2,285 research outputs found

    Studies on gastro-intestinal helminths of Equus acinus in North Gujarat, India

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    A year round study (October to September) was conducted in the districts of North Gujarat (India) to identify the gastro-intestinal helminths of donkeys (Equus acinus), determine prevalence and correlate haematological parameters with parasite burdens. A total of 1794 faecal samples of donkeys contained the following helminths (prevalence % in brackets): Strongyloides westeri (17.2), Parascaris equorum (23.8), Strongylus sp. (55.3), an amphistome digenean (1.5), Anoplocephala sp. (1.0), Balantidium coli (13.1) and Eimeria leuckarti (7.0). Overall prevalence was 75.9 with a mean of 627 (50-1650) eggs per gram faeces. Seasonally the maximum prevalence (85.3) occurred in March and minimum (65.2) in July. 14% of donkeys were considered to be severely infected, 38% heavily, 36% moderately and 12% mildly infected. Larval cultures revealed the presence of (prevalence%): Cyathostomum sp. (48), Gyalocephalus sp. (8), Oesophagodontus sp. (6), Triodontophorus sp. (10), Strongyloides westeri (10), Strongylus vulgaris (30), Strongylus equines (40) and S. edentatus (30). Hematological indices were inversely proportional to epg counts.Keywords: donkeys, gastro-intestinal parasites, haematology, prevalence

    The Drosophila Anion Exchanger (DAE) lacks a detectable interaction with the spectrin cytoskeleton

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current models suggest that the spectrin cytoskeleton stabilizes interacting ion transport proteins at the plasma membrane. The human erythrocyte anion exchanger (AE1) was the first membrane transport protein found to be associated with the spectrin cytoskeleton. Here we evaluated a conserved anion exchanger from Drosophila (DAE) as a marker for studies of the downstream effects of spectrin cytoskeleton mutations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequence comparisons established that DAE belongs to the SLC4A1-3 subfamily of anion exchangers that includes human AE1. Striking sequence conservation was observed in the C-terminal membrane transport domain and parts of the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain, but not in the proposed ankyrin-binding site. Using an antibody raised against DAE and a recombinant transgene expressed in <it>Drosophila </it>S2 cells DAE was shown to be a 136 kd plasma membrane protein. A major site of expression was found in the stomach acid-secreting region of the larval midgut. DAE codistributed with an infolded subcompartment of the basal plasma membrane of interstitial cells. However, spectrin did not codistribute with DAE at this site or in anterior midgut cells that abundantly expressed both spectrin and DAE. Ubiquitous knockdown of DAE with dsRNA eliminated antibody staining and was lethal, indicating that DAE is an essential gene product in <it>Drosophila</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on the lack of colocalization and the lack of sequence conservation at the ankyrin-binding site, it appears that the well-characterized interaction between AE1 and the spectrin cytoskeleton in erythrocytes is not conserved in <it>Drosophila</it>. The results establish a pattern in which most of the known interactions between the spectrin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane in mammals do not appear to be conserved in <it>Drosophila</it>.</p

    Supersymmetric Intersecting Branes on the Waves

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    We construct a general family of supersymmetric solutions in time- and space-dependent wave backgrounds in general supergravity theories describing single and intersecting p-branes embedded into time-dependent dilaton-gravity plane waves of an arbitrary (isotropic) profile, with the brane world-volume aligned parallel to the propagation direction of the wave. We discuss how many degrees of freedom we have in the solutions. We also propose that these solutions can be used to describe higher-dimensional time-dependent "black holes", and discuss their property briefly.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Intersecting black branes in strong gravitational waves

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    We consider intersecting black branes with strong gravitational waves propagating along their worldvolume in the context of supergravity theories. Both near-horizon and space-filling gravitational wave modes are included in our ansatz. The equations of motion (originally, partial differential equations) are shown to reduce to ordinary differential equations, which include a Toda-like system. For special arrangements of intersecting black branes, the Toda-like system becomes integrable, permitting a more thorough analysis of the gravitational equations of motion.Comment: 17 pages; v2: cosmetic improvements, published versio

    Clip-level feature aggregation : a key factor for video-based person re-identification

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    In the task of video-based person re-identification, features of persons in the query and gallery sets are compared to search the best match. Generally, most existing methods aggregate the frame-level features together using a temporal method to generate the clip-level fea- tures, instead of the sequence-level representations. In this paper, we propose a new method that aggregates the clip-level features to obtain the sequence-level representations of persons, which consists of two parts, i.e., Average Aggregation Strategy (AAS) and Raw Feature Utilization (RFU). AAS makes use of all frames in a video sequence to generate a better representation of a person, while RFU investigates how batch normalization operation influences feature representations in person re- identification. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can boost the performance of existing models for better accuracy. In particular, we achieve 87.7% rank-1 and 82.3% mAP on MARS dataset without any post-processing procedure, which outperforms the existing state-of-the-art

    Stringy effects in black hole decay

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    We compute the low energy decay rates of near-extremal three(four) charge black holes in five(four) dimensional N=4 string theory to sub-leading order in the large charge approximation. This involves studying stringy corrections to scattering amplitudes of a scalar field off a black hole. We adapt and use recently developed techniques to compute such amplitudes as near-horizon quantities. We then compare this with the corresponding calculation in the microscopic configuration carrying the same charges as the black hole. We find perfect agreement between the microscopic and macroscopic calculations; in the cases we study, the zero energy limit of the scattering cross section is equal to four times the Wald entropy of the black hole.Comment: 32 page

    Evidence for a fractional quantum Hall state with anisotropic longitudinal transport

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    At high magnetic fields, where the Fermi level lies in the N=0 lowest Landau level (LL), a clean two-dimensional electron system (2DES) exhibits numerous incompressible liquid phases which display the fractional quantized Hall effect (FQHE) (Das Sarma and Pinczuk, 1997). These liquid phases do not break rotational symmetry, exhibiting resistivities which are isotropic in the plane. In contrast, at lower fields, when the Fermi level lies in the N2N\ge2 third and several higher LLs, the 2DES displays a distinctly different class of collective states. In particular, near half filling of these high LLs the 2DES exhibits a strongly anisotropic longitudinal resistance at low temperatures (Lilly et al., 1999; Du et al., 1999). These "stripe" phases, which do not exhibit the quantized Hall effect, resemble nematic liquid crystals, possessing broken rotational symmetry and orientational order (Koulakov et al., 1996; Fogler et al., 1996; Moessner and Chalker, 1996; Fradkin and Kivelson, 1999; Fradkin et al, 2010). Here we report a surprising new observation: An electronic configuration in the N=1 second LL whose resistivity tensor simultaneously displays a robust fractionally quantized Hall plateau and a strongly anisotropic longitudinal resistance resembling that of the stripe phases.Comment: Nature Physics, (2011

    Local Optical Probe of Motion and Stress in a multilayer graphene NEMS

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    Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMSs) are emerging nanoscale elements at the crossroads between mechanics, optics and electronics, with significant potential for actuation and sensing applications. The reduction of dimensions compared to their micronic counterparts brings new effects including sensitivity to very low mass, resonant frequencies in the radiofrequency range, mechanical non-linearities and observation of quantum mechanical effects. An important issue of NEMS is the understanding of fundamental physical properties conditioning dissipation mechanisms, known to limit mechanical quality factors and to induce aging due to material degradation. There is a need for detection methods tailored for these systems which allow probing motion and stress at the nanometer scale. Here, we show a non-invasive local optical probe for the quantitative measurement of motion and stress within a multilayer graphene NEMS provided by a combination of Fizeau interferences, Raman spectroscopy and electrostatically actuated mirror. Interferometry provides a calibrated measurement of the motion, resulting from an actuation ranging from a quasi-static load up to the mechanical resonance while Raman spectroscopy allows a purely spectral detection of mechanical resonance at the nanoscale. Such spectroscopic detection reveals the coupling between a strained nano-resonator and the energy of an inelastically scattered photon, and thus offers a new approach for optomechanics

    Manipulating infrared photons using plasmons in transparent graphene superlattices

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    Superlattices are artificial periodic nanostructures which can control the flow of electrons. Their operation typically relies on the periodic modulation of the electric potential in the direction of electron wave propagation. Here we demonstrate transparent graphene superlattices which can manipulate infrared photons utilizing the collective oscillations of carriers, i.e., plasmons of the ensemble of multiple graphene layers. The superlattice is formed by depositing alternating wafer-scale graphene sheets and thin insulating layers, followed by patterning them all together into 3-dimensional photonic-crystal-like structures. We demonstrate experimentally that the collective oscillation of Dirac fermions in such graphene superlattices is unambiguously nonclassical: compared to doping single layer graphene, distributing carriers into multiple graphene layers strongly enhances the plasmonic resonance frequency and magnitude, which is fundamentally different from that in a conventional semiconductor superlattice. This property allows us to construct widely tunable far-infrared notch filters with 8.2 dB rejection ratio and terahertz linear polarizers with 9.5 dB extinction ratio, using a superlattice with merely five graphene atomic layers. Moreover, an unpatterned superlattice shields up to 97.5% of the electromagnetic radiations below 1.2 terahertz. This demonstration also opens an avenue for the realization of other transparent mid- and far-infrared photonic devices such as detectors, modulators, and 3-dimensional meta-material systems.Comment: under revie