34 research outputs found


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    The paper aims to provide a brief agricultural profile of Tra Vinh province, informative adaptation results of Partridge coloured Hungarian chicken (PH) in Mekong Delta and describe the procedure to introduce PH into Tra Vinh province. During the introducing process, flexibility, consideration of the local condition (temperature, humidity, daily sunlight…), and availability of local resources such as bamboo blind, rice husk is essential for introducing a new chicken breed into Mekong Delta. For this, practical examples are given in the study. Regarding adaptation results, relatively high survival rate (89.6%) of PH was recorded at the end of 8th week. Although the recorded data of PH in Tra Vinh is limited, their performance is expected to be equally good or even better in comparison with that obtained in the sub-tropical climatic zone (North Vietnam). Further studies of PH adaptability in Mekong Delta for sustainable, traditional production and crossing purposes, as well as the involvement of chicken caravans to free range farming are recommended


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Detection of Methoxymethanol as a Photochemistry Product of Condensed Methanol

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    We report the identification of methoxymethanol (CH3OCH2OH) as a photochemistry product of condensed methanol (CH3OH) based on temperature-programmed desorption studies conducted following photon irradiation at energies below the ionization threshold (9.8 eV) of condensed methanol. The first detection of methoxymethanol in the interstellar medium was reported in 2017 based on data from Bands 6 and 7 from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The cosmic synthesis of “complex” organic molecules such as methyl formate (HCOOCH3), dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3), acetic acid (CH3COOH), ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH), and glycolaldehyde (HOCH2CHO) has been attributed to UV photolysis of condensed methanol found in interstellar ices. Experiments conducted in 1995 demonstrated that electron-induced radiolysis of methanol cosmic ice analogues yields methoxymethanol. In three recent publications (2016, 2017, and 2018), methoxymethanol was considered as a potential tracer for reactions induced by secondary electrons resulting from the interaction of cosmic rays with interstellar ices. However, the results presented in this study suggest that methoxymethanol can be formed from both radiation chemistry and photochemistry of condensed methanol

    Policy responses to problematic video game use: a systematic review of current measures and future possibilities

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    Background and aims: Empirical research into problematic video game playing suggests that overuse might cause functional and psychological impairments for a minority of gamers. Therefore, the need for regulation in the case of video games (whether governmental or self-imposed) has arisen but has only been implemented in a few countries around the world, and predominantly in Asia. This paper provides a systematic review of current and potential policies addressing problematic gaming. Methods: After conducting a systematic search in the areas of prevention, treatment, and policy measures relating to problematic Internet and video game use, papers were selected that targeted problematic gaming policies (N = 12; six in English and six in Korean). These papers served as the basis of this review. Results: Policies were classified into three major groups: (i) policy measures limiting availability of video games (e.g., shutdown policy, fatigue system, and parental controls), (ii) measures aiming to reduce risk and harm (e.g., warning messages), and (iii) measures taken to provide help services for gamers. Beyond the attempt to classify the current and potential policy measures, the authors also tried to evaluate their efficiency theoretically and (if data were available) empirically. Discussion and conclusions: Overall, it appears that although several steps have been taken to address problematic video game playing, most of these steps were not as effective as expected, or had not been evaluated empirically for efficacy. The reason for this may lie in the fact that the policies outlined only addressed or influenced specific aspects of the problem instead of using a more integrative approach

    Capturing the Aftermath of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision in Google Search Results across the U.S.

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    How do Google Search results change following an impactful real-world event, such as the U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 24, 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade? And what do they tell us about the nature of event-driven content, generated by various participants in the online information environment? In this paper, we present a dataset of more than 1.74 million Google Search results pages collected between June 24 and July 17, 2022, intended to capture what Google Search surfaced in response to queries about this event of national importance. These search pages were collected for 65 locations in 13 U.S. states, a mix of red, blue, and purple states, with respect to their voting patterns. We describe the process of building a set of circa 1,700 phrases used for searching Google, how we gathered the search results for each location, and how these results were parsed to extract information about the most frequently encountered web domains. We believe that this dataset, which comprises raw data (search results as HTML files) and processed data (extracted links organized as CSV files) can be used to answer research questions that are of interest to computational social scientists as well as communication and media studies scholars

    Passivation of Cu surface and its application in Cu-Cu bonding for high density 3D IC realization

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    Email Print Request Permissions In this invited paper, a non-UHV and non-corrosive method using self-assembled monolayer (SAM) to passivate Cu surface to prevent oxidation and contamination is investigated. The final goal is to enable low temperature Cu-Cu bonding for high density 3D IC realization

    Technical trading in Asia based on E/P ratio

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    Our first major finding is the positive correlation between the dependent variable - market return and the following independent variables: E/P ratio, short spread and long spread in the Asian and Oceanian markets. However, the results are not statistically significant. Secondly, we have constructed three different investment portfolios: switching portfolio using short spread, switching portfolio using long spread and benchmark portfolio. We have found out that most of the switching portfolios using short spread outperform the other two. Again, the differences are not significant. Findings of this study are of importance for investors who are keen on investing in Asian and Oceanian equity markets. Moreover, this is the first paper to conduct a comprehensive study in a wide range of Asian countries. Therefore, the paper serves as foundation for future research.BUSINES

    Mutations Prevalent among Rifampin- and Isoniazid-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates from a Hospital in Vietnam

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    Vietnam is ranked 13th among the WHO list of 22 high-burden countries, based upon estimated total number of tuberculosis cases. Despite having a model national tuberculosis program, consistently achieving and exceeding WHO targets for detection and cure, drug-resistant and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases continue to rise. Rapid multidrug-resistant tests applicable in this setting, coupled with effective treatment regimens, would be a useful tool in reversing this trend, allowing early identification of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and avoiding resistance-amplifying regimens. Sequencing of consecutive isolates identified by the National Tuberculosis Program showed 89% of isoniazid-resistant isolates could be detected by targeting just 2 codons, katG 315 and −15C→T in the inhA promoter, while rifampin resistance will be more complex to detect, with many different mutation and insertion events in rpoB. The most prevalent rifampin resistance-conferring mutations, as in other countries, were in rpoB codons 531 (43%), 526 (31%), and 516 (15%). However, a hybridization-based resistance test with probes targeting the 5 most common mutations would only detect 78% of rifampin-resistant isolates. Overall, these data suggest that rifampin resistance may be used as a surrogate marker for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and that a sensitivity of between 70 to 80% may be possible for rapid molecular detection of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in this setting

    PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism for Rapid, Low-Cost Identification of Isoniazid-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis▿

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    PCR-restriction fragment length poymorphism (PCR-RFLP) is a simple, robust technique for the rapid identification of isoniazid-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. One hundred consecutive isolates from a Vietnamese tuberculosis hospital were tested by MspA1I PCR-RFLP for the detection of isoniazid-resistant katG_315 mutants. The test had a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100% against conventional phenotypic drug susceptibility testing. The positive and negative predictive values were 1 and 0.86, respectively. None of the discrepant isolates had mutant katG_315 codons by sequencing. The test is cheap (less than $1.50 per test), specific, and suitable for the rapid identification of isoniazid resistance in regions with a high prevalence of katG_315 mutants among isoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates