389 research outputs found

    U.S. EEOC v. Gonnella Baking Co.

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    Coherent laser-millimeter-wave interactions en route to coherent population transfer

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    We demonstrate coherent two-photon population transfer to Rydberg states of barium atoms using a combination of a pulsed dye laser and a chirped-pulse millimeter-wave spectrometer. Numerical calculations, using a density matrix formalism, reproduce our experimental results and explain the factors responsible for the observed fractional population transferred, optimal experimental conditions, and possibilities for future improvements. The long coherence times associated with the millimeter-wave radiation aid in creating coherence between the ground state and Rydberg states, but higher-coherence laser sources are required to achieve stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and for applications to molecules.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1122374

    Direct detection of Rydberg–Rydberg millimeter-wave transitions in a buffer gas cooled molecular beam

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    Millimeter-wave transitions between molecular Rydberg states (n ∼ 35) of barium monofluoride are directly detected via Free Induction Decay (FID). Two powerful technologies are used in combination: Chirped-Pulse millimeter-Wave (CPmmW) spectroscopy and a buffer gas cooled molecular beam photoablation source. Hundreds of Rydberg–Rydberg transitions are recorded in 1 h with >10:1 signal:noise ratio and ∼150 kHz resolution. This high resolution, high spectral velocity experiment promises new strategies for rapid measurements of structural and dynamical information, such as the electric structure (multipole moments and polarizabilities) of the molecular ion-core and the strengths and mechanisms of resonances between Rydberg electron and ion-core motions. Direct measurements of Rydberg–Rydberg transitions with kilo-Debye dipole moments support efficient and definitive spectral analysis techniques, such as the Stark demolition and polarization diagnostics, which enable semi-automatic assignments of core-nonpenetrating Rydberg states. In addition, extremely strong radiation-mediated collective effects (superradiance) in a dense Rydberg gas of barium atoms are observed.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant No. CHE-1361865)United States. Department of Defense (National Defence Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Program

    Yellow food corn, 1987

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    Fine material in grain

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    Fine material in grain: an overview / Richard Stroshine -- Factors that affect the costs of fines in the corn export market / Lowell D. Hill, Mack Leath -- Effects of fine material on mold growth in grain / David B. Sauer, Richard A. Meronuck, John Tuite -- Effects of fine material on insect infestation: a review / Paul W. Flinn, William H. McGaughey, Wendell E. Burkholder -- Reducing or controlling damage to grain from handling: a review / Charles R. Martin, George H. Foster -- Evaluating grain for potential production of fine material - breakage susceptibility testing / Steven R. Eckhoff -- Genotypic differences in breakage susceptibility of corn and soybeans -- M. R. Paulsen, L. L. Darrah, R. L. Stroshin

    IL-10 production differentially influences the magnitude, quality, and protective capacity of Th1 responses depending on the vaccine platform

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    The quality of a Th1 response can be a prospective correlate of vaccine-mediated protection against certain intracellular pathogens. Using two distinct vaccine platforms, we evaluate the influence of interleukin (IL) 10 production on the magnitude, quality, and protective capacity of CD4+ T cell responses in the mouse model of Leishmania major infection. Multiparameter flow cytometry was used to delineate the CD4+ T cell production of interferon (IFN) γ, IL-2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and IL-10 (or combinations thereof) after vaccination. Immunization with a high dose of adenovirus (ADV) expressing leishmanial proteins (MML-ADV) elicited a limited proportion of multifunctional IFN-γ+IL-2+TNF+ Th1 cells, a high frequency of IL-10–producing CD4+ T cells, and did not protect against subsequent challenge. Surprisingly, in the absence of IL-10, there was no change in the magnitude, quality, or protective capacity of the Th1 response elicited by high-dose MML-ADV. In contrast, after immunization with MML protein and CpG (MML + CpG), IL-10 limited the production of IL-12 by DCs in vivo, thereby decreasing the generation of multifunctional Th1 cells. Consequently, three immunizations with MML + CpG were required for full protection. However, inhibiting IL-10 at the time of immunization enhanced the magnitude and quality of the Th1 response sufficiently to mediate protection after only a single immunization. Overall, we delineate distinct mechanisms by which vaccines elicit protective Th1 responses and underscore the importance of multifunctional CD4+ T cells
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