288 research outputs found

    Soft tissue mixed tumor of the hand

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    Mixed tumors are relatively common in the skin and salivary glands, but extremely rare in soft tissues, often resulting in diagnostic problems. The occurrence of these tumors in the hand is especially limited. In this article we report the clinical, radiological, and histological features of a mixed tumor of the hypothenar region of the right hand

    A rare myoepithelioma of the sinonasal cavity: case report

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    Myoepithelioma is a rare benign neoplasm. Pure accounting for less than 1% of all salivary gland tumors. Only three cases of sinonasal myoepithelioma have been reported in the literature. Diagnosis of myoepithelioma through light microscopy is possible and immunohistochemistry is done to facilitate the diagnosis. The lesion is so rare that there are no specific indications/guidelines for its treatment. We report to you a rare case of sinonasal myoepithelioma in a 57 year old Asian female

    Schwannoma-like pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid

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    Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland tumour. It can occur in any salivary gland, but is most frequently found in the parotid gland. Chondroid metaplasia is a frequent finding in pleomorphic adenoma. Other forms of metaplasia have been described, but are encountered less frequently. We report a rare case of unusual pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland with schwannoma-like feature

    TUNEL – an efficient prognosis predictor of salivary malignancies

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    Biological markers are necessary for predicting prognosis of salivary malignancies and better understanding the pathogenesis of salivary cancer. We analysed terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated biotinylated deoxyuridine-triphosphate (dUTP)-biotin nick-end labelling (TUNEL), p53 and Ki67 expression in 66 patients with malignant salivary tumours by immonohistochemistry, and correlated the data with survival, disease-free survival, tumour grade, stage, and local and distant metastasis. TUNEL efficiently predicted poor prognosis in salivary malignancies. The 5-year (5Y) survival probability dropped significantly with the level of TUNEL staining (from 83% in negatively stained tumours to 57 and 24% in TUNEL positively stained levels 1 and 2, respectively), (P=0.042). Extensive Ki67 staining (in addition to TUNEL) reduced the 5Y-survival rate even further and addition of positively stained p53 dropped the 5Y-survival rate to 0. The correlation rates between TUNEL and Ki67 was 58% (P=0.0001), and between TUNEL and p53 it was 50% (P=0.035). Concurrently, TUNEL correlated with metastasis, extracapsular spread, grade and stage. The correlation between TUNEL, p53 and Ki67 staining and survival probabilities, and the pathological grade, stage and metastasis spread of salivary malignancies makes this a highly effective tool in patient follow-up and prognosis

    The Peach v2.0 Release : An Improved Genome Sequence for Bridging the Gap Between Genomics and Breeding in Prunus

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    Since its release the high quality peach genome sequence (Peach v1.0) has fostered studies on comparative genomics as well as on genetic diversity, domestication and crop improvement in Prunus and related species. To improve the chromosome-scale assembly and genome annotation we performed further analyses. Extensive mapping data allowed the improvement of Peach v2.0 assembly in terms of fraction of mapped (99.2%) and orientated (97.9%) sequences and correction of misassembly issues (about 12.2 Mb of incorrectly positioned sequences). Assembled resequencing data (42x) improved base accuracy and contiguity: 859 SNPs and 1,347 Indels were corrected and 212 gaps were closed. As a result the contiguity of Peach v2.0 improved with a contig L50 of 255.4 kb (previously 214.2 kb) and a contig N50 of 250 (previously 294). Repeat annotation was enhanced including low copy repeats and the complete sequence and location of 1,157 non autonomous Helitrons. Gene prediction and annotation were improved using transcript assemblies obtained from 2.2 billion of RNA seq reads from different peach tissues and organs. In total, after masking with the improved repeat annotation, 26,873 protein-coding genes were predicted in Peach v2.1 annotation, 991 less than those predicted in Peach v1.0. Gene annotation was highly enhanced with the prediction of almost 20,000 new isoforms. The new peach release with improved assembly and annotation will be a pivotal resource for comparative genomics in the plant kingdom and will serve as a foundation for studies bridging the gap between genomics and breeding in Prunus and related species

    LRR-RLK family from two Citrus species: Genome-wide identification and evolutionary aspects

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    Background: Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) represent the largest subfamily of plant RLKs. The functions of most LRR-RLKs have remained undiscovered, and a few that have been experimentally characterized have been shown to have important roles in growth and development as well as in defense responses. Although RLK subfamilies have been previously studied in many plants, no comprehensive study has been performed on this gene family in Citrus species, which have high economic importance and are frequent targets for emerging pathogens. In this study, we performed in silico analysis to identify and classify LRR-RLK homologues in the predicted proteomes of Citrus clementina (clementine) and Citrus sinensis (sweet orange). In addition, we used large-scale phylogenetic approaches to elucidate the evolutionary relationships of the LRR-RLKs and further narrowed the analysis to the LRR-XII group, which contains several previously described cell surface immune receptors. Results: We built integrative protein signature databases for Citrus clementina and Citrus sinensis using all predicted protein sequences obtained from whole genomes. A total of 300 and 297 proteins were identified as LRR-RLKs in C. clementina and C. sinensis, respectively. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees were estimated using Arabidopsis LRR-RLK as a template and they allowed us to classify Citrus LRR- 34 RLKs into 16 groups. The LRR-XII group showed a remarkable expansion, containing approximately 150 paralogs encoded in each Citrus genome. Phylogenetic analysis also demonstrated the existence of two distinct LRR-XII clades, each one constituted mainly by RD and non-RD kinases. We identified 68 orthologous pairs from the C. clementina and C. sinensis LRR-XII genes. In addition, among the paralogs, we identified a subset of 78 and 62 clustered genes probably derived from tandem duplication events in the genomes of C. clementina and C. sinensis, respectively. Conclusions: This work provided the first comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the LRR-RLKs in Citrus. A large expansion of LRR-XII in Citrus genomes suggests that it might play a key role in adaptive responses in host-pathogen co-evolution, related to the perennial life cycle and domestication of the citrus crop species

    Relationship between Symptoms and Gene Expression Induced by the Infection of Three Strains of Rice dwarf virus

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    BACKGROUND: Rice dwarf virus (RDV) is the causal agent of rice dwarf disease, which often results in severe yield losses of rice in East Asian countries. The disease symptoms are stunted growth, chlorotic specks on leaves, and delayed and incomplete panicle exsertion. Three RDV strains, O, D84, and S, were reported. RDV-S causes the most severe symptoms, whereas RDV-O causes the mildest. Twenty amino acid substitutions were found in 10 of 12 virus proteins among three RDV strains. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We analyzed the gene expression of rice in response to infection with the three RDV strains using a 60-mer oligonucleotide microarray to examine the relationship between symptom severity and gene responses. The number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) upon the infection of RDV-O, -D84, and -S was 1985, 3782, and 6726, respectively, showing a correlation between the number of DEGs and symptom severity. Many DEGs were related to defense, stress response, and development and morphogenesis processes. For defense and stress response processes, gene silencing-related genes were activated by RDV infection and the degree of activation was similar among plants infected with the three RDV strains. Genes for hormone-regulated defense systems were also activated by RDV infection, and the degree of activation seemed to be correlated with the concentration of RDV in plants. Some development and morphogenesis processes were suppressed by RDV infection, but the degree of suppression was not correlated well with the RDV concentration. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Gene responses to RDV infection were regulated differently depending on the gene groups regulated and the strains infecting. It seems that symptom severity is associated with the degree of gene response in defense-related and development- and morphogenesis-related processes. The titer levels of RDV in plants and the amino acid substitutions in RDV proteins could be involved in regulating such gene responses

    Early to late sparing of radiation damage to the parotid gland by adrenergic and muscarinic receptor agonists

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    Damage to salivary glands after radiotherapeutic treatment of head and neck tumours can severely impair the quality of life of the patients. In the current study we have investigated the early-to-late pathogenesis of the parotid gland after radiation. Also the ability to ameliorate the damage using pretreatment with adrenergic or muscarinic receptor agonists is studied. Rats were locally irradiated with or without i.p. pretreatment with phenylephrine (α-adrenoceptor agonist, 5 mg kg−1), isoproterenol (β-adrenoceptor agonist, 5 mg kg−1), pilocarpine (4 mg kg−1), methacholine (3.75 mg kg−1) (muscarinic receptor agonists) or methacholine plus phenylephrine. Parotid salivary flow rate, amylase secretion, the number of cells and gland histology were monitored sequentially up to 240 days postirradiation. The effects were described in 4 distinct phases. The first phase (0–10 days) was characterised by a rapid decline in flow rate without changes in amylase secretion or acinar cell number. The second phase (10–60 days) consists of a decrease in amylase secretion and is paralleled by acinar cell loss. Flow rate, amylase secretion and acinar cell numbers do not change in the third phase (60–120 days). The fourth phase (120–240 days) is determined by a further deterioration of gland function but an increase in acinar cell number, albeit with poor tissue morphology. All drug pretreatments used could reduce radiation effects in phase I and II. The protective effects were lost during phase IV, with the exception of methacholine plus phenylephrine pretreatment. The latter combination of drugs ameliorated radiation-damage throughout the entire follow-up time. The data show that combined pre-irradiation stimulation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors with methacholine plus α-adrenoceptors with phenylephrine can reduce both early and late damage, possibly involving the PLC/PIP2 second messenger pathways. This opens perspectives for the development of clinical applicable methods for long-term sparing of parotid glands subjected to radiotherapy of head and neck cancer patients. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaignhttp://www.bjcancer.co
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