30 research outputs found

    Morphometric Analysis of some Species in the Genus Vigna (L.) Walp: Implication for Utilization for Genetic Improvement

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    The genus Vigna (L.) Walp is a large cosmopolitan leguminous genus comprising both cultivated and wild species. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Cowpea) is an important food legume that is widely cultivated in the tropics, but its production and storage are hampered by insect pests. The present study evaluated the intra-and inter-specific morphological variabilities among 20 accessions of six Vigna species, comprising wild and cultivated species. The species are Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, V. vexillata (A. Richard), V. oblongifolia (A. Richard), V. ambacensis (Baker), V. luteola (Jacq.) (Bentham) and V. racemosa (G. Don) (Hutch and Dalziel). Thirty-one morphological characters involving qualitative and quantitative vegetative and reproductive traits were used for the evaluation. Multivariate analysis such as Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were employed to evaluate the intra and inter specific variabilities. The paired-sample T test indicated significant differences among the 20 accessions (p#0.000, df = 19) in their morphometric traits. The relative significant correlation observed among some traits such as pod length, number of locules per pod and number of seeds per pod indicated their closeness and potential for genetic improvement of cowpea. The PCA showed that reproductive traits such as days to 50% flowering (0.984), days to 50% ripe pod (0.993), number of pods per peduncle (0.340) and 100-seed weight (0.132) are the major traits that accounted for the variations among the species. The UPGMA using the average (between groups) segregated the 20 accessions into two main clusters, cluster I (comprising mainly wild Vigna species) and cluster II (comprising both wild and cultivated species). The taxonomic affinities and genetic diversity among the species are of great importance in the utilization of the species for food and nutrition, fodder for ruminant animals, cover crop for rotational farming and more importantly genetic improvement of cowpea

    Characterization of Vigna vexillata (L.) Richard from Six African Countries

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    Vigna vexillata (L.) Richard is a wild relative of cowpea characterized by heavy pubescence of the leaves, stems and pods which could be utilized for genetic improvement of cowpea V unguiculata (L.) Walp. Twenty-six (26) accessions collected from six African countries; Cameroun, Zaire, Ghana, Swaziland, Congo and Nigeria were obtained from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (liT A), Ibadan, Nigeria for morphological and cytological characterizations. Twenty-four morphological characters involving eighteen quantitative and six qualitative characters were used for intra-specific variabilities among the accessions. Young bud flowers were collected at the flowering stage for meiotic and mitotic chromosome behaviour of the accessions. The results showed significant differences among vegetative and floral characters (p::::: 0.000) while pod and seed characters do not show much variability. The high significant correlation among characters such as calyx lobe length, standard petal length and width, peduncle length, days to 50% flowering, days to pod maturity, pod length and width, number of locules per pod, number of seeds per pod, and 1 00-seed weight indicates their suitability for breeding and genetic improvement purposes. The cluster analysis using the UPGMA method segregated the 26 accessions into three main clusters; cluster I (super group of 16 accessions), cluster II (9 accessions) and cluster III (1 isolated accession). All the accessions analysed for cytological relationship presented 2n = 22 chromosomes as previously reported for the genus Vigna. Chromosomes paired as bivalents and regula

    Cryosurvival of goat spermatozoa in Tris-egg yolk extender supplemented with vitamin C

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    The effect of adding different levels of vitamin C to semen extenders on cryosurvival of spermatozoa obtained from West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks during cryopreservation was studied. Tris-egg yolk based extenders supplemented with 2, 4, 6 and 8 m M of vitamin C were diluted with pooled semen samples. The diluted semen samples were cryopreserved for 30 days and thereafter evaluated for sperm quality characteristics. Following cryopreserva- tion, acrosome reaction and capacitation of spermatozoa were induced in vitro. The results showed higher (p<0.05) sperm motility, acrosome and membrane integrities in extenders supplemented with vitamin C compared to the control and highest values were recorded in 8 mM. Reduced concentrations of MDA were observed in extenders supplemented with 6 mM and 8 mM of vitamin C compared to other levels and the control. The extenders supple- mented with vitamin C had higher (p<0.05) values of arginase activity compared to the control. Lower (p<0.05) leukocytes were observed in extenders supplemented with vitamin C compared to the control and lowest values (p<0.05) were observed by the addition of 8 mM. The results showed that more spermatozoa cryopreserved in extenders supplemented with 6 mM vitamin C underwent acrosome reaction and capacitation (p<0.05). The finding indicated that vitamin C improved sperm quality parameters. The improvement in viability parameters of cryopreserved WAD buck spermatozoa was optimum at 8 mM of vitamin C.Se estudió el efecto de suplementar a los diluyentes con diferentes niveles de vitamina C, sobre la supervivencia de espermatozoides de cabras WAD (West African Dwarf) durante la criopreservación. Para diluir una mezcla de espermatozoides, fueron usados diluyentes basados en tris-yema de huevo, suplementados con 2, 4, 6, y 8 mM de vitamina C. Las muestras de semen, diluidas fueron crioconservadas durante 30 días y a continuación se evaluaron las características de calidad del esperma. Después de la crioconservación, se indujeron in vitro la reacción del acrosoma y la capacitación del espermatozoide. Los resultados mostraron mayor (p<0,05) motilidad del esperma y superiores integridades del acrosoma y la membrana en los diluyentes con vitamina C frente al control, registrándose los valores más elevados a concentraciones de 8 mM. En los diluyentes suplementados con 6 y 8 mM de vitamina C se registraron concentraciones de MDA más reducidas que en los restantes niveles y el control. Los diluyentes suplementados con vitamina C, tienen mayores valores (p<0,05) de actividad de arginasa que el control. En los diluyentes suplementados con vitamina C fueron observados menos leucocitos (p<0,05) que en el control, correspon- diendo los valores mas bajos con la adición de 8 mM. Los resultados ponen de manifiestos que mayor número de espermatozoides preservados en diluyentes suplementados con 6 mM de vitamina C presentan la reacción del acrosoma y capacitación (p<0,05). Los hallazgos indican que la vitamina C mejora los parámetros de calidad del esperma. La mejora de los parámetros de viabilidad espermática de cabras WAD fue optima con 8 mM de vitamina C

    The relationship of sleep quality to health-related quality of life in hypertensives at the family medicine department, University College Hospital Ibadan: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Sleep difficulties are common complaints in family practice and have been found to have deleterious effects on healthrelated quality of life in patients with chronic diseases. Information on sleep difficulties in the context of hypertension in the Nigerian setting is sparse and associated with controversy.Aim: This study sought to evaluate the relationship between sleep quality in patients with hypertension and their health-relatedquality of life.Setting: The study was conducted in the Family Medicine Department of a Tertiary hospital in South-western Nigeria which providesfirst-contact and longitudinal care for persons in its environs.Methodology: The study was a cross-sectional survey in which 380 patients with hypertension presenting to the general outpatientclinic were interviewed to determine sleep quality, health related quality of life and associated factors. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to assess sleep quality (cut-off score &gt;5) while the Medical Outcomes Short Form-36 was used to measure&nbsp; Healthrelated Quality of Life (HRQoL) on a continuous scale. The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)version 22.Results: Poor Sleep Quality was found in 40.3% of the respondents. Poor sleep quality was associated with having a poorer HRQoLinall domains of the SF-36: Physical Health Component Score: 75.25±15.82 vs 67.13±17.68 (p &lt;0.01), Mental Health Component Score: 79.57 ± 16.03 Vs 71.00±17.59 (p&lt;0.01). The association between having a poor sleep quality and a poorer Global HRQoL persisted on regression analysis HRQoL{B= -6.05, p&lt;0.1, Confidence Interval: -9.10 to -3.00}Conclusion: Poor sleep quality in hypertensives is associated with a poorer health related quality of life relative to having a normalsleep quality. Keywords: Hypertension, Sleep Quality, Family Practice, Quality of life, Insomni

    Cryosurvival of goat spermatozoa in tris-egg yolk extender supplemented with vitamin E

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    The effect of vitamin E supplementation in tris-egg yolk extender on sperm parameters of West African Dwarf (WAD) goat bucks was determined. Tris-egg yolk extenders supplemented with different levels of vitamin E (2, 4, 6 and 8 mM) were diluted with semen samples. The diluted semen samples were cryopreserved for 30 days and thereafter evaluated for sperm quality parameters. The results showed higher (P&lt;0.05) sperm motility, acrosome integrity, membrane integrity, live sperm, acrosome reaction and capacitation, and reduced sperm abnormality in extenders supplemented with vitamin E compared to the control. These parameters were better sustained in extenders supplemented with 6 mM and 8 mM (P&lt;0.05). Lower concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) were observed at 6 mM and 8 mM compared to the control (P&lt;0.05). Higher percentages of acrosome reaction and capacitation were observed in extenders supplemented with vitamin E compared to the control (P&lt;0.05). Optimal percent (P&lt;0.05) of acrosome reaction and capacitation were observed in extenders supplemented with 6 mM and 8 mM of vitamin. The findings revealed that supplementation of vitamin E at 6 mM and 8 mM in tris-egg yolk extenders were effective for improving sperm parameters of WAD goat bucks during cryopreservation.Keywords: Antioxidants, bucks, freezing, oxidative stress, sper

    Characterization of Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) Associated with Abelmoschus esculentus, Celosia argentea and Corchorus olitorius

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    Vegetable crops are highly susceptible to a wide range of pests and diseases among which are the root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species). Traditionally, identification of Meloidogyne species had been based on use of morphological characters such as the perennial pattern. In recent times, accuracy of nematode identification using only morphological tools has been challenged due to similarities in morphological characters of some nematode species. The aim of this study was to identify the root-knot nematodes associated with some vegetable crops cultivated on Covenant University farm, Ota, South-west, Nigeria using molecular tools and to determine the population densities of Meloidogyne spp. on the selected vegetable crops. Plant-parasitic nematodes were extracted from soil and roots of Abelmoschus esculentus, Celosia argentea and Core horus olitorius cultivated on Covenant University farm. The nematode species were identified and counted under a compound microscope. The molecular characterization of the Meloidogyne species was done using single adult female nematodes and eggs which were picked out for DNA extraction and amplified with specie-specific primers through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and separated on 0.5% agarose gel. High population of plant- parasitic nematodes was recorded on the vegetable crops cultivated on covenant university farm. Also significantly higher population (p<0.005) of Meloidogyne spp. were found in association with C. argentea and Corchorus olitorius than those recorded on Abelmoschus esculent us from the vegetable farm. The molecular characterization of the Meloidogyne species from the farm indicates Meloidogyne incognita as the nematode species associated with the vegetable crops

    Evidence of Environmental Pollution in Caprine Brains obtained from a Relatively Unindustrialized Area in Nigeria.

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    The concentration of metals (Iron-Fe, Zinc-Zn, Copper-Cu, Aluminum-Al, Molybdenum-Mo, Vanadium-Va, and Lead-Pb) in the different regions of the brain of goats in a relatively unindustrialized area in Nigeria was investigated using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The highest mean concentration of 98.66ppm was for Fe in the olfactory bulb while the least of 0.07ppm was for Mo in the thalamus. The levels of Zn and Fe showed the highest significant differences across the different regions of the brain examined. All the metals analysed showed relatively high concentrations in the olfactory bulb suggesting ongoing environmental pollution. The findings suggest that this type of investigation in the brain of goats or other animals can assist in knowing the level of human exposure to environmental pollutants (especially metals) in non-industrialized areas. They can also be compared with similar data obtained from animals in known polluted environments in extrapolating the level of pollution in such areas

    Comparison of infrared, electronic digital and mercury-inglass thermometers: 2. Red sokoto goats

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    Forty eight (male=8; female=40) adult Red Sokoto goats were used in an experiment to compare accuracy of different thermometers. Body temperature (BT) was concurrently measured with electronic digital (ED), mercury-in-glass (MG) and infrared (IR) thermometers. ED and MG thermometry was taken via the rectum (TEMPd and TEMPa respectively) while the IR thermometer was used on the opening of the rectum (TEMPiR) and forehead (TEMPiH). The data were subjected to analysis of variance and Pearson correlation analysis. Scatter diagrams were plotted to generate R squared for the relationships between the readings of the thermometers. Thermometer type had significant (P&lt;0.001) effect on BT in RS goats. TEMPd was similar (P&gt;0.05) to TEMPa, but the duo were significantly higher than TEMPiR and TEMPiH. BT from IR thermometer on the forehead was significantly lower than at the opening of the rectum. There was strong positive significant (P&lt;0.001) correlation between TEMPd and TEMPa (r=0.958). TEMPd and TEMPa had significant (P&lt;0.001) correlations with TEMPiR (r=0.519 and r=0.562 respectively), but not (P&gt;0.05) with TEMPiH. Linear regression of TEMPd with TEMPa, TEMPiR and TEMPiH yielded R2 of 0.918, 0.269 and 0.040 respectively. Deviations from TEMPd obtained were 0.23, 0.91 and 1.69oC for TEMPa, TEMPiR and TEMPiH respectively. The use IR thermometer on the forehead of RS did not yield similar reading compared to other thermometers. Temperature measurement with IR thermometer on the opening of the rectum of RS goats seems to be more accurate than on the forehead.Keywords: rectal temperature, heat stress, health, welfare, diagnosi

    Cryosurvival of goat spermatozoa in tris-egg yolk extender supplemented with melatonin

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    The effect of melatonin supplementation in semen extenders on cryosurvival of spermatozoa obtained from West African Dwarf (WAD) goat bucks was studied. Tris-egg yolk extenders supplemented with different levels of melatonin (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mM) were diluted with semen samples. The diluted semen samples were cryopreserved for 30 days and thereafter evaluated for sperm quality characteristics. Following cryopreservation, acrosome reaction and capacitation of spermatozoa were induced in vitro. The results showed higher (P&lt;0.05) sperm motility, acrosome integrity and membrane integrity in extenders supplemented with melatonin compared to the control and these parameters were optimal at 6 mM and 8 mM of melatonin (P&lt;0.05). Extender supplemented with melatonin at 8 mM consistently improved acrosome reaction and capacitation of spermatozoa (P&lt;0.05). The results showed reduced (P&lt;0.05) sperm abnormality and malondialdehyde concentrations in extenders supplemented with melatonin compared to the control and these parameters were lower at 6 mM and 8 mM respectively. The findings revealed that 8 mM of melatonin supplementation in tris-egg yolk extender was consistently effective for improving viability of spermatozoa of WAD goat bucks during cryopreservation