644 research outputs found

    Recuperacions de Motacillidae i Turdidae (Aves : Passeriformes) a Castelló (est d’Espanya)

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    L’estudi de la migraciĂł de les aus es pot dur a terme des de diferents aproximacions. Una de les mĂ©sfructĂ­feres Ă©s el marcatge amb anelles, que consisteix a capturar les aus per prendre’ls una sĂšrie dedades biomĂštriques i de condiciĂł corporal i marcar els exemplars abans d’alliberar-los, de manera quecas de tornar-los a capturar aporten informaciĂł sobre els seus moviments.L’anĂ lisi d’aquestes dades permet definir l’origen de les poblacions d’aus migrants, conĂšixer si existeixendiferĂšncies en la migraciĂł entre classes d’edat o sexe, estimar la velocitat de vol i altres dades d’interĂšs.El present treball analitza les recuperacions de vuit espĂšcies d’aus passeriformes a la provĂ­ncia deCastellĂł: cuetet, cueta blanca, pit-blau, cul-roig, cul-roig real, merla comuna, tord comĂș i tord ala-roig.La principal font de dades Ă©s la caça, seguida de l’activitat cientĂ­fica del marcatge d’aus. Per zones, ellitoral i els illots Columbrets aglutinen el mĂ xim nombre de recuperacions. Per a cada espĂšcie s’analitzal’àrea d’origen de les poblacions nidificants i migrants, s’estudien diferĂšncies per edat i sexe i s’aportendades de velocitat de vol, longevitat i fenologia.En este article s’analitzen per primera vegada alguns detalls de la migraciĂł de les espĂšcies esmentadesmillorant el coneixement general de quĂš es disposa sobre les poblacions migrants d’aquestes espĂšciesa la provincia de CastellĂł.Recoveries of Motacillidae and Turdidae (Aves : Passeriformes) in CastellĂłn (eastern Spain)Bird migration can be studied using differet methods. One of the most successful approaches is birdringing. This method consists in catching birds to mark and to study them taking a series of biometricaland body condition data. After release, if the bird is catched again, the ring provides importantinformation of their movements.The analysis of these data leads us to know the origin of the populations of migratory birds, and thedifferences in migration timing between age and sex classes, or to estimate the flying speed and otherinteresting aspects. In this paper we analyze the recoveries of eight passerine bird species in CastellĂłnprovince: Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Bluethroat, Black Redstart, Common Redstart, Blackbird,Song Thrush and Redwing.The main source of recoveries is hunting activity, followed by ringing related to scientific activity. Thehighest numbers of recoveries come from coastal areas and the Columbretes islands. For each specieswe provide information about area of origin of the breeding and the migrant populations, age andgender differences, flight speed, longevity and phenology.This paper analyzes and discussess for the first time some details of the migration of the speciesmentioned above, improving the general knowledge that we have about the migranting populations ofthese species in CastellĂłn

    Non-Redundant Aperture Masking Interferometry With Adaptive Optics: Developing Higher Contrast Imaging To Test Brown Dwarf And Exoplanet Evolution Models

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    This dissertation presents my study of Non-Redundant Aperture Masking Interferometry (or NRM) with Adaptive Optics, a technique for obtaining high-contrast infrared images at diffraction-limited resolution. I developed numerical, statistical, and on-telescope techniques for obtaining higher contrast, in order to build an imaging system capable of resolving massive Jupiter analogs in tight orbits around nearby stars. I used this technique, combined with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGSAO), to survey known brown dwarfs for brown dwarf and planetary companions. The diffraction-limited capabilities of this technique enable the detection of companions on short period orbits that make Keplerian mass measurement practical. This, in turn, provides mass and photometric measurements to test brown dwarf evolution (and atmosphere) models, which require empirical constraints to answer key questions and will form the basis for models of giant exoplanets for the next decade. I present the results of a close companion search around 16 known brown dwarf candidates (early L dwarfs) using the first application of NRM with LGSAO on the Palomar 200" Hale Telescope. The use of NRM allowed the detection of companions between 45-360 mas in Ks band, corresponding to projected physical separations of 0.6-10.0 AU for the targets of the survey. Due to unstable LGSAO correction, this survey was capable of detecting primary-secondary contrast ratios down to [INCREMENT]Ks ~1.5-2.5 (10:1), an order of magnitude brighter than if the system performed at specification. I present four candidate brown dwarf companions detected with moderate-to-high confidence (90%-98%), including two with projected physical separations less than 1.5 AU. A prevalence of brown dwarf binaries, if confirmed, may indicate that tight-separation binaries contribute to the total binary fraction more significantly than currently assumed, and make excellent candidates for dynamical mass measurement. For this project, I developed several new, robust tools to reject false positive detections, generate accurate contrast limits, and analyze NRM data in the low signal-to-noise regime. In order to increase the sensitivity of NRM, a critical and quantitative study of quasi-static wavefront errors needs to be undertaken. I investigated the impact of small-scale wavefront errors (those smaller than a sub-aperture) on NRM using a technique known as spatial filtering. Here, I explored the effects of spatial filtering through calculation, simulation, and observational tests conducted with an optimized pinhole and aperture mask in the PHARO instrument at the 200" Hale Telescope. I find that spatially filtered NRM can increase observation contrasts by 10-25% on current AO systems and by a factor of 2-4 on higher-order AO systems. More importantly, this reveals that small scale wavefront errors contribute only modestly to the overall limitations of the NRM technique without very high-order AO systems, and that future efforts need focus on temporal stability and wavefront errors on the scale of the sub-aperture. I also develop a formalism for optimizing NRM observations with these AO systems and dedicated exoplanet imaging instruments, such as Project 1640 and the Gemini Planet Imager. This work provides a foundation for future NRM exoplanet experiments

    A morphospace of functional configuration to assess configural breadth based on brain functional networks

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    The best approach to quantify human brain functional reconfigurations in response to varying cognitive demands remains an unresolved topic in network neuroscience. We propose that such functional reconfigurations may be categorized into three different types: i) Network Configural Breadth, ii) Task-to-Task transitional reconfiguration, and iii) Within-Task reconfiguration. In order to quantify these reconfigurations, we propose a mesoscopic framework focused on functional networks (FNs) or communities. To do so, we introduce a 2D network morphospace that relies on two novel mesoscopic metrics, Trapping Efficiency (TE) and Exit Entropy (EE), which capture topology and integration of information within and between a reference set of FNs. In this study, we use this framework to quantify the Network Configural Breadth across different tasks. We show that the metrics defining this morphospace can differentiate FNs, cognitive tasks and subjects. We also show that network configural breadth significantly predicts behavioral measures, such as episodic memory, verbal episodic memory, fluid intelligence and general intelligence. In essence, we put forth a framework to explore the cognitive space in a comprehensive manner, for each individual separately, and at different levels of granularity. This tool that can also quantify the FN reconfigurations that result from the brain switching between mental states.Comment: main article: 24 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. supporting information: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Sharing Human-Generated Observations by Integrating HMI and the Semantic Sensor Web

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    Current “Internet of Things” concepts point to a future where connected objects gather meaningful information about their environment and share it with other objects and people. In particular, objects embedding Human Machine Interaction (HMI), such as mobile devices and, increasingly, connected vehicles, home appliances, urban interactive infrastructures, etc., may not only be conceived as sources of sensor information, but, through interaction with their users, they can also produce highly valuable context-aware human-generated observations. We believe that the great promise offered by combining and sharing all of the different sources of information available can be realized through the integration of HMI and Semantic Sensor Web technologies. This paper presents a technological framework that harmonizes two of the most influential HMI and Sensor Web initiatives: the W3C’s Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces (MMI) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) with its semantic extension, respectively. Although the proposed framework is general enough to be applied in a variety of connected objects integrating HMI, a particular development is presented for a connected car scenario where drivers’ observations about the traffic or their environment are shared across the Semantic Sensor Web. For implementation and evaluation purposes an on-board OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) architecture was built, integrating several available HMI, Sensor Web and Semantic Web technologies. A technical performance test and a conceptual validation of the scenario with potential users are reported, with results suggesting the approach is soun

    Postfascism in Spain: the struggle for Catalonia

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    The thousands of Spanish National Police and Guardia Civil sent to Barcelona in order to prevent the referendum legislated by the Catalan Parliament on 6 and 7 September 2017 raised major questions about the fragility of Spanish democracy. The subsequent display of police violence on 1 October and the imprisonment and criminalisation of political opponents for the archaic offences of ‘rebellion’ and ‘sedition’ looked even less ‘democratic’. Indeed, those events in Catalonia constitute a remarkable moment in recent European history. This article uses the literature on ‘postfascism’ (developed in this journal and elsewhere) to analyse this remarkable moment and develop its social connections to the parallel re-emergence of fascist violence on the streets and the appearance of fascist symbolism in mainstream politics in Spain. The literature on postfascism identifies contemporary fascism as a specifically cultural phenomenon, but generally fails to identify how the conditions that sustain the far right originate inside the state. In order to capture this historical turn more concretely as a process in which state institutions and processes of statecraft are intimately involved, we argue that the Spanish state is postfascist. The article offers a brief critique of the way the concept of postfascism has been deployed, and, through an empirical reading of the historical development of Spanish state institutions, it proposes a modified frame that can be used to understand the situation in Catalonia

    Entendiendo los orĂ­genes del crimen estatal-corporativo. Un anĂĄlisis de los desastres del Prestige y Morecambe Bay

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    El vertido de petrĂłleo del Prestige y sus trĂĄgicas consecuencias son analizadas en este artĂ­culo en el contexto de una estructura general de producciĂłn de petrĂłleo, transporte y patrĂłn de impunidad que protege a los actores estatal y corporativo clave. El artĂ­culo desafĂ­a la asunciĂłn general de que el estado y la corporaciĂłn existen como instituciones independientes y autĂłnomas, y por tanto, el error que supone entender los estados y las corporaciones como representantes de los intereses opuestos entre lo pĂșblico y lo privado. De este modo, ofrece una correcciĂłn a la asunciĂłn preponderante de que los crĂ­menes corporativos emergen de los ‘momentos de ruptura’ o de la ruptura de las capacidades de los estados para regular el poder corporativo. De hecho, argumenta que la formaciĂłn de las condiciones del desastre son el resultado de un amplio rĂ©gimen de permisividad para un sistema de acumulaciĂłn de capital, donde los estados garantizan la reproducciĂłn del poder del capital en su forma corporativa.

    Convection-induced severe winds over Menorca Island 28th October 2018. Under the watch of a forecaster

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    PĂłster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019
