16 research outputs found

    Моделі і програмні рішення задачі діагностування фінансових станів IT-підприємства

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    Today, the economy of Ukraine is in a relatively unstable position; therefore, Ukrainian enterprises require effective manage ment. But in order to effectively manage the enterprise, you need to know what state it is in. Solving the problem of diagnosing the financial state of an enterprise in the future will allow developing an apparatus of effective management decisions that will help maintain the enterprise at the proper level of functioning and ensure further development of both the enterprises and the economy as a whole. The relevance of research is manifested in the application of the results for operational and effective management. The problem is in the need to obtain a more accurate solution for the problem of diagnosing the financial state of the enterprise with the parameters that characterize the financial situation best of all. The main objective of the research was to solve the problem of diagnosing the financial state of an IT company, using a model that implements a certain approach in order to obtain a qualitative conclusion about the state of a company. A method based on the use of a fuzzy logic apparatus, namely, production models with a Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm is proposed for solving the problem. There are 10 input parameters were allocated to determine the financial state. The criteria according to which the state was assessed were quantitative and qualitative indicators of the company’s activity over the selected period. The resulting mathematical model allows to take into consideration both quantitative and qualitative indicators. The results of the research give an understanding of what indicators and how affect the financial condition of the company, and can also be used in the future, for example, to solve the forecasting problem. The implementation of research results can help speed up the diagnosis of the financial state of the enterprise and make a right management decision based on the results of diagnosis in time.На сьогоднішній день, економіка України знаходиться у відносно нестабільному положенні, тому підприємства України вимагають ефективного управління. Але для того щоб ефективно управляти підприємством, необхідно знати в якому стані воно знаходиться. Рішення задачі діагностування фінансового стану підприємства в подальшому дозволить розробляти апарат ефективних управлінських рішень, які допоможуть підтримувати підприємство на належному рівні функціонування і забезпечувати подальший розвиток, як самих підприємств, так і економіки в цілому. Актуальність досліджень проявляється в застосуванні отриманих результатів для оперативного і ефективного управління. Проблема полягає в необхідності отримання більш точного рішення задачі діагностування фінансових станів підприємства, з урахуванням параметрів, що характеризують фінансовий стан найкраще. Основним завданням дослідження було рішення задачі діагностування фінансових станів IT-компанії, за допомогою моделі, що реалізує певний підхід з метою отримання якісного висновку про стан компанії. Для вирішення завдання пропонується метод, заснований на застосуванні апарату нечіткої логіки, а саме продукційних моделей з алгоритмом нечіткого висновку Мамдані. Для визначення фінансового стану були виділені 10 вхідних параметрів. Критеріями, за якими оцінювався стан, були кількісні та якісні показники діяльності компанії за обраний період. Отримана математична модель дозволяє враховувати як кількісні, так і якісні показники. Отримані результати дослідження дають розуміння про те, які показники і як саме впливають на фінансовий стан компанії, а також в подальшому можуть використовуватися, наприклад, для вирішення задачі прогнозування. Впровадження результатів дослідження може допомогти прискорити проведення діагностування фінансового стану на підприємстві, а також вчасно прийняти те чи інше управлінське рішення, засноване на результатах діагностування

    Dyadic Coping of Kidney Transplant Recipients and Their Partners: Sex and Role Differences

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    Background: Coping with stressful health issues – e.g., organ transplantation – can affect interpersonal relationships.Objective: The study examines individual and dyadic coping (DC) in kidney transplant recipients and their partners under consideration of sex and role differences. The Dyadic Coping Inventory allows analyzing partners’ perception of their own DC and also of their partner’s behavior and investigating different perspectives with three discrepancy indexes (similarity, perceived similarity, congruence).Methods: Fifty-six kidney transplant recipients and their partners completed self-report questionnaires (N = 112) on DC, depression, anxiety, and relationship satisfaction. The average age of the patients was 58.1 years and of the partners 57.2 years; 64.3% of the patients were male; time since transplantation was on average 9.7 years.Results: (1) Individual and dyadic functioning: In couples with male patients female caregivers showed higher own supportive DC than the males. In couples with female patients, women reported higher own stress communication, supportive DC, total positive DC and total DC as well as depression compared to men. (2) Regarding the discrepancy indexes, in couples with male patients lower levels of similarity in DC reactions of the couple was associated with higher depression of the males as well as higher anxiety of the females. Moreover, lower comparability of the own DC with partner-perception was correlated with higher depression in males. In couples with female patients, higher comparability was associated with higher DC. Higher DC of the males was associated with lower own anxiety and better similarity in DC reactions. Lower levels of similarity of the male spouse showed correlations with higher depression and anxiety of the females. (3) Sex and role differences occurred. No significant differences between male patients and male partners occurred whereas female patients showed higher own stress communication, supportive DC, common DC, total positive DC, total DC and relationship satisfaction compared to female caregivers (role differences). The same differences were found comparing female with male patients. No differences occurred between male and female caregivers (sex differences). (4) Regarding male’s relationship quality, male’s DC total score and similarity index seem to be important predictors in couples with male patients.Discussion: The results demonstrate the relevance of DC in couples with kidney transplantation and show differences between males and females as well as between patients and partners

    Cross sections for the γp→K*+Λ and γp→K*+Σ0 reactions measured at CLAS

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    The first high-statistics cross sections for the reactions γp→K*+Λ and γp→K*+Σ0 were measured using the CLAS detector at photon energies between threshold and 3.9 GeV at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. Differential cross sections are presented over the full range of the center-of-mass angles, and then fitted to Legendre polynomials to extract the total cross section. Results for the K*+Λ final state are compared with two different calculations in an isobar and a Regge model, respectively. Theoretical calculations significantly underestimate the K*+Λ total cross sections between 2.1 and 2.6 GeV, but are in better agreement with present data at higher photon energies

    High frequency of BRCA1, but not CHEK2 or NBS1 (NBN), founder mutations in Russian ovarian cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A significant portion of ovarian cancer (OC) cases is caused by germ-line mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. BRCA testing is cheap in populations with founder effect and therefore recommended for all patients with OC diagnosis. Recurrent mutations constitute the vast majority of BRCA defects in Russia, however their impact in OC morbidity has not been yet systematically studied. Furthermore, Russian population is characterized by a relatively high frequency of CHEK2 and NBS1 (NBN) heterozygotes, but it remains unclear whether these two genes contribute to the OC risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study included 354 OC patients from 2 distinct, geographically remote regions (290 from North-Western Russia (St.-Petersburg) and 64 from the south of the country (Krasnodar)). DNA samples were tested by allele-specific PCR for the presence of 8 founder mutations (BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 300T>G, BRCA2 6174delT, CHEK2 1100delC, CHEK2 IVS2+1G>A, NBS1 657del5). In addition, literature data on the occurrence of BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2 and NBS1 mutations in non-selected ovarian cancer patients were reviewed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BRCA1 5382insC allele was detected in 28/290 (9.7%) OC cases from the North-West and 11/64 (17.2%) OC patients from the South of Russia. In addition, 4 BRCA1 185delAG, 2 BRCA1 4153delA, 1 BRCA2 6174delT, 2 CHEK2 1100delC and 1 NBS1 657del5 mutation were detected. 1 patient from Krasnodar was heterozygous for both BRCA1 5382insC and NBS1 657del5 variants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Founder BRCA1 mutations, especially BRCA1 5382insC variant, are responsible for substantial share of OC morbidity in Russia, therefore DNA testing has to be considered for every OC patient of Russian origin. Taken together with literature data, this study does not support the contribution of CHEK2 in OC risk, while the role of NBS1 heterozygosity may require further clarification.</p

    Update on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) – revised recommendations of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Part II: Attack therapy and long-term management

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    Thermodynamic designing of the small-scale gas turbine engine family with common core

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    The paper describes the method of selecting the working process parameters of a family of small-scale gas turbine engines (GTE) with common core. As an example, the thermodynamic design of a family of small-scale gas turbine engines (SGTE) with common core was carried out. The engine family includes a small-scale turbojet engine (STJE) and a gas turbine plant (GTP), which electric generator is driven by power turbine. The selection of rational values for the working process parameters of STJE and GTP was carried out in CAE system ASTRA on the basis of nonlinear optimization of these parameters, taking into account functional and parametric constraints. The quantitative results of deterioration in the performance of the engines of the family with common core are obtained in comparison with the engines with the optimum core for each type. However, the advanced creation of a common core can reduce the cost and timing of the engine creation, ensure its higher reliability (due to the development of the base common core) and reduce the cost of its production. The method of selecting the parameters of the working process of the GTE family with common core presents the solution to more complex problems, such as the possibility of developing a family consisting of five engines: a turbojet engine, turbofan engine, turbofan engine with a complex cycle, GTE with power turbine (GTE-PT), GTE-PT with recovery

    Thermodynamic designing of the small-scale gas turbine engine family with common core

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    The paper describes the method of selecting the working process parameters of a family of small-scale gas turbine engines (GTE) with common core. As an example, the thermodynamic design of a family of small-scale gas turbine engines (SGTE) with common core was carried out. The engine family includes a small-scale turbojet engine (STJE) and a gas turbine plant (GTP), which electric generator is driven by power turbine. The selection of rational values for the working process parameters of STJE and GTP was carried out in CAE system ASTRA on the basis of nonlinear optimization of these parameters, taking into account functional and parametric constraints. The quantitative results of deterioration in the performance of the engines of the family with common core are obtained in comparison with the engines with the optimum core for each type. However, the advanced creation of a common core can reduce the cost and timing of the engine creation, ensure its higher reliability (due to the development of the base common core) and reduce the cost of its production. The method of selecting the parameters of the working process of the GTE family with common core presents the solution to more complex problems, such as the possibility of developing a family consisting of five engines: a turbojet engine, turbofan engine, turbofan engine with a complex cycle, GTE with power turbine (GTE-PT), GTE-PT with recovery

    Safety of Combination of a Tetravalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Against Serogroups A, C, Y, W-135 With Other Vaccine Preparations: a Prospective Study of a Series of Cases Among Healthy Children and Children With Various Health Abnormalities

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    Meningococcal infection is an acute disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis, which proceeds with a diverse clinical aspect from nasopharyngitis to meningococcal meningitis and meningococcemia. Since 2014, a tetravalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine has been registered in Russia. This vaccine creates protection against serogroups A, C, W-135, Y and can be used from the age of nine months to 55 years. The actual issue is a vaccine tolerability, including when combined with other vaccine preparations.Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the safety of a tetravalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine against serogroups A, C, Y and W-135 when it is combined with other vaccine preparations.Methods. A prospective full-design study assessed the tolerability of immunization with a meningococcal conjugate vaccine, both in case of monovaccination and in combination with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine, measles-mumps-rubella, viral hepatitis A, influenza, and chicken pox vaccines.Results. 97 children aged from 9 months to 18 years were vaccinated, 20 of them were healthy and 77 had medical issues (with allergic pathology, ENT diseases, cardiovascular and nervous system diseases, lung diseases as well as orphan diseases). Among vaccinated children, general reactions were observed in 3/97 (3.1%) children, local reactions — in 5 (5.2%). The post-vaccination period passed asymptomatically and uneventfully in the prevailing majority of children vaccinated with a tetravalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (in 91, 93.8%).Conclusion. The immunization with a tetravalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine against serogroups A, C, Y, W-135 is well tolerated, both in case of monovaccination and in combination with other vaccine preparations, in healthy children of different age groups and in patients with different health status

    PD-1-inhibitor pembrolizumab for treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

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    The reactivation of human JC polyoma virus (JCPyV) results in lytic infection of oligodendrocytes and neuronal cells. The corresponding clinical picture is called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and results mostly from a disease-related or drug-induced immunosuppression. The opportunistic brain infection leads to a progressive demyelination of multiple areas of the central nervous system. Patients can present with various neurological deficits ranging from slight motoric symptoms to marked aphasia or reduced vigilance. Currently, there is no effective causal therapy for PML. Survival depends on the ability to achieve timely immune reconstitution. If the immune system cannot be restored, PML progresses rapidly and often ends fatally within months. Recently, some evidence for positive response has been reported in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Here, we provide a case series of three PML patients with underlying hematological malignancies who were treated with anti-PD-1-antibody pembrolizumab at Hannover Medical School. All patients received an extensive diagnostic follow-up including cerebrospinal fluid analysis, brain imaging, and lymphocyte-phenotyping via flow cytometry. Our patients had very different outcomes, with the only patient showing a specific anti-JCPyV immune response in the sense of an increased JCPyV antibody index clearly benefiting most from the treatment. Our results partly support the hypothesis that anti-PD-1 therapy may represent a promising treatment option for patients with PML. However, there is a current lack of pre-therapeutic stratification regarding the therapeutic response rates. Before larger studies can be initiated to further evaluate the efficacy of anti-PD-1 antibodies in PML, it is imperative to develop a reliable strategy for selecting suitable patients

    Experience of Vaccination of a Patient with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (sJIA) with a 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, prior to the Appointment of Therapy with Tocilizumab, an Anti-IL-6-Receptor Monoclonal Antibody

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    Background. Infections are the main cause of death for patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. In adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), mortality caused by respiratory infections is 2–5 times higher than in the population. One of the frequent infectious complications in the course of treatment with tocilizumab, the first-choice drug for treating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), is pneumonia characterized by a poor clinical picture, normal values of laboratory indices of the disease activity (ESR, C-reactive protein) with pronounced changes in the lungs revealed by computed tomography. In case of acute respiratory infection in children with systemic JIA, immunosuppressants and genetically engineered biological preparations (GEBP) are discontinued. This often leads to an exacerbation of the underlying disease and the progression of a pathological process. At present, vaccination against pneumococcal infection in Russia is not included in the standard for managing patients with rheumatic diseases. Studies of the safety and efficacy of vaccination with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in patients with sJIA receiving genetically engineered biological preparations were not conducted. Clinical Case Description. The article shares the experience of vaccination of a girl aged 9 years with a 13-valent PCV that was conducted in the course of a scientific investigation, which studied the efficacy and safety of vaccination of children with systemic JIA prior to prescription of GEBP tocilizumab. Vaccination did not cause a deterioration in the course of the main disease (1 month), led to a reduction in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (from 4 to 1 time within 6 months before and after vaccination), and discontinuation of antibacterial drugs within 6 months after vaccination. Conclusion. The safety of a 13-valent PCV in a child with sJIA and a decrease of the incidence of respiratory diseases after vaccination, their complications, and the use of antibacterial drugs have been shown