model is also included to enable circuit simulation. The model has fairly general validity and is not specific to a particular TFET geometry. Good agreement is shown with published atomistic simulations of an InAs double-gate TFET with gate perpendicular to the tunnel junction and with numerical simulations of a broken-gap AlGaSb/InAs TFET with gate in parallel with the tunnel junctio

    Validity of the parabolic effective mass approximation in silicon and germanium n-MOSFETs with different crystal orientations

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    This paper investigates the validity of the parabolic effective mass approximation (EMA), which is almost universally used to describe the size and bias-induced quantization in n-MOSFETs. In particular, we compare the EMA results with a full-band quantization approach based on the linear combination of bulk bands (LCBB) and study the most relevant quantities for the modeling of the mobility and of the on-current of the devices, namely, the minima of the 2-D subbands, the transport masses, and the electron density of states. Our study deals with both silicon and germanium n-MOSFETs with different crystal orientations and shows that, in most cases, the validity of the EMA is quite satisfactory. The LCBB approach is then used to calculate the values of the effective masses that help improve the EMA accuracy. There are crystal orientations, however, where the 2-D energy dispersion obtained by the LCBB method exhibits features that are difficult to reproduce with the EMA model

    Reinterpreting Low Resistance in Sb–MoS2_\text{2} Ohmic Contacts by Means of Ab Initio Transport Simulations

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    By using an in-house nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF)-based ab initio simulator, we investigate the physical mechanisms driving the Sb(0112)–MoS2 system to exhibit the lowest reported contact resistance, RC =42 Ω·μm, to the 2-D semiconductor MoS2. We can find that the transport from the hybridized bands in the Sb–MoS2 heterojunction is quite ineffective and that the back-gateinduced doping of MoS2 in the contact region is crucial to explain the experiments. In fact, by accounting in our ab initio simulations for the presence of a back gate according to the experiments, it is possible to match the band structure of the MoS2 in the Sb–MoS2 heterojunction with that of the external MoS2 layer, which drastically increases the electronic transmission throughout the contact, and ultimately pushes RC close to the quantum limit. Furthermore, we extend the applicability of our previously demonstrated simulation methodology and thus investigate a field-effect transistors (FETs)-like device including an ab initio description of the carrier injection at the Sb–MoS2 contac

    Stabilization of negative capacitance in ferroelectric capacitors with and without a metal interlayer

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    The negative capacitance operation of a ferroelectric material is not only an intriguing material science topic, but also a property with important technological applications in nanoscale electron devices. Despite the growing interest for possible applications, the very existence of negative capacitance is still actively debated, even because experimental results for ferroelectric capacitors with or without a metal interlayer led to quite contradicting indications. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of the NC operation in ferroelectric capacitorsandprovidenewinsightsaboutthediscrepanciesobservedinexperiments. Our models duly account for the three-dimensional nature of the problem and show a good agreement with several aspects of recent experiments. Our results also demonstrate that traps at the ferroelectric-dielectric interface play an important role in the feasibility of a stable negative capacitance operation in ferroelectric capacitors

    Mixed Tunnel-FET/MOSFET Level Shifters: A New Proposal to Extend the Tunnel-FET Application Domain

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    In this paper, we identify the level shifter (LS) for voltage up-conversion from the ultralow-voltage regime as a key application domain of tunnel FETs (TFETs).We propose a mixed TFET\u2013MOSFET LS design methodology, which exploits the complementary characteristics of TFET and MOSFET devices. Simulation results show that the hybrid LS exhibits superior dynamic performance at the same static power consumption compared with the conventional MOSFET and pure TFET solutions. The advantage of the mixed design with respect to the conventional MOSFET approach is emphasized when lower voltage signals have to be up-converted, reaching an improvement of the energy-delay product up to three decades. When compared with the full MOSFET design, the mixed TFET\u2013MOSFET solution appears to be less sensitive toward threshold voltage variations in terms of dynamic figures of merit, at the expense of higher leakage variability. Similar results are obtained for four different LS topologies, thus indicating that the hybrid TFET\u2013MOSFET approach offers intrinsic advantages in the design of LS for voltage up-conversion from the ultralow-voltage regime compared with the conventional MOSFET and pure TFET solutions

    A TCAD-Based Methodology to Model the Site-Binding Charge at ISFET/Electrolyte Interfaces

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    5noWe propose a new approach to describe in commercial TCAD the chemical reactions that occur at dielectric/electrolyte interface and make the ion sensitive FET (ISFET) sensitive to pH. The accuracy of the proposed method is successfully verified against the available experimental data. We demonstrate the usefulness of the method by performing, for the first time in a commercial TCAD environment, a full 2-D analysis of ISFET operation, and a comparison between threshold voltage and drain current differential sensitivities in the linear and saturation regimes. The method paves the way to accurate and efficient ISFET modeling with standard TCAD tools.partially_openopenBandiziol, A.; Palestri, P.; Pittino, F.; Esseni, D.; Selmi, L.Bandiziol, Andrea; Palestri, Pierpaolo; Pittino, Federico; Esseni, David; Selmi, Luc

    A review of selected topics in physics based modeling for tunnel field-effect transistors

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    The research field on tunnel-FETs (TFETs) has been rapidly developing in the last ten years, driven by the quest for a new electronic switch operating at a supply voltage well below 1 V and thus delivering substantial improvements in the energy efficiency of integrated circuits. This paper reviews several aspects related to physics based modeling in TFETs, and shows how the description of these transistors implies a remarkable innovation and poses new challenges compared to conventional MOSFETs. A hierarchy of numerical models exist for TFETs covering a wide range of predictive capabilities and computational complexities. We start by reviewing seminal contributions on direct and indirect band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) modeling in semiconductors, from which most TCAD models have been actually derived. Then we move to the features and limitations of TCAD models themselves and to the discussion of what we define non-self-consistent quantum models, where BTBT is computed with rigorous quantum-mechanical models starting from frozen potential profiles and closed-boundary Schr\uf6dinger equation problems. We will then address models that solve the open-boundary Schr\uf6dinger equation problem, based either on the non-equilibrium Green's function NEGF or on the quantum-transmitting-boundary formalism, and show how the computational burden of these models may vary in a wide range depending on the Hamiltonian employed in the calculations. A specific section is devoted to TFETs based on 2D crystals and van der Waals hetero-structures. The main goal of this paper is to provide the reader with an introduction to the most important physics based models for TFETs, and with a possible guidance to the wide and rapidly developing literature in this exciting research field