28 research outputs found

    Asterodiscus truncatus (Coleman, 1911)- A new record for Tasmanian waters

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    Three specimens of the sea star Asterodiscus truncatus constitute the first records of this species from Tasmanian waters. The literature pertaining to the species is surveyed briefiy and some mention made of specimens held by various institutions

    A new species of Bonellia (Echiuroidea) from northern Tasmania

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    A new species of Bonellia is described from Northern Tasmania. The female differs markedly from the other Australian species in the form of the nephridium and the dwarf male has no clasper or sucker at the posterior end

    The Asterinid sea stars of Tasmania

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    The ten species of sea stars of the family Asterinidae occurring in Tasmania are considered. Synonymies, locality lists and distributional data are given. Patiriella gunnii (Gray) is redescribed and lectotypes designated. Some account of characters distinguishing P. gunnii and Patiriella brevispina H. L. Clark is provided. A key to the species is presented and some account of the zoogeography of the Tasmanian species given, attention being drawn to the existence of pairs of sibling species in the group

    New Zealand Sea stars in Tasmania

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    Two species of sea stars, the asterinid Patriella regularis (Verrill), 1867 and the asteriid Astrostole scabra (Hutton), 1872, hitherto known only from New Zealand,are recorded from Tasmania. Attention is drawn to the probable mode of import of Patiriella regularis and supporting evidence given. Patirella mimica Livingstone, 1933 is regarded as synonomous with P. regularis. A checklist of the Tasmanian Asteroidea known to date is appended