70 research outputs found

    Modulation of Ca II H & K Emission by Short-Period Planets

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    We have detected modulation of the Ca II H&K reversal structure in four out of five 51 Peg-type stars whose planets have orbital periods between 3 and 4 days. We observe two effects in the K-core: (1) a broad 3-A variation at ~1% level and (2) changes on a scale of 0.5 A (~1-3%) in each of the three reversal features. The nightly variations are coherent in both H and K. From differential radial velocities measured to better than 20 m/s, up-to-date phases were extracted. The enhancements in the reversals tend to be greatest at the sub-planetary points which may imply that there is a magnetic interaction between the star's outer layers and the magnetosphere of the planet. These high-S/N (500 per pixel in the continuum) and high-resolution (R = 110,000) data are too few to confirm orbital synchronization.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in newpasp.sty format. To be published by PASP (ed. Drake Deming) in the proceedings of the conference entitled "Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets," held at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, June 18-21, 200

    Evidence for Planet-induced Chromospheric Activity on HD 179949

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    We have detected the synchronous enhancement of Ca II H & K emission with the short-period planetary orbit in HD 179949. High-resolution spectra taken on three observing runs extending more than a year show the enhancement coincides with phi ~ 0 (the sub-planetary point) of the 3.093-day orbit with the effect persisting for more than 100 orbits. The synchronous enhancement is consistent with planet-induced chromospheric heating by magnetic rather than tidal interaction. Something which can only be confirmed by further observations. Independent observations are needed to determine whether the stellar rotation is sychronous with the planet's orbit. Of the five 51 Peg-type systems monitored, HD 179949 shows the greatest chromospheric H & K activity. Three others show significant nightly variations but the lack of any phase coherence prevents us saying whether the activity is induced by the planet. Our two standards, tau Ceti and the Sun, show no such nightly variations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Ap

    The Radial Velocity Precision of Fiber-fed Spectrographs

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    We have measured the radial velocities of five 51 Peg-type stars and one star with constant velocity. Our measurements, on 20 \AA centered at 3947 \AA, were conventional using Th/Ar comparison spectra taken every 20 or 40 minutes between the stellar exposures. Existing IRAF routines were used for the reduction. We find σRV\sigma_{RV} \leq 20 m s1^{-1}, provided 4 measurements (out of 72) with residuals >5σRV>5\sigma_{RV} are neglected. The observations were made with the CFHT Gecko spectrograph, fiber-fed with the CAFE system (R\sim110,000). σRV\sigma_{RV} \leq10 m s1^{-1} seems possible with additional care. This study was incidental to the main program and so not exhaustive but the small value of σRV\sigma_{RV} implies that the fiber feed/image slicer system on Gecko + CAFE, essentially eliminates the long standing problem of guiding errors in radial velocity measurements. We are not suggesting this conventional approach for serious Doppler planet searches (especially with Gecko which has such a small multiplex gain), but the precision is valuable for observations made in spectral regions remote from telluric lines or captive-gas fiducials. Instrument builders might consider the advantages of the CAFE optics which incorporate agitation and invert the object and pupil for slit and grating illumination in future spectrograph designs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Limits to Interstellar C_4 and C_5 Towards zeta Ophiuchi

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    We have made a sensitive search for the origin bands in the known electronic transitions of the linear carbon chains C_4 and C_5 at 3789 and 5109 A towards zeta Oph (A_V <= 1). The incentive was a recent detection of C_3 in this interstellar cloud with a column density of 1.6 x 10^12 cm^-2 plus the availability of laboratory gas phase spectra of C_4 and C_5. Further, some models of diffuse interstellar clouds predict that the abundance of these latter species should be within an order of magnitude of C_3. Despite achieving S/N of 2300 to 2600 per pixel at a resolution of ~110,000, the searches were negative, leading to 3 sigma upper limits to the column density of N(C_5) = 2 x 10^11 cm^-2 and N(C_4) = 4 x 10^12-13 cm^-2 where these values rely on theoretically calculated oscillator strengths. The implication of these limits are discussed on the choice of molecules for study in future attempts to identify the carriers of the stronger diffuse interstellar bands.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The On/Off Nature of Star-Planet Interactions

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    Evidence suggesting an observable magnetic interaction between a star and its hot Jupiter appears as a cyclic variation of stellar activity synchronized to the planet's orbit. In this study, we monitored the chromospheric activity of 7 stars with hot Jupiters using new high-resolution echelle spectra collected with ESPaDOnS over a few nights in 2005 and 2006 from the CFHT. We searched for variability in several stellar activity indicators (Ca II H, K, the Ca II infrared triplet, Halpha, and He I). HD 179949 has been observed almost every year since 2001. Synchronicity of the Ca II H & K emission with the orbit is clearly seen in four out of six epochs, while rotational modulation with P_rot=7 days is apparent in the other two seasons. We observe a similar phenomenon on upsilon And, which displays rotational modulation (P_rot=12 days) in September 2005, in 2002 and 2003 variations appear to correlate with the planet's orbital period. This on/off nature of star-planet interaction (SPI) in the two systems is likely a function of the changing stellar magnetic field structure throughout its activity cycle. Variability in the transiting system HD 189733 is likely associated with an active region rotating with the star, however, the flaring in excess of the rotational modulation may be associated with its hot Jupiter. As for HD 179949, the peak variability as measured by the mean absolute deviation for both HD 189733 and tau Boo leads the sub-planetary longitude by 70 degrees. The tentative correlation between this activity and the ratio of Mpsini to the planet's rotation period, a quantity proportional to the hot Jupiter's magnetic moment, first presented in Shkolnik et al. 2005 remains viable. This work furthers the characterization of SPI, improving its potential as a probe of extrasolar planetary magnetic fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The magnetic characteristics of Galactic OB stars from the MiMeS survey of magnetism in massive stars

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    The Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project represents the largest systematic survey of stellar magnetism ever undertaken. Based on a sample of over 550 Galactic B and O-type stars, the MiMeS project has derived the basic characteristics of magnetism in hot, massive stars. Herein we report preliminary results.Comment: Proceedings of IAUS 302: Magnetic fields throughout stellar evolutio

    Investigating Ca II emission in the RS CVn binary ER Vulpeculae using the Broadening Function Formalism

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    The synchronously rotating G stars in the detached, short-period (0.7 d), partially eclipsing binary, ER Vul, are the most chromospherically active solar-type stars known. We have monitored activity in the Ca II H & K reversals for almost an entire orbit. Rucinski's Broadening Function Formalism allows the photospheric contribution to be objectively subtracted from the highly blended spectra. The power of the BF technique is also demonstrated by the good agreement of radial velocities with those measured by others from less crowded spectral regions. In addition to strong Ca II emission from the primary and secondary, there appears to be a high-velocity stream flowing onto the secondary where it stimulates a large active region on the surface 30 - 40 degrees in advance of the sub-binary longitude. A model light curve with a spot centered on the same longitude also gives the best fit to the observed light curve. A flare with approximately 13% more power than at other phases was detected in one spectrum. We suggest ER Vul may offer a magnified view of the more subtle chromospheric effects synchronized to planetary revolution seen in certain `51 Peg'-type systems.Comment: Accepted to AJ; 17 pages and 16 figure

    The Discovery of a Strong Magnetic Field and Co-rotating Magnetosphere in the Helium-weak Star HD 176582

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    We report the detection of a strong, reversing magnetic field and variable H-alpha emission in the bright helium-weak star HD 176582 (HR 7185). Spectrum, magnetic and photometric variability of the star are all consistent with a precisely determined period of 1.5819840 +/- 0.0000030 days which we assume to be the rotation period of the star. From the magnetic field curve, and assuming a simple dipolar field geometry, we derive a polar field strength of approximately 7 kG and a lower limit of 52 degrees for the inclination of the rotation axis. However, based on the behaviour of the H-alpha emission we adopt a large inclination angle of 85 degrees and this leads to a large magnetic obliquity of 77 degrees. The H-alpha emission arises from two distinct regions located at the intersections of the magnetic and rotation equators and which corotate with the star at a distance of about 3.5 R* above its surface. We estimate that the emitting regions have radial and meridional sizes on the order of 2 R* and azimuthal extents (perpendicular to the magnetic equator) of less than approximately 0.6 R*. HD 176582 therefore appears to show many of the cool magnetospheric phenomena as that displayed by other magnetic helium-weak and helium-strong stars such as the prototypical helium-strong star sigma Ori E. The observations are consistent with current models of magnetically confined winds and rigidly-rotating magnetospheres for magnetic Bp stars.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Detection of C3_{3} in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds

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    The smallest polyatomic carbon chain, C3_{3}, has been identified in interstellar clouds (Av_{v}\sim1 mag) towards ζ\zeta Ophiuchi, 20 Aquilae, and ζ\zeta Persei by detection of the origin band in its A1ΠuX1Σg+A^{1}\Pi_{u}-X^{1}\Sigma^{+}_{g} electronic transition, near 4052\AA. Individual rotational lines were resolved up to JJ=30 enabling the rotational level column densities and temperature distributions to be determined. The inferred limits for the total column densities (\sim1 to 2×1012\times10^{12} cm2^{-2}) offer a strong incentive to laboratory and astrophysical searches for the longer carbon chains. Concurrent searches for C2+_2^{+}, C2_2^{-} and C3_3^{-} were negative but provide sensitive estimates for their maximum column densities.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa