10 research outputs found

    Chapter Progettare attività di Public History: criteri orientativi ed indicazioni operative

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    The contribution aims to serve as a toolkit to provide a sort of 'how to' guide on some aspects that public historians need to take into account when planning public history activities, from sources to content dissemination. Two short sections are therefore proposed, which schematically refer to the main stages of the public historian's work on two levels: 'research' and 'representation'

    150 ore e sperimentazione didattica: il caso del teatro operaio a Terni

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    The paper has the porpose to explain how the contractual statute of the150-hours promoted an interesting reinterpretation of culture and schooling and how the practical activities of the courses were based on the experience of workers. An overview to contextualize the Terni workers' case who decided to use the paid hours to explore the importance of the theater as an educational and communication tool to transform the social reality. A report of a unique experience made possible by the support of LiberEtà Cgil which has provided the contact of the coordinator of the theater workshop, Gian Filippo Della Croce (Fiom)

    Go home Erpinotto! Propagandistic booklets reserved for young people and children in the Italy of the Marshall Plan

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    The article deals with the cultural propaganda programme implemented by the United States in Italy during the years of the Marshall Plan, with particular attention to publications and brochures aimed at young people, children and students, who were considered a target group for the objectives of Usis (United States Information Service) and the Information Division of the Eca (Economic Cooperation Administration). Taking into consideration the contents of atlases, comics, games and shows envisaged by the American mission and by operation "Bambi", the research highlights the messages of growth, modernisation and productivity that were typical of the American way of life, also highlighting how much the economic development and aid programme for the populations was an integral part of the American policy of containing and fighting Communism

    Chapter BlogRoll e risorse digitali per la Public History

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    This paper proposes a brief review of digital resources useful for historians, scholars, professionals and students who want to approach Public History and which can offer opportunities for exploration and participation at several levels. The analysis has been divided into four parts, each starting from an exploration of the Italian context and then moving on to international resources: 1. Web spaces of national and international associations, 2. Oral History and Digital History, 3. Public History Journals , 4. Apps and Databases

    The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory and anticipatory governance in health research and care

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has unmasked even more clearly the need for research and care to form a unique and interdependent ecosystem, a concept which has emerged in recent years. In fact, to address urgent and unexpected missions such as "fighting all together the COVID-19 pandemic", the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration, mission-oriented governance and flexibility has been demonstrated with great efficacy. This calls for a policy integration strategy and implementation of responsible research and innovation principles in health, promoting an effective cooperation between science and society towards a shared mission. This article describes the MULTI-ACT framework and discusses how its innovative approach, encompassing governance criteria, patient engagement and multidisciplinary impact assessment, represents a holistic management model for structuring responsible research and innovation participatory governance in brain conditions research

    Recensione di: Thomas Cauvin, Public History. A texbook of practice, Routledge, New York-Londra, 2016

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    Chapter BlogRoll e risorse digitali per la Public History

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    Le normative e le politiche regionali per la partecipazione delle donne al mercato del lavoro (Regional Laws and Policies for the Participation of Women in the Labour Market)

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