71 research outputs found

    The molluscs record: A tool for reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene (MIS 3) palaeoenvironment of the Bol'shoj Naryn site area (Fore-Baikal region, Eastern Siberia, Russia)

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    © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. A representative mollusc fauna attributed to the late phase of the Karginian Interstadial (MIS 3) has been found in the Bol'shoj Naryn Palaeolithic site (Fore-Baikal region). The general organization of the strata at the Bol'shoj Naryn site has been established through excavations realized during the previous field seasons. It shows a modern soil made of sandy loess deposits 1m thick, dated from the Sartan glacial stage, and underlined by a high viscosity paleosol layers which is up to 1m thick developed during the Karginian Interstadial. The "cultural layer" has been correlated with the upper Karginian soil contains numerous stone tools and animal fossils. This paper focus on the mollusc assemblage attributed to the upper Karginian sediment.The mollusc assemblage (2460 determined specimens) consists of six species and five genera of terrestrial molluscs. Succinella oblonga, Pupilla muscorum and Vallonia tenuilabris are the best represented species. The molluscs suggest the existence of landscapes corresponding with humid meadows and forests located in the relief depressions or along banks of the river. Molluscs of the Bol'shoj Naryn site have been compared with equivalent mollusc complexes from Siberian and Southern Fore-Uralian localities. They display a distinctive poverty in the species composition and show similarity with the complex of the Gornovo locality (Southern Fore-Urals region). Comparison of the mollusc complex from the Bol'shoj Naryn locality with molluscs from the last glacial period also showed similarity with the complex of the Gornovo locality (Kudashevo period in the Southern Urals - last phase of the Late Valdai equivalent MIS 2). The climatic conditions which prevailed in the surroundings of the Bol'shoj Naryn locality during the late phase of the Karginian interglacial period (32-25kaBP) of the Fore-Baikal region were cooler than those existing at the same time in Europe and Southern Urals. Correlation between the data obtained after malacological investigations and other paleontological data obtained from palynology and vertebrate records suggest a moderate cold and humid climate in the Fore-Baikal region during the second part of MIS 3, with predominance of open landscapes of steppes and relatively limited taiga forest, tundra, and wetlands

    Evolution of the Palaeolithic landscape at the westernmost tip of continental Europe: The shoreline seen by the Menez Dregan dwellers

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    © 2016, © Association for Environmental Archaeology 2016.The successive dwellers of the Palaeolithic Menez Dregan site (Finistère, France) experienced a different landscape because of the relative sea level transgressions and regressions which affected Audierne Bay between 465 and 369 Ka. We computed a series of bathymetric measurements and then produced a series of 3D images between Penmarc'h Bill, the Sein Ridge and the –120 m isobath to reconstruct these landscapes. Due to the lack of flint in the onshore and offshore Brittany basement, the –40 and –80 m regressive stages have been particularly well studied as they correspond to two well-developed flint-rich boulder bars. The other topographic features which probably attracted the attention of pre-Neanderthals were: (1) the vertical granite cliffs of Sein, Audierne and Penmarc'h; (2) the mid-Bay granitic pinnacles and cascade; (3) the Raz pass, which was the only communication route between the Audierne and Douarnenez Bays; (4) the Goayen and Pouldreuzic Rivers; (5) the Ar Palinier plateau made up of shelly limestone characterised by small caves and dolinas; (6) the Bigorne marsh, infilled by continental mud, which received drainage from all the rivers and the cascade; (7) the gentle south-facing slope located south of Sein island and (8) the N130° 2 m linear step cutting across all of their territory. Some of these data suggest that other Palaeolithic sites may have occurred at a deeper depth than the present sea level

    State of stratigraphic knowledge of Quaternary deposits in European Russia: Unresolved issues and challenges for further research

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA.The paper is devoted to summary and analysis of the Quaternary stratigraphic investigations and state of the stratigraphic schemes of the different regions of the European part of Russia.The previous summary on the Quaternary of Russia was done in 1984. Thus, this paper presents a brief analysis of the state of the Quaternary investigations in European Russia for the first time since last 30 years. Paper describes history of the Quaternary investigations of the European Russia as well as zoning (structural-facies zones) of the territory in correlation with the conditions of the Quaternary sedimentation. Summary of the Quaternary deposits developed in each zone and validity of stratigraphic units as well as state of the Regional Quaternary schemes is given for each structural-facies zone. Regional schemes are correlated with units of the General Stratgraphic chart of Russia and with International Chart. Analysis of the stratigraphic knowledge on the Quaternary deposits in various structural-facies zones in the European part of Russia has enabled to formulate the unresolved and discussable points and direction for the future investigations of the Quaternary studies. 1. Due to the change of boundary between the Neogene and Quaternary systems and involvement of the Palaeopleistocene stage in the Quaternary, stratigraphic horizons in this interval require additional study, and the most representative sequences should be selected as unit stratotypes for different zones. 2. In the areas of ice cover, various opinions on the age and number of glacial horizons in the Upper-Middle Neopleistocene, their distribution boundaries are still debatable. 3. In some areas and regions (Fore-Caucasus, Caucasus, Urals, Black Sea), differentiation of continental deposits is poorly substantiated by fauna. Their stratification is based on palaeoclimatic reconstructions, geomorphological analysis, and comparison with substantiated by fauna marine sequences of Ponto-Caspian Sea or continental sequences in the Fore-Urals and Western Siberia. Here, the most urgent task is to search for and study sequences in the transitional zone incorporating continental, ingressive, and marine sediments. 4. Development of regional charts for the Quaternary is relevant for the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast regions

    Evolution of the Palaeolithic landscape at the westernmost tip of continental Europe: The shoreline seen by the Menez Dregan dwellers

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    © Association for Environmental Archaeology 2016The successive dwellers of the Palaeolithic Menez Dregan site (Finistère, France) experienced a different landscape because of the relative sea level transgressions and regressions which affected Audierne Bay between 465 and 369 Ka. We computed a series of bathymetric measurements and then produced a series of 3D images between Penmarc'h Bill, the Sein Ridge and the –120 m isobath to reconstruct these landscapes. Due to the lack of flint in the onshore and offshore Brittany basement, the –40 and –80 m regressive stages have been particularly well studied as they correspond to two well-developed flint-rich boulder bars. The other topographic features which probably attracted the attention of pre-Neanderthals were: (1) the vertical granite cliffs of Sein, Audierne and Penmarc'h; (2) the mid-Bay granitic pinnacles and cascade; (3) the Raz pass, which was the only communication route between the Audierne and Douarnenez Bays; (4) the Goayen and Pouldreuzic Rivers; (5) the Ar Palinier plateau made up of shelly limestone characterised by small caves and dolinas; (6) the Bigorne marsh, infilled by continental mud, which received drainage from all the rivers and the cascade; (7) the gentle south-facing slope located south of Sein island and (8) the N130° 2 m linear step cutting across all of their territory. Some of these data suggest that other Palaeolithic sites may have occurred at a deeper depth than the present sea level

    Biostratigraphy of the early Middle Pleistocene of the Southern Fore-Urals

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. A summary of published and unpublished data on the stratigraphy of the early Middle Pleistocene of the Southern Urals region is presented in this paper. It follows previous reviews about the characteristics of the Pleistocene deposits of the easternmost part of Europe. Deposits of different origin, which constitute the regional stratigraphic units, are characterized. Mammalian data form the base for the (bio)stratigraphical subdivision. Fossil mollusca, ostracoda, mammals and pollen are used for the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental conditions and the stratigraphical position of the main localities is discussed.The beginning of the early Middle Pleistocene (Minzitarovo time) coincides with a stabilization of the hydrographic network. Palaeontological remains from that period are rare. Pinus-Picea forests with small admixture of broad-leaved species were spread at the beginning of this interval. Later, the role of forests decreased and the role of herbs and Chenopodiaceae increased. Palynological data indicate that the climate was cool during that time. The landscapes of the Baza time were dominated by herbaceous-Artemisia associations and small birch forests with an admixture of broadleaved and coniferous trees and the terminal time was characterized by the wide development of taiga. Ostracods and molluscs are known from those deposits. Ecological composition of the small mammalian faunas indicates forest-steppe conditions for the southern part of this natural zone. Small mammals of that time belong to the Tiraspol faunal assemblage. The climate was warm and dry. The initial Tanyp time was characterized by the development of herbaceous-Artemisia-Chenopodiaceae steppes and broadleaved birch forests, which were subsequently replaced by a dominance of taiga associations, which tolerate cold climatic conditions. Molluscs are represented by rare terrestrial and freshwater species. The assemblage of freshwater ostracods includes cold-resistant species. In the Atasevo time, broadleaved birch forests and meadow-steppes characterized the landscape. The presence of stenothermic-thermophilic ostracods species indicates warm climatic conditions. Molluscs are represented by terrestrial and numerous freshwater species. The small mammalian fauna is characterized by the smaller percentage of Mimomys voles; it post-dates the Baza fauna. The Atasevo fauna is unique because of the occurrence of Arvicola mosbachensis Schmidtgen among the typical early Middle Pleistocene species.At the end of this period during the Chusovskoi timespan, the herbaceous-Artemisia-Chenopodiaceae steppes, which covered spacious open areas, were subsequently replaced by coniferous-birch forests with an admixture of broadleaved trees. Fossil remains are rare. Ostracods represent cold-resistant species indicating that the climate was cold

    Palaeoenvironment of the Middle and Upper Neopleistocene at the Gornovo Upper Palaeolithic site (Southern Ural foreland, Russia)

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUAComplex biostratigraphical methods and radiocarbon dates were used to reconstruct the Middle (late Middle Pleistocene) and Late Neopleistocene (Late Pleistocene) palaeoenvironments covering the Palaeolithic period in the western foreland of the Urals. The Gornovo Palaeolithic settlement is located on the lowest terrace of the Belaya River. From the base to the top, this terrace consists of fluvial and lacustrine deposits of the Belaya horizon (Middle Neopleistocene; 427–364 ka), alluvial and lacustrine deposits of the Larevka horizon (Middle Neopleistocene; 364–334 ka), fluvial and lacustrine deposits of the Tabulda horizon (Late Neopleistocene; 57–24 ka), water-slope deposits of the Kudashevo horizon (Late Neopleistocene; 24–11 ka) and chernozem soil of the Holocene. The small and large mammals, insects, molluscs, and ostracods discovered in the deposits complete the palaeoecological characteristics of these periods. A diverse herbaceous steppe vegetation dominated during the Belaya Interglacial (a mixed coniferous forests with broad-leaved trees occurred in wet areas). The ostracoda species clearly indicate a cooling at the end of this time span. Molluscs inhabited the rivers and shores of freshwater ponds. The large mammals belong to the Middle Pleistocene fauna complex. During Larevka time span vegetation and fauna indicate cold climate conditions. The cold steppe communities typical of the beginning of this period changed gradually into communities that show an increasing role of the taiga. The ostracoda species confirm these cold conditions. Forest-steppe landscapes dominated during the second part of the Tabulda time span. Numerous ostracods as well as molluscs populated the lakes and floodplain basins. Entomological data show that the palaeoenvironment conditions were somewhat cooler than modern environment existing in the Southern Ural foreland. The large mammals of the Gornovo site belong to the Late Palaeolithic complex with the specific presence of Camelus sp. The Gornovo forest-steppe small mammalian fauna developed in cool continental climate conditions when coniferous forests grew in the river valleys and when forest-steppe landscapes dominated in the water interfluves. The artefacts are characteristic of the beginning of the Late Palaeolithic (32–24 ka). The Kudashevo time is correlated with the late Valdai (late Late Pleistocene; 24–11 ka). The herbage-Artemisia-Chenopodiaceae grassland-steppe association covered most of the territory and a Picea forest with Betula and a small quantity of broad-leaved trees grew in wet depressions. The climate at the end of this period became colder. Freshwater and terrestrial molluscs were represented by rare widespread species while the ostracoda species indicate cold conditions

    Early Pleistocene climate in western arid central Asia inferred from loess-palaeosol sequences

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    Arid central Asia (ACA) is one of the most arid regions in the mid-latitudes and one of the main potential dust sources for the northern hemisphere. The lack of in situ early Pleistocene loess/dust records from ACA hinders our comprehensive understanding of the spatio-temporal record of aeolian loess accumulation and long term climatic changes in Asia as a whole. Here, we report the results of sedimentological, chronological and climatic studies of early Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences (LPS) from the northeastern Iranian Golestan Province (NIGP) in the western part of ACA. Our results reveal that: 1) Accumulation of loess on the NIGP commenced at ∼2.4-1.8 Ma, making it the oldest loess known so far in western ACA; 2) the climate during the early Pleistocene in the NIGP was semi-arid, but wetter, warmer, and less windy than during the late Pleistocene and present interglacial; 3) orbital-scale palaeoclimatic changes in ACA during the early Pleistoceneare in-phase with those of monsoonal Asia, a relationship which was probably related to the growth and decay of northern hemisphere ice sheets

    Biostratigraphy of the early Middle Pleistocene of the Southern Fore-Urals

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUAA summary of published and unpublished data on the stratigraphy of the early Middle Pleistocene of the Southern Urals region is presented in this paper. It follows previous reviews about the characteristics of the Pleistocene deposits of the easternmost part of Europe. Deposits of different origin, which constitute the regional stratigraphic units, are characterized. Mammalian data form the base for the (bio)stratigraphical subdivision. Fossil mollusca, ostracoda, mammals and pollen are used for the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental conditions and the stratigraphical position of the main localities is discussed. The beginning of the early Middle Pleistocene (Minzitarovo time) coincides with a stabilization of the hydrographic network. Palaeontological remains from that period are rare. Pinus–Picea forests with small admixture of broad-leaved species were spread at the beginning of this interval. Later, the role of forests decreased and the role of herbs and Chenopodiaceae increased. Palynological data indicate that the climate was cool during that time. The landscapes of the Baza time were dominated by herbaceous-Artemisia associations and small birch forests with an admixture of broadleaved and coniferous trees and the terminal time was characterized by the wide development of taiga. Ostracods and molluscs are known from those deposits. Ecological composition of the small mammalian faunas indicates forest-steppe conditions for the southern part of this natural zone. Small mammals of that time belong to the Tiraspol faunal assemblage. The climate was warm and dry. The initial Tanyp time was characterized by the development of herbaceous–Artemisia–Chenopodiaceae steppes and broadleaved birch forests, which were subsequently replaced by a dominance of taiga associations, which tolerate cold climatic conditions. Molluscs are represented by rare terrestrial and freshwater species. The assemblage of freshwater ostracods includes cold-resistant species. In the Atasevo time, broadleaved birch forests and meadow-steppes characterized the landscape. The presence of stenothermic–thermophilic ostracods species indicates warm climatic conditions. Molluscs are represented by terrestrial and numerous freshwater species. The small mammalian fauna is characterized by the smaller percentage of Mimomys voles; it post-dates the Baza fauna. The Atasevo fauna is unique because of the occurrence of Arvicola mosbachensis Schmidtgen among the typical early Middle Pleistocene species. At the end of this period during the Chusovskoi timespan, the herbaceous–Artemisia–Chenopodiaceae steppes, which covered spacious open areas, were subsequently replaced by coniferous-birch forests with an admixture of broadleaved trees. Fossil remains are rare. Ostracods represent cold-resistant species indicating that the climate was cold
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