27 research outputs found

    Mechanism of ubiquitin ligation and lysine prioritization by a HECT E3

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    Ubiquitination by HECT E3 enzymes regulates myriad processes, including tumor suppression, transcription, protein trafficking, and degradation. HECT E3s use a two-step mechanism to ligate ubiquitin to target proteins. The first step is guided by interactions between the catalytic HECT domain and the E2∼ubiquitin intermediate, which promote formation of a transient, thioester-bonded HECT∼ubiquitin intermediate. Here we report that the second step of ligation is mediated by a distinct catalytic architecture established by both the HECT E3 and its covalently linked ubiquitin. The structure of a chemically trapped proxy for an E3∼ubiquitin-substrate intermediate reveals three-way interactions between ubiquitin and the bilobal HECT domain orienting the E3∼ubiquitin thioester bond for ligation, and restricting the location of the substrate-binding domain to prioritize target lysines for ubiquitination. The data allow visualization of an E2-to-E3-to-substrate ubiquitin transfer cascade, and show how HECT-specific ubiquitin interactions driving multiple reactions are repurposed by a major E3 conformational change to promote ligation. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00828.001

    Crystal Structure of UBA2ufd-Ubc9: Insights into E1-E2 Interactions in Sumo Pathways

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    Canonical ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs) such as ubiquitin, Sumo, NEDD8, and ISG15 are ligated to targets by E1-E2-E3 multienzyme cascades. The Sumo cascade, conserved among all eukaryotes, regulates numerous biological processes including protein localization, transcription, DNA replication, and mitosis. Sumo conjugation is initiated by the heterodimeric Aos1-Uba2 E1 enzyme (in humans called Sae1-Uba2), which activates Sumo's C-terminus, binds the dedicated E2 enzyme Ubc9, and promotes Sumo C-terminal transfer between the Uba2 and Ubc9 catalytic cysteines. To gain insights into details of E1-E2 interactions in the Sumo pathway, we determined crystal structures of the C-terminal ubiquitin fold domain (ufd) from yeast Uba2 (Uba2ufd), alone and in complex with Ubc9. The overall structures of both yeast Uba2ufd and Ubc9 superimpose well on their individual human counterparts, suggesting conservation of fundamental features of Sumo conjugation. Docking the Uba2ufd-Ubc9 and prior full-length human Uba2 structures allows generation of models for steps in Sumo transfer from Uba2 to Ubc9, and supports the notion that Uba2 undergoes remarkable conformational changes during the reaction. Comparisons to previous structures from the NEDD8 cascade demonstrate that UBL cascades generally utilize some parallel E1-E2 interaction surfaces. In addition, the structure of the Uba2ufd-Ubc9 complex reveals interactions unique to Sumo E1 and E2. Comparison with a previous Ubc9-E3 complex structure demonstrates overlap between Uba2 and E3 binding sites on Ubc9, indicating that loading with Sumo and E3-catalyzed transfer to substrates are strictly separate steps. The results suggest mechanisms establishing specificity and order in Sumo conjugation cascades

    Structural Basis for the Interaction between Pyk2-FAT Domain and Leupaxin LD Repeats

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    Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase and belongs to the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) family. Like FAK, the C-terminal focal adhesion-targeting (FAT) domain of Pyk2 binds to paxillin, a scaffold protein in focal adhesions; however, the interaction between the FAT domain of Pyk2 and paxillin is dynamic and unstable. Leupaxin is another member in the paxillin family and was suggested to be the native binding partner of Pyk2; Pyk2 gene expression is strongly correlated with that of leupaxin in many tissues including primary breast cancer. Here, we report that leupaxin interacts with Pyk2-FAT. Leupaxin has four leucine–aspartate (LD) motifs. The first and third LD motifs of leupaxin preferably target the two LD-binding sites on the Pyk2-FAT domain, respectively. Moreover, the full-length leupaxin binds to Pyk2-FAT as a stable one-to-one complex. Together, we propose that there is an underlying selectivity between leupaxin and paxillin for Pyk2, which may influence the differing behavior of the two proteins at focal adhesion sites

    Chemical manipulation of an activation/inhibition switch in the nuclear receptor PXR

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    Abstract Nuclear receptors are ligand-activated transcription factors that can often be useful drug targets. Unfortunately, ligand promiscuity leads to two-thirds of receptors remaining clinically untargeted. PXR is a nuclear receptor that can be activated by diverse compounds to elevate metabolism, negatively impacting drug efficacy and safety. This presents a barrier to drug development because compounds designed to target other proteins must avoid PXR activation while retaining potency for the desired target. This problem could be avoided by using PXR antagonists, but these compounds are rare, and their molecular mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we report structurally related PXR-selective agonists and antagonists and their corresponding co-crystal structures to describe mechanisms of antagonism and selectivity. Structural and computational approaches show that antagonists induce PXR conformational changes incompatible with transcriptional coactivator recruitment. These results guide the design of compounds with predictable agonist/antagonist activities and bolster efforts to generate antagonists to prevent PXR activation interfering with other drugs

    Structures of SPOP-substrate complexes: insights into molecular architectures of BTB-Cul3 ubiquitin ligases

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    In the largest E3 ligase subfamily, Cul3 binds a BTB domain, and an associated protein-interaction domain such as MATH recruits substrates for ubiquitination. Here, we present biochemical and structural analyses of the MATH-BTB protein, SPOP. We define a SPOP-binding consensus (SBC) and determine structures revealing recognition of SBCs from the phosphatase Puc, the transcriptional regulator Ci, and the chromatin component MacroH2A. We identify a dimeric SPOP-Cul3 assembly involving a conserved helical structure C-terminal of BTB domains, which we call “3-box” due to its facilitating Cul3 binding and its resemblance to F-/SOCS-boxes in other cullin-based E3s. Structural flexibility between the substrate-binding MATH and Cul3-binding BTB/3-box domains potentially allows a SPOP dimer to engage multiple SBCs found within a single substrate, such as Puc. These studies provide a molecular understanding of how MATH-BTB proteins recruit substrates to Cul3 and how their dimerization and conformational variability may facilitate avid interactions with diverse substrates