5 research outputs found


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    Horse breeding is one of the rapidly developing branches of animal husbandry in Yakutia. Horses of the Yakut breed are only type of farm animals that are kept year-round in harsh conditions of the sharply continental climate of Yakutia. In winter, animals experience a significant lack of nutrients and minerals. This is due to fact that basic diet consists of natural feed winter pasture and hay. Therefore, the goal was to study the effect of complex feed additives from local natural raw materials on the change in live weight and biochemical composition of the blood of animals. This study used standard animal research methods. The use of non-traditional feed additives in feeding of horses contributed to an increase in the supply of nutrients and minerals to the rations. Improving feeding conditions affected the live weight of horses (live weight loss was 5.75 % и 5.45 %). The change caused by inclusion of non-traditional feed additives in the diets of horses had a positive effect on the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood animals. In horses from the experimental groups, an increase was found in the blood in total protein by 0.50 % and 0.30 %, albumin by 0.36 and 0.20 %, globulin by 0.13 and 0.10 %, hemoglobin by 2.91 and 1.33 %, calcium by 3.56 and 1.29%, phosphorus by 5.71 and 1.90 %. Thus, use of experimental non-traditional feed additives in feeding horses in winter contributes to the best preservation of live weight. This is due to the improvement of mineral and vitamin nutrition in a difficult period of deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins in the diets of horses. This improves metabolism, which is reflected in the morphological and biochemical composition of blood of horses

    Developing Thesaurus of the Author's Literary Discourse (Based on P. Bazhov's Tales)

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    The concept of a thesaurus is examined in the article; the importance of creating individual author's thesauri for a better understanding of the linguistic personality of the writer and his worldview reflected in the units of the language system is determined. This provides the opportunity to conduct the diachronic study of the language and make comparative analyzes of various writers' idiolects, etc. The individual author's picture of the world in Bazhov's tales using the method of comparing formal and functional thesauri proposed by L. Gasparov is examined in the article. This approach made it possible to determine the features of the language system of Bazhov's tales with the functioning of such lexical units in it that contribute to the understanding of the niche occupied by the lexical-semantic field “precious metals and stones” and other interacting spheres in this picture of the world including natural-geographical and everyday spheres, professional and mythopoetic spheres

    Dietary supplementation with radionuclide free food improves children\u27s health following community exposure to \u3csup\u3e137\u3c/sup\u3eCesium: A prospective study

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    Background: Following the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986, vast areas of Ukraine became contaminated with radionuclides. We examined health effects of school-based food intervention for children in a rural region Narodichi, Ukraine, exposed to low-level radiation through diet of locally produced foods. Until 1995, children received three daily meals with low content of artificial radionuclides which were subsequently reduced to two. Methods: Annual health screening data (1993-1998) were examined using a quasi-experimental regression discontinuity analysis (n = 947 children; 3,573 repeated measurements). Generalized Estimating Equation models evaluated effect of the food supplementation reduction on hematologic measures and prevalence of anemia, acute respiratory illnesses and diseases of immune system. Results: Prior improvement of several hematologic parameters diminished after food supplementation was reduced. From 1995 to 1996, levels of hemoglobin and erythrocytes decreased from 12.63 (95 % CI: 12.56-12.71) to 12.46 g/dL (% CI: 12.39-12.52) and from 4.10 (95 % CI: 4.07-4.12) to 4.02 (95 % CI: 4.00-4.04) Ă— 1012/L, respectively. In agreement, the prevalence ratio (PR) of previously declining anemia increased from 0.57 to 1.31 per year (pinteraction \u3c .0001). The relation between food supplementation and hemoglobin levels was modified by residential 137Cs soil levels. After food supply reduction, PR of common cold and bronchitis increased from 1.27 to 2.32 per year (pinteraction = 0.01) and from 1.09 to 1.24 per year (pinteraction = 0.43), respectively. Conclusions: Food supplementation provided by the Ukrainian government likely prevented development of anemia in many of the children residing in the contaminated district. Food supplementation after the community exposure to radioactivity through a diet of locally grown foods should be considered as an effective approach to reduce adverse health effects of radiation

    Reduced lung function in children associated with cesium 137 body burden

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    RATIONALE: We previously reported that obstructive and restrictive lung function findings were associated with radioactive Cesium 137 ((137)Cs) soil contamination from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in a pediatric cohort residing in the Narodichesky district of Ukraine from 1993 to 1998. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether these associations persist, we repeated the study and refined the exposure by measuring individual radiation concentration with a whole-body counter. METHODS: Basic and post-bronchodilator spirometry measurements were made for 517 children aged 8 to 17 years born in and living within this differentially contaminated study area during 2008 to 2010. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A Îł-spectrometer equipped with a collimator was used for the measurement of whole-body radiation and adjusted for weight. General linear and logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between spirometry measures and the weight-adjusted (137)Cs whole-body burden (Bq/kg) while controlling for potential confounders. The geometric median weight-adjusted radiation concentration was 65.96 Bq/kg (95% confidence interval, 14.98-240.9 Bq/kg), equivalent to a geometric mean internal dose estimate of 0.165 mSv/yr (95% confidence interval, 0.037-0.602 mSv/yr). Decrements in percentage predicted FEV1/FVC and an increased odds of bronchodilator responsiveness, restrictive impairment, and FVC less than lower limit of normal were associated with a log increase in weight-adjusted (137)Cs whole-body burden after adjusting for potential confounders. CONCLUSIONS: Our previous study of soil (137)Cs exposure and reduced lung function was corroborated herein with individual (137)Cs whole-body burden, although low, and annual internal dose data. Children in a region just outside of the closed Chernobyl contamination zone continued to have respiratory health deficits associated with (137)Cs whole-body burden as recently as 2010