192 research outputs found
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Bpr Konvensional di Indonesia Periode 2009 Sampai 2012
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan pengaruh rasio keuanganCapital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Biaya Operasi dibanding Pendapatan Operasi(BOPO), Non Performing Loan (NPL) dan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) terhadapkinerja bank yang diukur dengan Return On Asset (ROA) serta variabel-variabelmanakah yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap Return On Asset (ROA).byek penelitian adalah bank-bank BPR konvensional yang beroperasi di 33 Provinsidi Indonesia pada rentang tahun 2009-2012. Teknik penentuan sampling adalahsampling jenuh atau sensus yaitu dimana semua anggota populasi digunakansebagai sampel yang berarti sampel yang digunakan sama dengan populasi.Sumber data dari publikasi pada website resmi Bank Indonesia, Teknik analisisyang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi berganda. Dari hasil uji F didapat nilai F hitungsebesar 22.432 dengan nilai P value, sig. sebesar 0,000. Hal ini berarti nilai P valuekurang dari 0,05 yang menunjukkan bahwa variabel Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR),Biaya Operasi dibanding Pendapatan Operasi (BOPO), Non Performing Loan (NPL)dan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadapReturn On Asset (ROA). Berdasarkan hasil uji t disimpulkan bahwa Loan to DepositRatio (LDR), Biaya Operasi dibanding Pendapatan Operasi (BOPO) berpengaruhsecara parsial terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) sedangkan Capital Adequacy Ratio(CAR) dan Non Performing Loan (NPL) tidak berpengaruh secara parsial
Properties On A New Comprehensive Family Of Holomorphic Functions Associated With Ruscheweyh Derivative and Generalized Multiplier Transformations
In the present paper, a new comprehensive family of holomorphic functions, which includes various new subfamilies of holomorphic functions as well as some very well-known ones, is introduced. Sharp results concerning coefficient inequalities and distortion bounds of functions belonging to these families are determined. Furthermore, functions with negative coefficients belonging to these families are also investigated
Embedded Scale United Moment Invariant for Identification of Handwriting Individuality
Past few years, a lot of research on moment functions have
been explored in pattern recognition. Several new techniques have been investigated to improve conventional regular moment by proposing the scaling factor of geometrical function. In this paper, integrated scaling
formulations of Aspect Invariant Moment and Higher Order Scaling Invariant with United Moment Invariant are presented in Writer Identification to seek the invarianceness of authorship or individuality of handwriting
perseverance. Mathematical proving and results of computer simulations are included to verify the validity of the proposed technique in identifying eccentricity of the author in Writer Identification
Embedded Scale United Moment Invariant for Identification of Handwriting Individuality
Past few years, a lot of research on moment functions have
been explored in pattern recognition. Several new techniques have been investigated to improve conventional regular moment by proposing the scaling factor of geometrical function. In this paper, integrated scaling
formulations of Aspect Invariant Moment and Higher Order Scaling Invariant with United Moment Invariant are presented in Writer Identification to seek the invarianceness of authorship or individuality of handwriting
perseverance. Mathematical proving and results of computer simulations are included to verify the validity of the proposed technique in identifying eccentricity of the author in Writer Identification
Conservative regular moments have been proven to
exhibit some shortcomings in the original formulations of
moment functions in terms of scaling factor. Hence, an
incorporated scaling factor of geometric functions into
United Moment Invariant function is proposed for mining
the feature of unconstrained words. Subsequently, the
discrete proposed features undertake discretization
procedure prior to classification for better feature
representation and splendid classification accuracy.
Collectively, discrete values are finite intervals in a
continuous spectrum of values and well known to play
important roles in data mining and knowledge discovery.
Many induction algorithms found in the literature requires
that training data contains only discrete features and some
works better on discretized data; in particular rule based
approaches like rough sets. Hence, in this study, an
integrated scaling formulation of Aspect Scaling Invariant
is presented in Writer Identification to hunt for the
individuality perseverance. Successive exploration is
executed to investigate for the suitability of discretization techniques in probing the issues of writer authorship. Mathematical proving and results of computer
simulations are embraced to attest the feasibility of the
proposed technique in Writer Identification. The results
disclose that the proposed discretized invariants reveal
99% accuracy of classification by using 3520 training
data and 880 testing data
English Language Competency and Outsourced Call Centers in Bangladesh
This paper attempts to investigate whether or not the English competency of Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) is hindering the growth and development of outsourced call centers in Bangladesh. It also looks into the problems being faced by call centers in hiring English competent CSRs. A limited appraisal of the English communication training of the CSRs offered by Call Centre Training Institutes is also within the purview of the paper. With this purpose 33 supervisors of different call centers, who are in charge of monitoring the CSRs, have been interviewed with a questionnaire comprised of both close and open ended questions. The result shows there is scarcity of skilled English communicators which is one of the major barriers in the growth and development of the call centers. However, factors like product knowledge, intercultural communication skills, service personality are also crucial as they are integral for successful transaction and addressing them will pave the way for the progress of the industry. The result also implicitly indicates that mainstream education system in Bangladesh is still unable to produce competent English communicators. The findings of the study reveal that the current shortage of skilled manpower can further become more acute when call center industry grows in line with the expectation of the government. It is also revealed that the call center training institutes are incapable of delivering the kind of training required for the aspirant CSRs. This study pinpoints the necessity of future research in several directions to ensure a balance between the demand and supply of native like fluent English communicators for call center Industry in Bangladesh
Analisis Komparasi Nilai Tambah dalam Berbagai Produk Olahan Kedelai pada Industri Rumah Tangga di Kota Medan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui proses pengolahan kedelai menjadi tahu, pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe, dan pengolahan kedelai menjadi susu kedelai di daerah penelitian, (2) untuk menganalisis besarnya nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari pengolahan kedelai menjadi tahu, pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe, dan pengolahan kedelai menjadi susu kedelai di daerah penelitian, dan (3) untuk menganalisis perbandingan nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari pengolahan kedelai menjadi tahu, pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe, dan pengolahan kedelai menjadi susu kedelai di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui proses pengolahan tahu, tempe, dan susu kedelai adalah metode deskriptif, untuk menghitung nilai tambah digunakan metode Hayami, dan untuk membandingkan nilai tambah digunakan metode friedman. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) proses pengolahan kedelai menjadi tahu sangat rumit dan membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang banyak, proses pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe tidak terlalu rumit, dan proses pengolahan kedelai menjadi susu kedelai sangat mudah dan membutuhkan sedikit tenaga kerja, (2) nilai tambah yang dihasilkan dari pengolahan kedelai menjadi tahu sebesar Rp 8.340,37,- dengan rasio nilai tambah 50,64%, nilai tambah pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe sebesar Rp 8.886,82,- dengan rasio nilai tambah 50,76%, dan nilai tambah pengolahan kedelai menjadi susu kedelai sebesar Rp 30.970,61,- dengan rasio nilai tambah 56,73%, dan (3) nilai tambah pada USAha pengolahan kedelai menjadi susu kedelai, lebih tinggi dari USAha pengolahan kedelai menjadi tahu dan pengolahan kedelai menjadi tempe
Happy House sebagai Sarana Edukasi dan Konseling Bagi Masyarakat Kampung Gila Daerah Ponorogo
Crazy village is one of regions take place in Ponorogo. In which, there are many crazy citizenries there. The disease of crazy will give bad impact to the children\u27s education. The purpose of this program is to improve children\u27s interest and achievement in crazy village by giving study guidance and counseling. The methodes of doing this program are done by giving study mentoring and counseling. The results of this program are that Happy House give positive impact to the children\u27s interest and achievement. By giving counseling program, it makes the student\u27s character be better, make them more confident and improve the student\u27s social interaction besides counseling program can motivate the students to reach their biggest wish and prepare their future life
Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konsumsi Gula Pasir Curah dan Proses Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Gula Pasir Curah di Kota Medan (Studi Kasus : Pasar Tradisional di Kecamatan Medan Kota, Kota Medan)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik konsumen gula pasir curah, untuk mengetahui proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian gula pasir curah, untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian dan preferensi konsumen terhadap gula pasir curah. Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara purposive, di pasar taradisional di Kecamatan Medan Kota. Metode pengambilan sampel yaitu dengan metode penelusuran (Accedental). Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan metode regresi linier berganda. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan : (1) Konsumen yang membeli gula pasir curah didominasi oleh konsumen yang berada pada rentang umur 25 – 29 tahun. Tingkat pendidikan konsumen terbesar ada pada tingkat pendidikan SMA. Jumlah tanggungan konsumen terbesar pada rentang 3 – 5 orang. Sementara jumlah tanggungan konsumen terkecil berada pada rentang ≥ 5 orang. Jumlah pendapatan konsumen terbesar berada pada kelompok 2.000.000 – 3.000.000. (2) Proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian gula pasir curah meliputi pengenalan masalah/kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, proses pembelian dan perilaku pasca pembelian. (3) Harga beli konsumen dan pendapatan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah konsumsi gula pasir curah, sedangkan jumlah tanggungan berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah konsumsi gula pasir curah
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