224 research outputs found

    Validating the Automated Assessment of Participation and of Collaboration in Chat Conversations

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    International audienceAs Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) gains a broader usage as a viable alternative to classic educational scenarios, the need for automated tools capable of supporting tutors in the time consuming process of analyzing conversations becomes more stringent. Moreover, in order to fully explore the benefits of such scenarios, a clear demarcation must be made between participation or active involvement, and collaboration that presumes the intertwining of ideas or points of view with other participants. Therefore, starting from a cohesion-based model of the discourse, we propose two computational models for assessing collaboration and participation. The first model is based on the cohesion graph and can be perceived as a longitudinal analysis of the ongoing conversation, thus accounting for participation from a social knowledge-building perspective. In the second approach, collaboration is regarded from a dialogical perspective as the intertwining or overlap of voices pertaining to different speakers, therefore enabling a transversal analysis of subsequent discussion slices

    Finding the Needle in a Haystack: Who are the Most Central Authors Within a Domain?

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    The speed at which new scientific papers are published has increased dramatically, while the process of tracking the most recent publications having a high impact has become more and more cumbersome. In order to support learners and researchers in retrieving relevant articles and identifying the most central researchers within a domain, we propose a novel 2-mode multilayered graph derived from Cohesion Network Analysis (CNA). The resulting extended CNA graph integrates both authors and papers, as well as three principal link types: coauthorship, co-citation, and semantic similarity among the contents of the papers. Our rankings do not rely on the number of published documents, but on their global impact based on links between authors, citations, and semantic relatedness to similar articles. As a preliminary validation, we have built a network based on the 2013 LAK dataset in order to reveal the most central authors within the emerging Learning Analytics domain.This study is part of the RAGE project. The RAGE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644187. This publication reflects only the author's view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Fostering Joint Innovation: A Global Online Platform for Ideas Sharing and Collaboration

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    In today's world, where moving forward hinges on innovation and working together, this article introduces a new global online platform that is all about sparking teamwork to come up with new ideas. This platform goes beyond borders and barriers between different fields, creating an exciting space where people from all over the world can swap ideas, get helpful feedback, and team up on exciting projects. What sets our platform apart is its ability to tap into the combined brainpower of a diverse bunch of users, giving people the power to come up with game-changing ideas that tackle big global problems. By making it easy for people to share ideas and promoting a culture of working together, our platform is like a buddy for innovation, boosting creativity and problem-solving on a global level. This article spills the details on what the platform aims to do, how it works, and what makes it special, emphasizing how it can kickstart creativity, ramp up problem-solving skills, and get different fields collaborating. It is not just a tool it is a whole new way of teaming up to make daily life better and build a global community of problem-solving pals.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, ITNG 2024 21st International Conference on Information Technology. Las Vegas, Nevada, US

    Identification of temperature profile and heat transfer on a dielectric membrane for gas sensors by `COSMOS' program simulation

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    The application of commercial 3-D software `COSMOS' for the design and thermal analysis of the low power consumption test structures with dielectric membrane for gas microsensors is presented. Within this work, the simulation provides the estimation of the temperature profile on the active area and the whole membrane including the four bridges and the heating efficiency in the temperature range 20-500 °C. Unravelling of the heat loss mechanisms in terms of radiation, convection, conduction by air and solid materials during heat transfer on the dielectric membrane is reported for the first time as a mean to evaluate by 3-D simulation the contribution of technological processes and lay-out design to the total heat losses

    Studii privind comportarea unor soiuri de mar cultivate in ferma horticola „V. Adamachi” Iasi

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    Apple is the species which occupy in temperated areas first place as volume of production and surfaces. In the period 2013-2015 were performed biometric measurements on three apple varieties (Idared, Generos and Florina), planted in intensive system from horticultural farm "V. Adamachi" Iaş

    A simple model of ac hopping surface conductivity in ionic liquids

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    The boundary conditions proposed to discuss the charge exchange taking place in an ionic liquid in contact with non-blocking electrodes are reconsidered in a dynamic situation. Assuming that the variation of the bulk ionic current density depends linearly on the surface value of the ionic current density, the frequency dependence of the phenomenological parameter is determined. The analysis has been performed in the framework where the relaxation times are smaller than a maximum relaxation time τM, and that the response function is independent on the value of the relaxation time. Using simple physical considerations, an expression for the surface conductivity describing the ionic charge exchange at the electrode is obtained. According to our calculations, its frequency dependence is similar to that predicted for the electric conductivity in disordered materials when the mechanism is of the hopping type. From measurements of impedance spectroscopy, by the best fit of the experimental data, the temperature dependence of the hopping time, of the dc surface conductivity, and of the diffusion coefficient are derived. They are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions obtained with the random distribution of surface energy barrier. Keywords: Ionic liquids, Non-blocking electrodes, Electrical impedance spectroscopy, AC hopping surface conductivit

    Classification of Russian textbooks by grade level and topic using ReaderBench

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    This article analyzes automated methods for classifying Russian-language textbooks in two dimensions, and precisely on the topic of the text and its complexity, reflected by the corresponding school level (class

    Discourse complexity: driving forces of the new paradigm

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    In the article, the authors investigate what makes the text difficult for a certain category of readers, thereby expanding the object of research from " text" to "text and reader", or, more specifically, "alignment of text and reader". Texts are examined for complexity, i.e. features of the text that affect its understandin