778 research outputs found

    Collaborative Strategies for Successful Production Technology Development Projects

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    Collaborative development between the user and the equipment supplier of production technology has an increasingly important effect in terms of generating innovative, sustainable, and unique production process ideas that can be easily ramped-up to high volume production. However, joint development of production technology is challenging and has received surprisingly limited attention. Against this background the objective of the paper is to explore collaborative challenges from the equipment suppliers and customers’ perspectives in production technology development projects, and to suggest strategies for how these challenges can be addressed. Empirically the results are based on multiple case studies from two manufacturing companies in Sweden (i.e. users) and two equipment suppliers, ensuring that the perspectives of both the user and supplier sides in production technology development projects are considered. Our findings show that the identified collaboration challenges do not only relate to inter-organizational development activities but also to the companies’ internal characteristics, i.e. the prerequisites for company collaboration. Internal characteristics have a clear impact on the ability to bridge the interface with the equipment supplier and thus to advance the collaboration in production technology development projects. Our findings underscore the importance of having intra and inter-organizational strategies to enhance the success related to collaboration in production technology development projects

    Examensklausur ÖR: Bankenabgabe

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.Verfassungsbeschwerde – Grundrechtsbindung des Abgabengesetzgebers – Eigentums- und Berufsfreiheit – Gesetzgebungskompetenz für hoheitliche Abgaben – Sonderabgabe – GleichheitssatzPeer Reviewe

    Desenvolupament d‘una aplicació android per la gestió d'un club de tennis i pàdel

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    El projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d’una aplicació mòbil per Android ajustada al control d’un club de tennis i pàdel com el de Navàs. L’aplicació disposa de funcionalitats separades segons si ets un usuari normal o un administrador. Les funcionalitats dels usuaris normals permeten registrar-se al club, reservar hores, participar en torneigs, consultar el temps atmosfèric, etc. Per altra banda, els administradors poden controlar totes les interaccions dels usuaris pel que fa a reserves i torneigs, còmodament des de l’aplicació per tenir un control absolut del club. Totes les funcionalitats estan pensades per millorar la gestió del club i agilitzar-la fent a la gent més fàcil jugar a tennis i a pàdel

    Erupting Dwarf Novae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We report the first likely detections of erupting Dwarf Novae (DN) in an external galaxy: the Large Magellanic Cloud. Six candidates were isolated from approximately a million stars observed every second night over 11 nights with the CTIO 8K x 8K Mosaic2 CCD imager. Artificial dwarf nova and completeness tests suggest that we are seeing only the brightest of the LMC DN, probably SS Cygni-like CVs, but possibly SU UMa-type cataclysmics undergoing superoutbursts. We derive crude but useful limits on the LMC DN surface density, and on the number of DN in the LMC. Many thousands of cataclysmic variables in the Magellanic Clouds can be discovered and characterized with 8 meter class telescopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, 28 pages, 9 figures total, Figures 1 and 8 are supplied separately in jpeg forma

    Wirtschaftskrise: Wie können die Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt abgefedert werden?

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    Olaf Scholz, Bundesminister für Arbeit und Soziales, erläutert die Politik der Regierung und unterstreicht die Relevanz der Sozialpartnerschaft: "Der gemeinsame Einsatz für Arbeit von Bundesregierung, Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften wirkt und verhindert Schlimmeres. Das zeigt: Wir können mit Sozialpartnerschaft durch die Krise kommen und die schlechten Prognosen schlagen." Johann Eekhoff, Universität zu Köln, warnt davor, der Krise mit Versuchen, Beschäftigte mit öffentlichen Mitteln dazu zu bewegen, vorzeitig in den Ruhestand zu gehen, wie beispielsweise mit der geförderten Altersteilzeit und der Frühverrentung ohne Abschläge, begegnen zu wollen. Vielmehr sollten die Steuer- und Abgabesysteme verbessert und Arbeitszeitregelungen gelockert werden. Axel Deeke, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg, sieht in der Kurzarbeit den Grund dafür, dass die befürchteten Auswirkungen der Krise auf den Arbeitsmarkt bislang ausgeblieben sind. Nach Ansicht von Wilhelm Adamy, DGB-Vorstandsmitglied, ist die Kurzarbeit zwar kurzfristig sehr erfolgreich, kann aber einen krisenbedingten Arbeitsplatzabbau allenfalls verschieben. Diese "gewonnene Zeit" sollte genutzt werden, um, beispielsweise durch Sicherung gefährdeter Arbeitsplätze, Anhebung des Qualifikationsniveaus, Abbau von sozialer Ungleichheit und angemessene Einkommenssicherung, Beschäftigung zu sichern. Stefan Sell, Fachhochschule Koblenz, sieht die derzeitige Stabilisierung der Funktionalitäten in der Arbeitslosenversicherung nur als eine kurzfristige Strategie. Mittel- und langfristig müsse es um die Weiterentwicklung in Richtung auf eine "Beschäftigungsversicherung" gehen. Heike Bruch und David Maus, Universität St. Gallen, stellen ihr Konzept "Einsatz der problemorientierten Führung" vor, dessen Anwendung es auch in Krisenzeiten ermögliche, die Mitarbeiter zu mobilisieren.Wirtschaftskrise, Arbeitsmarkt, Kurzarbeit, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Unternehmen, Beschäftigung, Krise Armut, Deutschland

    Efficiency and timing performance of the MuPix7 high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensor

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    The MuPix7 is a prototype high voltage monolithic active pixel sensor with 103 times 80 um2 pixels thinned to 64 um and incorporating the complete read-out circuitry including a 1.25 Gbit/s differential data link. Using data taken at the DESY electron test beam, we demonstrate an efficiency of 99.3% and a time resolution of 14 ns. The efficiency and time resolution are studied with sub-pixel resolution and reproduced in simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Nucl.Instr.Meth.

    Helmholtz Open Science Workshop „Zugang zu und Nachnutzung von wissenschaftlicher Software“ #hgfos16, Report; November 2016

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    Der Report des Helmholtz Open Science Workshops „Zugang zu und Nachnutzung von wissenschaftlicher Software“ #hgfos16 behandelt die Themen Standards und Qualitätssicherung; Reproduzierbarkeit; Lizenzierung und weitere rechtliche Aspekte; Zitation und Anerkennung; Sichtbarkeit und Modularität; Geschäftsmodelle; Personal, Ausbildung, Karrierewege. Diese Themen sind eng miteinander verzahnt. Für jeden Themenbereich werden jeweils die Relevanz, Fragestellungen, Herausforderungen, mögliche Lösungsansätze und Handlungsempfehlungen betrachtet

    AT Cnc: A Second Dwarf Nova with a Classical Nova Shell

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    We are systematically surveying all known and suspected Z Cam-type dwarf novae for classical nova shells. This survey is motivated by the discovery of the largest known classical nova shell, which surrounds the archetypal dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis. The Z Cam shell demonstrates that at least some dwarf novae must have undergone classical nova eruptions in the past, and that at least some classical novae become dwarf novae long after their nova thermonuclear outbursts, in accord with the hibernation scenario of cataclysmic binaries. Here we report the detection of a fragmented "shell", 3 arcmin in diameter, surrounding the dwarf nova AT Cancri. This second discovery demonstrates that nova shells surrounding Z Cam-type dwarf novae cannot be very rare. The shell geometry is suggestive of bipolar, conical ejection seen nearly pole-on. A spectrum of the brightest AT Cnc shell knot is similar to that of the ejecta of the classical nova GK Per, and of Z Cam, dominated by [NII] emission. Galex FUV imagery reveals a similar-sized, FUV-emitting shell. We determine a distance of 460 pc to AT Cnc, and an upper limit to its ejecta mass of ~ 5 x 10^{-5} Msun, typical of classical novae.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to AJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1205.353

    Ginger extract inhibits LPS induced macrophage activation and function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Macrophages play a dual role in host defence. They act as the first line of defence by mounting an inflammatory response to antigen exposure and also act as antigen presenting cells and initiate the adaptive immune response. They are also the primary infiltrating cells at the site of inflammation. Inhibition of macrophage activation is one of the possible approaches towards modulating inflammation. Both conventional and alternative approaches are being studied in this regard. Ginger, an herbal product with broad anti inflammatory actions, is used as an alternative medicine in a number of inflammatory conditions like rheumatic disorders. In the present study we examined the effect of ginger extract on macrophage activation in the presence of LPS stimulation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Murine peritoneal macrophages were stimulated by LPS in presence or absence of ginger extract and production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines were observed. We also studied the effect of ginger extract on the LPS induced expression of MHC II, B7.1, B7.2 and CD40 molecules. We also studied the antigen presenting function of ginger extract treated macrophages by primary mixed lymphocyte reaction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed that ginger extract inhibited IL-12, TNF-α, IL-1β (pro inflammatory cytokines) and RANTES, MCP-1 (pro inflammatory chemokines) production in LPS stimulated macrophages. Ginger extract also down regulated the expression of B7.1, B7.2 and MHC class II molecules. In addition ginger extract negatively affected the antigen presenting function of macrophages and we observed a significant reduction in T cell proliferation in response to allostimulation, when ginger extract treated macrophages were used as APCs. A significant decrease in IFN-γ and IL-2 production by T cells in response to allostimulation was also observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion ginger extract inhibits macrophage activation and APC function and indirectly inhibits T cell activation.</p