853 research outputs found

    Possible identifications of the 3.4 micrometer feature

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    A feature at 3.4 micrometer was first detected in Comet Halley by the IKS spectrometer on board the Vega 1 probe; and subsequently from the ground. The feature has since been reported in Comet Wilson. The presence of the feature is of considerable interest for a number of reasons. First, it may represent the detection of a new parent molecule, and when combined with data from Giotto and Vega yield new information on cometary chemistry and the early solar system composition. Secondly, it may represent a link to the interstellar medium, the feature corresponds in wavelength and shape with an interstellar feature seen in absorption in a luminous star, towards the Galactic center known as GC-IRS7. The feature in turn is thought to be related with a growing family of unidentified infrared emission features seen in stellar objects, planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae, HII regions and extra galactic sources. These features occur at wavelengths 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.25 micrometers. Further identification theory is given

    A Group of Red, Ly-alpha Emitting, High Redshift Galaxies

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    We have discovered two new high redshift (z=2.38) galaxies, near the previously known z=2.38 galaxy 2139-4434 B1 (Francis et al. 1996). All three galaxies are strong Ly-alpha emitters, and have much redder continuum colors (I-K about 5) than other optically-selected high redshift galaxies. We hypothesize that these three galaxies are QSO IIs; radio-quiet counterparts of high redshift radio galaxies, containing concealed QSO nuclei. The red colors are most easily modelled by an old (> 0.5 Gyr), massive (> 10E11 solar masses) stellar population. If true, this implies that at least one galaxy cluster of mass much greater than 3E11 solar masses had collapsed before redshift five.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, uses aaspp4 style file. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Neutral gas and diffuse interstellar bands in the LMC

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    Tracing the dynamics of the neutral gas and observing diffuse interstellar bands in the LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud) was the focus of this study. The S/N values, a Quartz lamp exposure, a T horium Argon Comparision lamp exposure, and spectral plots for each star observed were taken. The stars observed were selected to sample the 30 Dor vicinty. NaI absorption profiles are included

    A bioinformatics approach to the development of immunoassays for specified risk material in canned meat products

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    A bioinformatics approach to developing antibodies to specific proteins has been evaluated for the production of antibodies to heat-processed specified risk tissues from ruminants (brain and eye tissue). The approach involved the identification of proteins specific to ruminant tissues by interrogation of the annotation fields within the Swissprot database. These protein sequences were then interrogated for peptide sequences that were unique to the protein. Peptides were selected that met these criteria as close as possible and that were also theoretically resistant to either pepsin or trypsin. The selected peptides were synthesised and used as immunogens to raise monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies specific for the synthetic peptides were raised to half of the selected peptides. These antibodies have each been incorporated into a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and shown to be able to detect the heat-processed parent protein after digestion with either pepsin or trypsin. One antibody, specific for alpha crystallin peptide (from bovine eye tissue), was able to detect the peptide in canned meat products spiked with 10% eye tissue. These results, although preliminary in nature, show that bioinformatics in conjunction with enzyme digestion can be used to develop ELISA for proteins in high-temperature processed foods and demonstrate that the approach is worth further stud

    The Distance to the Vela Supernova Remnant

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    We have obtained high resolution Ca II and Na I absorption line spectra toward 68 OB stars in the direction of the Vela Supernova Remnant. The stars lie at distances of 190 -- 2800 pc as determined by Hipparcos and spectroscopic parallax estimations. The presence of high velocity absorption attributable to the remnant along some of the sight lines constrains the remnant distance to 250+/-30 pc. This distance is consistent with several recent investigations that suggest that the canonical remnant distance of 500 pc is too large.Comment: To be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters Figure 1 y-axis labels correcte

    FUSE Measurements of Interstellar Fluorine

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    The source of fluorine is not well understood, although core-collapse supernovae, Wolf-Rayet stars, and asymptotic giant branch stars have been suggested. A search for evidence of the nu process during Type II supernovae is presented. Absorption from interstellar F I is seen in spectra of HD 208440 and HD 209339A acquired with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. In order to extract the column density for F I from the line at 954 A, absorption from H2 has to be modeled and then removed. Our analysis indicates that for H2 column densities less than about 3 x 10^20 cm^-2, the amount of F I can be determined from lambda 954. For these two sight lines, there is no clear indication for enhanced F abundances resulting from the nu process in a region shaped by past supernovae.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Galaxy Clusters and Large Scale Structure at High Redshifts

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    We present a detailed study of a rich galaxy cluster at z=2.38. We demonstrate that this cluster contains large overdensities of damped Ly-alpha absorption lines, of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies and of extremely red objects. The overdensity of extremely red objects in this field demonstrates that many are high z galaxies. The huge overdensities we measure for these three classes of object are much larger than the mass overdensities of typical clusters at this redshift, as predicted by CDM and related models. We suggest therefore that the distribution of damped Ly-alpha absorption line systems, of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies and of extremely red objects are all very strongly biassed, and that somehow a small overdensity of mass has increased the fraction of baryons in collapsed objects, in the volume occupied by the cluster, to close to unity (a factor of ~10 increase). We speculate that some unknown physical process, acting on the volume occupied by our cluster, caused the normally diffuse ionised inter-galactic medium to coalesce into small (< 10^8 Solar masses) blobs of neutral hydrogen, which produce the Ly-alpha absorption-lines. Star formation occurred within these blobs at z>5, enriching them with metals and producing stars, which after several mergers and ~ 0.5 Gyr of passive evolution form the extremely red objects. The Ly-alpha emitting galaxies are probably AGN, triggered perhaps by mergers of the small blobs.Comment: Invited talk to appear in "The Young Universe", proceedings of Rome conference, ed. D'Odorico, Fontana and Giallongo. 8 pages, uses paspconf.st

    High Velocity Line Emission in the NLR of NGC 4151

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    Narrow-band imaging of the nuclear region of NGC 4151 with the Hubble Space Telescope is presented. The filter bandpasses isolate line emission in various high velocity ranges in several ions. Slitless and long-slit spectra of the region with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph also indicate the locations of high velocity gas. These emission regions are faint and are interspersed among the bright emission clouds seen in direct images. They have radial velocities up to 1400 km/s relative to the nucleus, and are found in both approach and recession on both sides of the nucleus. This contrasts strongly with the bright emission line clouds which have been discussed previously as showing bidirectional outflow with velocities within 400 km/s of the nucleus. We discuss the possible connections of the high velocity material with the radio jet and the nuclear radiation.Comment: 12 pages plus 6 figures, to be published in A

    Reanalysis of Copernicus Measurements on Interstellar Carbon Monoxide

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    We used archival data acquired with the Copernicus satellite to reexamine CO column densities because self-consistent oscillator strengths are now available. Our focus is on lines of sight containing modest amounts of molecular species. Our resulting column densities are small enough that self-shielding from photodissociation is not occurring in the clouds probed by the observations. While our sample shows that the column densities of CO and H2 are related, no correspondence with the CH column density is evident. The case for the CH+ column density is less clear. Recent chemical models for these sight lines suggest that CH is mainly a by-product of CH+ synthesis in low density gas. The models are most successful in reproducing the amounts of CO in the densest sight lines. Thus, much of the CO absorption must arise from denser clumps along the line of sight to account for the trend with H2.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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