142 research outputs found

    Obstruction characterization of co-TT graphs

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    Threshold tolerance graphs and their complement graphs ( known as co-TT graphs) were introduced by Monma, Reed and Trotter[24]. Introducing the concept of negative interval Hell et al.[19] defined signed-interval bigraphs/digraphs and have shown that they are equivalent to several seemingly different classes of bigraphs/digraphs. They have also shown that co-TT graphs are equivalent to symmetric signed-interval digraphs. In this paper we characterize signed-interval bigraphs and signed-interval graphs respectively in terms of their biadjacency matrices and adjacency matrices. Finally, based on the geometric representation of signed-interval graphs we have setteled the open problem of forbidden induced subgraph characterization of co-TT graphs posed by Monma, Reed and Trotter in the same paper.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0591

    Investment Planning Models and Optimal Incentive Design for System Planners and Investors to Integrate Renewables

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    Emissions from fossil fuel based energy sources is a global concern with respect to environmental degradation. Thus, a diversification of energy sources in the supply mix of power systems to include renewable sources of energy has become necessary in order to reduce emissions. In addition to renewable integration, the incorporation of energy conservation also helps in emissions reduction, thereby, becoming an increasingly important aspect of generation expansion planning (GEP). However, the relatively high cost of renewable energy sources (RES) is a hindrance in achieving a cleaner and more diverse energy supply mix. Therefore, it is imperative to develop and analyze a system planning model for determining optimal incentives that will encourage both renewable integration and conservation, while allowing investors to make optimal investment decisions on RES projects. In recent years, solar energy, particularly solar photovoltaic (PV), based generation has become one of the fastest growing energy sources in the electricity sector. Hence, the first part of this thesis presents a novel sensitivity analysis framework, based on duality theory (DT), to examine the sensitivity of an investor's profit to changes in parameters of a solar PV investment planning model previously proposed. The computed sensitivity indices are utilized for assessing the risk of a specific solar PV investment project for a realistic model of the Ontario grid. The results demonstrate that sensitivity indices obtained using DT-based method are very close to the true sensitivities obtained using a finite difference (FD) approach and also those obtained using Monte Carlo simulations, but at lower computational costs. Furthermore, a novel interpretation of the sensitivity indices is developed, by proposing mathematical formulas that help to evaluate the risk indices of a solar PV investment project. In the second part of this thesis, a novel holistic GEP model, from a system planner's perspective, has been proposed to enable a central planning authority (CPA) or a regulator to determine optimal incentives for renewable energy integration and energy conservation, while considering investors' constraints. The proposed GEP model is also designed to determine the siting, sizing, timing, and technology of the new capacities required to adequately supply the demand over the planning horizon. Various case studies relevant to Ontario and based on realistic data, comprising presence/absence and variations in RES penetration and/or energy conservation targets, variations in maximum payback-period limits of RES, and other input parameter changes are presented and discussed. Furthermore, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to understand the effects that uncertainties on non-dispatchable wind and solar generation availabilities have on the GEP outcome, particularly on the optimal RES incentives

    Scale of Dirac leptogenesis and left-right symmetry in the light of recent PTA results

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    Motivated by the recent release of new results from five different pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments claiming to have found compelling evidence for primordial gravitational waves (GW) at nano-Hz frequencies, we study the consequences for two popular beyond the Standard Model (SM) frameworks, where such nano-Hz GW can arise due to annihilating domain walls (DW). Minimal framework of Dirac leptogenesis, as well as left-right symmetric model (LRSM) can lead to formation of DW due to spontaneous breaking of Z2Z_2 symmetry. Considering the NANOGrav 15 yr data, we show that the scale of Dirac leptogenesis should be above 10710^7 GeV for conservative choices of Dirac Yukawa couplings with fine-tuning at the level of the SM. The scale of {\it minimal} LRSM is found to be more constrained MLR∼106M_{\rm LR} \sim 10^6 GeV in order to fit the NANOGrav 15 yr data. On the other hand, the {\it non-minimal} LRSM can be compatible with the NANOGrav data for 102 TeV≲MLR≲10310^2 \, {\rm TeV} \lesssim M_{\rm LR} \lesssim 10^3 TeV but with the corresponding B−LB-L breaking scale violating collider bounds.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, version accepted in JCA

    A retrospective study of post-operative gall bladder pathology with special reference to incidental carcinoma of the gall bladder

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    Background:Surgical removal of gall bladder for its diseases is common. However, not much is known about the incidence of incidental carcinoma in such patients in our population. Objective of current study was to analyze the different pathological entities of post-operative gall bladder specimen with particular emphasis on incidental carcinoma.Methods:This retrospective study was carried out at a multi-specialty hospital in eastern India from the pathology records for the period from August 2005 to July 2008. The records were analyzed for gender, age group distribution, and pathological types with different histology.Results:Out of 863 records, chronic cholecystitis 51.2% was the most common histology and malignancy was seen in 2.7% (23/863) both pre-operative and post-operative diagnosis. In the neoplastic group incidental carcinoma was diagnosed in 1.9% (17/23) of casesConclusion:Histopathological examination of gallbladder specimen helps to identify non-neoplastic conditions with its complications and also, for the detection of incidental carcinoma. Thorough sampling of all gallbladder specimens is a must to detect focal neoplastic changes

    Functional Foods: Potential Activity For Controlling Heart Disease

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    In modern communities, functional foods are very much acceptable to health-conscious people. Functional foods are considered healthy foods. Chronic diseases like Heart-related issues develop due to the intake of excessive quantities of fat, refined sugar, salt, and cholesterol-rich foods. However functional foods are involved to facilitate heart distress. Intake of active food ingredients like micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), dietary fibre, antioxidants, and probiotic foods improve cardiovascular disorder therefore upgrading physical and mental well-being. Authors have demonstrated that aged people suffer chronic distress in general therefore it can be prevented by functional foods. functional foods are more relevant than synthetic drugs or pharmaceuticals. So, heart-related issues are torn down by the consumption of functional foods in adequate quantity. Functional foods which have good quantity of bioactive compounds, nutraceutical attributes these are fruits and vegetables, green tea, turmeric, onion, spirulina, soyabean, oats and barley, probiotics and prebiotics, extra virgin olive oil and so on, have capability to mitigate intricate difficulties of cardiovascular disease. Precisely, the motive of this review is the advantageous effect of functional foods in preventing the manifestations of heart disorders around the globe. This review article highlights functional foods' potential activity to control heart disorders

    Glucocorticoids alleviate intestinal ER stress by enhancing protein folding and degradation of misfolded proteins

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in intestinal secretory cells has been linked with colitis in mice and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Endogenous intestinal glucocorticoids are important for homeostasis and glucocorticoid drugs are efficacious in IBD. In Winnie mice with intestinal ER stress caused by misfolding of the Muc2 mucin, the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) suppressed ER stress and activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR), substantially restoring goblet cell Muc2 production. In mice lacking inflammation, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist increased ER stress, and DEX suppressed ER stress induced by the N-glycosylation inhibitor, tunicamycin (Tm). In cultured human intestinal secretory cells, in a glucocorticoid receptor-dependent manner, DEX suppressed ER stress and UPR activation induced by blocking N-glycosylation, reducing ER Ca2+ or depleting glucose. DEX up-regulated genes encoding chaperones and elements of ER-associated degradation (ERAD), including EDEM1. Silencing EDEM1 partially inhibited DEX's suppression of misfolding-induced ER stress, showing that DEX enhances ERAD. DEX inhibited Tm-induced MUC2 precursor accumulation, promoted production of mature mucin, and restored ER exit and secretion of Winnie mutant recombinant Muc2 domains, consistent with enhanced protein folding. In IBD, glucocorticoids are likely to ameliorate ER stress by promoting correct folding of secreted proteins and enhancing removal of misfolded proteins from the ER
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