1,977 research outputs found

    Epidemiological data of falciparum malaria in Ado-Odo/Ota, Southwest Ogun State, Nigeria

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    In this data article, Blood and corresponding saliva samples from subjects presenting with fever and parasetaemia Z2000 were obtained from selected hospitals in Ado-Odo/Ota, Ogun State over a period of two years and analyzed using Polymerase chain reaction-Restriction fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR/Nested PCR-RFLP) to detect genetic mutations of Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (Pfcrt), Plasmodium falciparum multidrugs resistance (Pfmdr1) and non-synonymous Pkelch (pk13) mutated genes. The study confirmed the presence of resistance genes in the blood and saliva samples collected from the study sit

    Standby CPD Pneumonia or just a cough?

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    Part of a series of printed and online educational material aimed at the Paramedic profession. This edition considers the pathophysiology of pneumonia and the evidence base related to diagnosis and treatment

    Маркетинг как фактор конкурентоспособности современной организации (на примере ООО «СЭРМАР») / Захарченко Н.В.,ГИУСТ БГУ,кафедра управления недвижимостью;науч.рук. канд. техн. наук, доцент Т. В. Борздова

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    In a traditional hydraulic system, a pressure sensor is used to implement feedback control. However, there are many industrial cases where applications have required a pressure feedback but the media is so corrosive and/or dangerous, the sensor becomes prohibitively expensive. This research proposes the control of a pumping system which can achieve the desired pressure without a pressure sensor. Along with the control system itself, a user friendly interface is developed to operate over the Ethernet

    Epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum infection and drug resistance markers in Ota Area, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Purpose: Effective routine monitoring and surveillance of parasite genes is a necessary strategy in the control of parasites’ resistance to antimalarial drugs, according to the WHO’s recommendation. This cross-sectional study therefore aimed at carrying out an epidemiological analysis on malaria incidence in Ado-Odo/Ota, Ogun State. Patients and methods: Blood and corresponding saliva samples were collected from 1,243 subjects of all ages and sex presenting with fever and a parasitemia level ≥2,000 between September 2016 and March 2018. Samples were collected from selected health facilities in the study area of Ogun state to establish the prevalence of falciparum malaria and determine resistance genes harbored by the parasites. The overall prevalence of falciparum malaria in the study site by microscopic examination was 45.86%. The highest incidence of 57.42% was recorded among male subjects. Point mutations of K76T and N86Y in the Pfcrt and pfmdr-1 genes, as well as non-synonymous mutations in Pfk13 genes, were screened for and sequenced for further analysis. Results: Pfcrt was detectable in 57.42% of blood and 51.02% of saliva samples, respectively. About 34.78% of the subjects that were confirmed microscopically harbored the Pfmdr-1 mutated gene while 26.67% of the saliva samples revealed Pfmdr-1. Epidemiological studies identified the presence of wild-type Pfk13 genes in 21.84% of blood and 44.44% of saliva samples correspondingly. For each of the genes evaluated, saliva portrayed great diagnostic performance when compared with blood. Conclusion: Findings from this study have established the prevalence of malaria and the resistance pattern of P. falciparum in the study area. The findings may help in formulating drug policies and suggest the use of saliva as a noninvasive point-of-care method of diagnosing malaria potentially deployable to rural endemic areas

    Hole spin relaxation and coefficients in Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in ferromagnetic GaMnAs

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    We investigate the temperature dependence of the coefficients in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in ferromagnetic GaMnAs by employing the Zener model. We first calculate the hole spin relaxation time based on the microscopic kinetic equation. We find that the hole spin relaxation time is typically several tens femtoseconds and can present a nonmonotonic temperature dependence due to the variation of the interband spin mixing, influenced by the temperature related Zeeman splitting. With the hole spin relaxation time, we are able to calculate the coefficients in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, such as the Gilbert damping, nonadiabatic spin torque, spin stiffness and vertical spin stiffness coefficients. We find that the nonadiabatic spin torque coefficient β\beta is around\sim 0.3 at low temperature, which is consistent with the experiment [Adam {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 80}, 193204 (2009)]. As the temperature increases, β\beta monotonically increases and can exceed one in the vicinity of the Curie temperature. In the low temperature regime with β<1\beta<1, the Gilbert damping coefficient α\alpha increases with temperature, showing good agreement with the experiments [Sinova {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 69}, 085209 (2004); Khazen {\em et al.}, {\em ibid.} {\bf 78}, 195210 (2008)]. Furthermore, we predict that α\alpha decreases with increasing temperature once β>1\beta>1 near the Curie temperature. We also find that the spin stiffness decreases with increasing temperature, especially near the Curie temperature due to the modification of the finite β\beta. Similar to the Gilbert damping, the vertical spin stiffness coefficient is also found to be nonmonotonically dependent on the temperature.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Time-dependent appearance of myofibroblasts in granulation tissue of human skin wounds

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    Human skin wounds (66) inflicted between 20 h and 7 months prior to biopsy were studied. In order to identify the type of cellular differentiation of the fibroblastic cells in the granulation tissue, alpha-smooth muscle actin and desmin were immunohistochemically localized. The value of any presumed time-dependent appearance and/or disappearance of positively stained cells was tested for the estimation of wound age. In skin specimens with a wound age less than 5 days (n =15) no typical granulation tissue had developed and no alpha-actin-positive myofibroblasts could be detected. The first appearance of positively reacting myofibroblasts was noted in a 5-day-old wound. In 57% of the lesions with a wound age between 5 and 31 days (25 out of 44 cases) typical granulation tissue formation was present and myofibroblasts with positive reaction for alpha-smooth muscle actin could be identified. Numerous positively reacting cells could generally be found in wounds aged between 16 and 31 days, but also in wounds less than 16 days old. In 29% of the cases with a wound age of more than 31 days (2 out of 7 cases) alpha-sma-positive myofibroblasts also occured. Fibroblastic cells positive for desmin could not be seen at all in our series. Our results demonstrate the appearance of alpha-sma-positive myofibroblasts with the initial formation of typical granulation tissue in human skin lesions as early as approximately 5 days after wounding. In contrast to recent experimental results these cells remained detectable in wounds aged more than 2 months in some cases. The immunohistochemical detection of actin-positive cells, therefore, demonstrates whether an unknown skin wound is aged approximately 5 days or more. Even though a time-dependent decrease of myofibroblasts in human granulation tissue after 31 days in human wounds seems probable, the extended presence (up to about 2 months) of these cells allows no further exact age determination of older wounds

    In-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy in the vicinity of 100Sn: Magnetic moments and mean-square charge radii of N=50-54 Ag

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    In-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy studies on the neutron deficient 97-101Ag isotopes have been performed with the LISOL setup. Magnetic dipole moments and mean-square charge radii have been determined for the first time with the exception of 101Ag, which was found in good agreement with previous experimental values. The reported results allow tentatively assigning the spin of 97,99Ag to 9/2 and confirming the presence of an isomeric state in these two isotopes, whose collapsed hyperfine structure suggests a spin of 1/2 . The effect of the N=50 shell closure is not only manifested in the magnetic moments but also in the evolution of the mean-square charge radii of the isotopes investigated, in accordance with the spherical droplet model predictions

    Substrate orientation dependence on the solid phase epitaxial growth rate of Ge

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    The solid phase epitaxial growth process has been studied at 330 °C by transmission electron microscopy for Ge wafers polished at 10°–15° increments from the [001] to [011] orientations. The velocity showed a strong dependence on substrate orientation with the [001] direction displaying a velocity 16 times greater than the [111] direction. A lattice kinetic Monte Carlo model was used to simulate solid phase epitaxial growth (SPEG) rates at different orientations, and simulations compared well with experimental results. Cross sectional transmission electron microscopy and plan view transmission electron microscopy revealed stacking fault and twin defect formation in the [111] orientation where all other orientations showed only hairpin dislocations. The twin defects formed from Ge SPEG were comparatively less dense than what has previously been reported for Si, which gave rise to higher normalized velocities and a constant [111] SPEG velocity for Ge.The authors acknowledge Intel Corporation for funding this work. I.M.-B. acknowledges funding from the European project MASTIC (PCIG09-GA-2011-293783)

    Is it civic duty? An exploratory study of factors that influenced the public's decision to download the NHS COVID-19 app

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    Background/Aims The UK Government piloted a COVID-19 digital contact tracing smartphone app on the Isle of Wight, England, in June 2020 in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus. This study aimed to investigate the factors that affected the decision to download the app among individuals in the Isle of Wight. Methods Online questionnaires were distributed over social media to the sample population. Quantitative data were analysed, both descriptively and using a Chi-square or Fisher’s test. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis. Results Overall, 74.2% of participants downloaded the COVID-19 app, citing compliance, protection and fighting the pandemic or returning to normal as their main reasons. There was a significant negative correlation between having concerns about the app and downloading the app (P=<0.01). Concerns were split into the three themes of privacy/data security concerns, technology issues, and increased complacency. There was a significant negative correlation between being in a COVID-19 high-risk group and downloading the app (P=0.042). Conclusions Concerns about the COVID-19 app, particularly in terms of its security, significantly affected whether participants were likely to download it. The results provide insight into factors influencing mass public health behaviours and can form the basis for future research into app-based interventions

    Nudges and other moral technologies in the context of power: Assigning and accepting responsibility

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    Strawson argues that we should understand moral responsibility in terms of our practices of holding responsible and taking responsibility. The former covers what is commonly referred to as backward-looking responsibility , while the latter covers what is commonly referred to as forward-looking responsibility . We consider new technologies and interventions that facilitate assignment of responsibility. Assigning responsibility is best understood as the second- or third-personal analogue of taking responsibility. It establishes forward-looking responsibility. But unlike taking responsibility, it establishes forward-looking responsibility in someone else. When such assignments are accepted, they function in such a way that those to whom responsibility has been assigned face the same obligations and are susceptible to the same reactive attitudes as someone who takes responsibility. One family of interventions interests us in particular: nudges. We contend that many instances of nudging tacitly assign responsibility to nudgees for actions, values, and relationships that they might not otherwise have taken responsibility for. To the extent that nudgees tacitly accept such assignments, they become responsible for upholding norms that would otherwise have fallen under the purview of other actors. While this may be empowering in some cases, it can also function in such a way that it burdens people with more responsibility that they can (reasonably be expected to) manage