486 research outputs found

    Dvorak's Eighth Symphony: A Response to Tchaikovsky?

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    Resistance of a compartmented surface-effect ship

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    A series of carefully controlled experiments on the resistance of a model of a compartmented surface-effect ship has been conducted in a towing tank. Configurations of the model included cases encompassing one subcushion and two subcushions, as well as differing values of the pressures in the subcushions. It was shown that a reduced total resistance in the appropriate range of Froude number could be achieved in this manner. Furthermore, the previously developed theory for the resistance of a surface-effect ship was verified for the model for a Froude number greater than 0.40

    As newly returned New York Police Commissioner, Bill Bratton’s first task will be to regain the trust of the city’s most heavily policed groups

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    Last week, Bill Bratton was sworn in as New York City’s police commissioner, as part of the administration of new mayor, Bill de Blasio. David Halle, Andrew A. Beveridge, and Sydney Beveridge, take a closer look at Bill Bratton’s policy success in reducing crime, in both New York and Los Angeles, through the use of the COMPSTAT program and its successors. They write that, now that he has returned to New York, Bratton’s challenge will be to keep crime rates low while reducing the widespread hatred of the police among black residents that has been created by ‘Stop & Frisk’ policies

    DNA sequencing supports the reinstatement of Pycnolejeunea glauca from synonymy of Cheilolejeunea intertexta, as Cheilolejeunea glauca comb. nov.

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    Pycnolejeunea glauca, originally described by Stephani based on a collection in New Zealand by William Colenso, was placed by Grolle into the synonymy of the paleotropical species Cheilolejeunea intertexta with a type from Micronesia. In this study, we generated DNA sequences from a recently-collected sample of P. glauca and compared them with published sequences of C. intertexta from China. Pycnolejeunea glauca was recovered in the phylogenetic analyses as sister to C. nipponica, whereas C. intertexta grouped in another clade with C. vittata and C. streimannii. The analysis justifies the reinstatement of P. glauca as the new combination Cheilolejeunea glauca, a New Zealand endemic. Descriptions and illustrations are provided of key features of this species together with data on its position in the phylogeny of the genus

    Rosa rugosa as an Invader of Coastal Sand Dunes of Cape Breton Island and Mainland of Nova Scotia

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    Rosa rugosa is described for the first time as an invasive species associated with coastal sand dunes in Atlantic Canada. Our surveys of 24 beaches on western Cape Breton Island and the mainland of northern Nova Scotia from Cheticamp to Fox Harbour showed that 11 of the dune systems (ca. 45%) were colonized. This was more prevalent in Cape Breton where R. rugosa occurred on 9 of 13 systems, whereas only 2 of 9 mainland systems were colonized. Four dunes (three in Cape Breton) were considered heavily colonized with 0.4 - 8.8% of the dune area with cover of R. rugosa. These beaches had 12 - 42 independent clumps with almost monospecific stands over 90% cover. In general, heavily colonized beaches were found adjacent to communities where extensive domestic planting and hedges of R. rugosa occurred and where escapes onto roadsides had occurred. In most colonized beach systems, rhizomes from clones extended 1 - 5 m to produce younger shoots. The absence of Ammophila breviligulata, Lathyrus maritimus and Myrica pensylvanica, from the interior of many clumps of R. rugosa suggests that native dune communities are being negatively impacted. This exacerbates dune integrity already compromised by impacts of sea level rise

    Landforce 2010 : some implications of technology for ADF future land force doctrine, leadership and structures

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    This monograph examines new developments in military technology of significance to Australia, then considers their implications for ADF land force doctrine and leadership, and combat force structures. Technological developments likely to lead to significant changes in land force future capabilities are examined against a speculative scenario making effective use of technology. Significant trends are identified, including the lethality of current and projected weapon systems, increased battlefield mobility and fluidity, and the potential for a fourth generation in warfare; promoting a doctrinal need for dispersed operations and 'directive control' as an operating norm. The demands of such operations under Australian conditions are seen to require increased combat soldier competence and leader ability, suggesting a need to restructure the present officer/NCO hierarchy and develop a less conventional land force

    Genetic islands of Streptococcus agalactiae strains NEM316 and 2603VR and their presence in other Group B Streptococcal strains

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus; GBS) is a major contributor to obstetric and neonatal bacterial sepsis. Serotype III strains cause the majority of late-onset sepsis and meningitis in babies, and thus appear to have an enhanced invasive capacity compared with the other serotypes that cause disease predominantly in immunocompromised pregnant women. We compared the serotype III and V whole genome sequences, strains NEM316 and 2603VR respectively, in an attempt to identify genetic attributes of strain NEM316 that might explain the propensity of strain NEM316 to cause late-onset disease in babies. Fourteen putative pathogenicity islands were described in the strain NEM316 whole genome sequence. Using PCR- and targeted microarray- strategies, the presence of these islands were assessed in a diverse strain collection including 18 colonizing isolates from healthy pregnant women, and 13 and 8 invasive isolates from infants with early- and late-onset sepsis, respectively. RESULTS: Side-by-side comparison of the strain NEM316 and strain 2603VR genomes revealed that they are extremely similar, with the only major difference being the capsulation loci and mobile genetic elements. PCR and Comparative Genome Hybridization (CGH) were used to define the presence of each island in 39 GBS isolates. Only islands I, VI, XII, and possibly X, met criteria of a true pathogenicity island, but no significant correlation was found between the presence of any of the fourteen islands and whether the strains were invasive or colonizing. Possible associations were seen between the presence of island VI and late-onset sepsis, and island X and early-onset sepsis, which warrant further investigation. CONCLUSION: The NEM316 and 2603VR strains are remarkable in that their whole genome sequences are so similar, suggesting that the capsulation loci or other genetic differences, such as pathogenicity islands, are the main determinants of the propensity of serotype III strains to cause late-onset disease. This study supports the notion that GBS strain NEM316 has four putative pathogenicity islands, but none is absolutely necessary for disease causation, whether early- or late-onset sepsis. Mobile genetic elements are a common feature of GBS isolates, with each strain having its own peculiar burden of transposons, phages, integrases and integrated plasmids. The majority of these are unlikely to influence the disease capacity of an isolate. Serotype associated disease phenotypes may thus be solely related to differences in the capsulation loci
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