1,502 research outputs found

    Courant algebroids and Poisson Geometry

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    Given a manifold M with an action of a quadratic Lie algebra d, such that all stabilizer algebras are co-isotropic in d, we show that the product M\times d becomes a Courant algebroid over M. If the bilinear form on d is split, the choice of transverse Lagrangian subspaces g_1, g_2 of d defines a bivector field on M, which is Poisson if (d,g_1,g_2) is a Manin triple. In this way, we recover the Poisson structures of Lu-Yakimov, and in particular the Evens-Lu Poisson structures on the variety of Lagrangian Grassmannians and on the de Concini-Procesi compactifications. Various Poisson maps between such examples are interpreted in terms of the behaviour of Lagrangian splittings under Courant morphisms

    On Deformation Quantization of Poisson-Lie Groups and Moduli Spaces of Flat Connections

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    We give simple explicit formulas for deformation quantization of Poisson-Lie groups and of similar Poisson manifolds which can be represented as moduli spaces of flat connections on surfaces. The star products depend on a choice of Drinfe\v{l}d associator and are obtained by applying certain monoidal functors (fusion and reduction) to commutative algebras in Drinfe\v{l}d categories. From a geometric point of view this construction can be understood as a quantization of the quasi-Poisson structures on moduli spaces of flat connections.Comment: 11 page

    Selective Categories and Linear Canonical Relations

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    A construction of Wehrheim and Woodward circumvents the problem that compositions of smooth canonical relations are not always smooth, building a category suitable for functorial quantization. To apply their construction to more examples, we introduce a notion of highly selective category, in which only certain morphisms and certain pairs of these morphisms are "good". We then apply this notion to the category SLREL\mathbf{SLREL} of linear canonical relations and the result WW(SLREL){\rm WW}(\mathbf{SLREL}) of our version of the WW construction, identifying the morphisms in the latter with pairs (L,k)(L,k) consisting of a linear canonical relation and a nonnegative integer. We put a topology on this category of indexed linear canonical relations for which composition is continuous, unlike the composition in SLREL\mathbf{SLREL} itself. Subsequent papers will consider this category from the viewpoint of derived geometry and will concern quantum counterparts

    Quasi-Hamiltonian groupoids and multiplicative Manin pairs

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    We reformulate notions from the theory of quasi-Poisson g-manifolds in terms of graded Poisson geometry and graded Poisson-Lie groups and prove that quasi-Poisson g-manifolds integrate to quasi-Hamiltonian g-groupoids. We then interpret this result within the theory of Dirac morphisms and multiplicative Manin pairs, to connect our work with more traditional approaches, and also to put it into a wider context suggesting possible generalizations.Comment: 39 page