57 research outputs found

    Analyse de la perception des porteurs d'enjeux Le cas de la zone humide du bassin versant de la Mohlapitse River Province du Limpopo Afrique du Sud

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    Influence of the spin quantum number ss on the zero-temperature phase transition in the square lattice JJ-JJ' model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice with two different nearest-neighbor bonds JJ and JJ' (JJ-JJ' model) at zero temperature. The model exhibits a quantum phase transition at a critical value Jc>JJ'_c > J between a semi-classically ordered N\'eel and a magnetically disordered quantum paramagnetic phase of valence-bond type, which is driven by local singlet formation on JJ' bonds. We study the influence of spin quantum number ss on this phase transition by means of a variational mean-field approach, the coupled cluster method, and the Lanczos exact-diagonalization technique. We present evidence that the critical value JcJ'_c increases with growing ss according to Jcs(s+1)J'_c \propto s(s+1).Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of anisotropy on the ground-state magnetic ordering of the spin-one quantum J1XXZJ_{1}^{XXZ}--J2XXZJ_{2}^{XXZ} model on the square lattice

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    We study the zero-temperature phase diagram of the J1XXZJ_{1}^{XXZ}--J2XXZJ_{2}^{XXZ} Heisenberg model for spin-1 particles on an infinite square lattice interacting via nearest-neighbour (J11J_1 \equiv 1) and next-nearest-neighbour (J2>0J_2 > 0) bonds. Both bonds have the same XXZXXZ-type anisotropy in spin space. The effects on the quasiclassical N\'{e}el-ordered and collinear stripe-ordered states of varying the anisotropy parameter Δ\Delta is investigated using the coupled cluster method carried out to high orders. By contrast with the spin-1/2 case studied previously, we predict no intermediate disordered phase between the N\'{e}el and collinear stripe phases, for any value of the frustration J2/J1J_2/J_1, for either the zz-aligned (Δ>1\Delta > 1) or xyxy-planar-aligned (0Δ<10 \leq \Delta < 1) states. The quantum phase transition is determined to be first-order for all values of J2/J1J_2/J_1 and Δ\Delta. The position of the phase boundary J2c(Δ)J_{2}^{c}(\Delta) is determined accurately. It is observed to deviate most from its classical position J2c=1/2J_2^c = {1/2} (for all values of Δ>0\Delta > 0) at the Heisenberg isotropic point (Δ=1\Delta = 1), where J2c(1)=0.55±0.01J_{2}^{c}(1) = 0.55 \pm 0.01. By contrast, at the XY isotropic point (Δ=0\Delta = 0), we find J2c(0)=0.50±0.01J_{2}^{c}(0) = 0.50 \pm 0.01. In the Ising limit (Δ\Delta \to \infty) J2c0.5J_2^c \to 0.5 as expected.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum J1J_1--J2J_2 antiferromagnet on the stacked square lattice: Influence of the interlayer coupling on the ground-state magnetic ordering

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    Using the coupled-cluster method (CCM) and the rotation-invariant Green's function method (RGM), we study the influence of the interlayer coupling JJ_\perp on the magnetic ordering in the ground state of the spin-1/2 J1J_1-J2J_2 frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet (J1J_1-J2J_2 model) on the stacked square lattice. In agreement with known results for the J1J_1-J2J_2 model on the strictly two-dimensional square lattice (J=0J_\perp=0) we find that the phases with magnetic long-range order at small J2<Jc1J_2< J_{c_1} and large J2>Jc2J_2> J_{c_2} are separated by a magnetically disordered (quantum paramagnetic) ground-state phase. Increasing the interlayer coupling J>0J_\perp>0 the parameter region of this phase decreases, and, finally, the quantum paramagnetic phase disappears for quite small J0.2...0.3J1J_\perp \sim 0.2 ... 0.3 J_1.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The quantum J_{1}-J_{1'}-J_{2} spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet: A variational method study

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    The phase transition of the quantum spin-1/2 frustrated Heisenberg antiferroferromagnet on an anisotropic square lattice is studied by using a variational treatment. The model is described by the Heisenberg Hamiltonian with two antiferromagnetic interactions: nearest-neighbor (NN) with different coupling strengths J_{1} and J_{1'} along x and y directions competing with a next-nearest-neighbor coupling J_{2} (NNN). The ground state phase diagram in the ({\lambda},{\alpha}) space, where {\lambda}=J_{1'}/J_{1} and {\alpha}=J_{2}/J_{1}, is obtained. Depending on the values of {\lambda} and {\alpha}, we obtain three different states: antiferromagnetic (AF), collinear antiferromagnetic (CAF) and quantum paramagnetic (QP). For an intermediate region {\lambda}_{1}<{\lambda}<1 we observe a QP state between the ordered AF and CAF phases, which disappears for {\lambda} above some critical value {\lambda}_{1}. The boundaries between these ordered phases merge at the quantum critical endpoint (QCE). Below this QCE there is again a direct first-order transition between the AF and CAF phases, with a behavior approximately described by the classical line {\alpha}_{c}{\simeq}{\lambda}/2

    The ground-state magnetic ordering of the spin-1/2 frustrated J1-J2 XXZ model on the square lattice

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    Using the coupled-cluster method for infinite lattices and the exact diagonalization method for finite lattices, we study the influence of an exchange anisotropy Delta on the ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 frustrated J1-J2 XXZ antiferromagnet on the square lattice. We find that increasing Delta>1 (i.e. an Ising type easy-axis anisotropy) as well as decreasing Delta<1 (i.e. an XY type easy-plane anisotropy) both lead to a monotonic shrinking of the parameter region of the magnetically disordered quantum phase. Finally, at Delta~1.9 this quantum phase disappears, whereas in pure XY limit (Delta=0) there is still a narrow region around J2 =0.5J1 where the quantum paramagnetic ground-state phase exists.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, paper accepted for the proceedings of the conference HFM 200

    The frustrated spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg ferromagnet on the square lattice: Exact diagonalization and Coupled-Cluster study

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    We investigate the ground-state magnetic order of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange J1<0 and frustrating antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor exchange J2>0. We use the coupled-cluster method to high orders of approximation and Lanczos exact diagonalization of finite lattices of up to N=40 sites in order to calculate the ground-state energy, the spin-spin correlation functions, and the magnetic order parameter. We find that the transition point at which the ferromagnetic ground state disappears is given by J2^{c1}=0.393|J1| (exact diagonalization) and J2^{c1}=0.394|J1| (coupled-cluster method). We compare our results for ferromagnetic J1 with established results for the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model with antiferromagnetic J1. We find that both models (i.e., ferro- and antiferromagnetic J1) behave similarly for large J2, although significant differences between them are observed for J2/|J1| \lesssim 0.6. Although the semiclassical collinear magnetic long-range order breaks down at J2^{c2} \approx 0.6J1 for antiferromagnetic J1, we do not find a similar breakdown of this kind of long-range order until J2 \sim 0.4|J1| for the model with ferromagnetic J1. Unlike the case for antiferromagnetic J1, if an intermediate disordered phase does occur between the phases exhibiting semiclassical collinear stripe order and ferromagnetic order for ferromagnetic J1 then it is likely to be over a very small range below J2 \sim 0.4|J1|.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    A frustrated quantum spin-{\boldmath s} model on the Union Jack lattice with spins {\boldmath s>1/2}

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    The zero-temperature phase diagrams of a two-dimensional frustrated quantum antiferromagnetic system, namely the Union Jack model, are studied using the coupled cluster method (CCM) for the two cases when the lattice spins have spin quantum number s=1s=1 and s=3/2s=3/2. The system is defined on a square lattice and the spins interact via isotropic Heisenberg interactions such that all nearest-neighbour (NN) exchange bonds are present with identical strength J1>0J_{1}>0, and only half of the next-nearest-neighbour (NNN) exchange bonds are present with identical strength J2κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1} > 0. The bonds are arranged such that on the 2×22 \times 2 unit cell they form the pattern of the Union Jack flag. Clearly, the NN bonds by themselves (viz., with J2=0J_{2}=0) produce an antiferromagnetic N\'{e}el-ordered phase, but as the relative strength κ\kappa of the frustrating NNN bonds is increased a phase transition occurs in the classical case (ss \rightarrow \infty) at κccl=0.5\kappa^{\rm cl}_{c}=0.5 to a canted ferrimagnetic phase. In the quantum cases considered here we also find strong evidence for a corresponding phase transition between a N\'{e}el-ordered phase and a quantum canted ferrimagnetic phase at a critical coupling κc1=0.580±0.015\kappa_{c_{1}}=0.580 \pm 0.015 for s=1s=1 and κc1=0.545±0.015\kappa_{c_{1}}=0.545 \pm 0.015 for s=3/2s=3/2. In both cases the ground-state energy EE and its first derivative dE/dκdE/d\kappa seem continuous, thus providing a typical scenario of a second-order phase transition at κ=κc1\kappa=\kappa_{c_{1}}, although the order parameter for the transition (viz., the average ground-state on-site magnetization) does not go to zero there on either side of the transition.Comment: 1