19 research outputs found

    Buku Saku Keanekaragaman Hayati Hasil Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Berpotensi Tanaman Hias di Gunung Sari Singkawang

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    : This research aimed to create a pocket books developed from the inventory of potentially ornamental plants in Gunung Sari Singkawang and determine the feasibility of a pocket book as a learning medium of the Indonesian biodiversity matter of class X in High School. The pocket book was examined its feasibility using an instrument that was validated previously by three lecturers of Biology Education Study Program FKIP Untan. Validation of the pocket book was done by two lecturers of Biology Education Study Program FKIP Untan and five Biology teachers of high school of class X / equivalent from five different districts in Singkawang. The results of the pocket book validation was categorized into valid with a score of 3.4 and can be used as a learning medium in the Indonesian biodiversity matter of class X in High School. However, further research is necessary to obtain effective use of the pocket book as learning media in the class

    Kelayakan Media Diorama Pemanasan Global Kelas VII

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    This research aimed to determine the feasibility of diorama as the media for global warming materials for grade VII of Junior High School. This research was a descriptive study. Data collection were done by using validation instrument. The diorama of global warming was accompanied with teacher's and student's guide sheets. The validation of the diorama and its guide sheets were done separately. The validation were done by 5 validators. 2 validators is the lecturers of biology education, while 3 others is the teachers of biology for grade VII of Junior High School. The validation of diorama and its guide sheets were obtained for 3.80 and 3.71 sequencely. Both are categorized as valid and feasible for global warming learning for grade VII

    Kelayakan Poster Kandungan Gizi Anggur pada Sub Materi Zat Makanan Kelas XI SMA

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    This study aimed to know the feasibility of poster about grape (Vitis vinifera L.) nutrient content which were sold in Pontianak as a learning medium on sub material of nutrient in class XI SMA. This study was descriptive with questionnaire as non-test data technique collection. Validation was done by the experts; they were 2 Biology Education lectures and 3 biology high school teachers in Pontianak. The technique of data analysis used Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). The result of data analysis showed that the poster was feasible for a medium learning for the material sub class XI SMA nutrients the entire assessment criteria had reached the minimum Lawshe CVR value that was equal to 0.99

    Kelayakan Poster Kandungan Gizi Musa Paradisiaca pada Sub Materi Zat Makanan Kelas XI

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    This study aimed to determine the feasibility of poster as the media for banana nutrient content which were sold in Pontianak for substance food sub material for grade XI of Senior High School. This research is a descriptive study. Data collection were done y using the validation instrument. The validation were done by 5 validators. 2 validators are the lecturers of biology education, while 3 others are the high school biology teachers using KTSP for XI grade of Senior High School. The results of the validation poster with 12 criteria got CVR value = 0.99 according to the minimum value of the CVR Lawshe to 5 validators is 0.99 so that the poster is categorized valid and feasible as a learning media in the food substance sub material for grade XI of Senior High School

    Kelayakan Poster Kandungan Gizi Jeruk pada Sub Materi Zat Makanan

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    : This study aimed to know the feasibility of oranges (Citrus sp.) poster in food nutrient sub material in eleventh grade student senior high school Pontianak city. This study form was descriptive with validation of poster as media. Data taking used purposive sampling technique with validators consideration were 2 Biology Education lecture and 3 biology teacher that were teaching in eleventh grade senior high school with KTSP curriculum in Pontianak city. Data analysis used Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) with 12 assessment criteria which were validated. Analysis result showed value of CVR and CVI of nutrient oranges poster were 0,99 refers to oranges (Citrus sp.) nutrient content poster feasible used as learning media in food nutrient sub material in eleventh grade senior high school in Pontianak

    Respons Siswa terhadap Praktikum Pembuatan Donat Jahe pada Submateri Peran Tumbuhan di Bidang Ekonomi

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    The laboratory experiment of making ginger (Zingiber officinale var. officinale) donut on sub chapter of Plant Role in Economy of Class X SMA / MA aimed to know students responses of laboratory work which was a new learning method on Sub Chapter of Plant Role in Economy Class X SMA / MA. This laboraatory experiment was a new breakthrough in the optimization of abundant local plants namely Ginger elephant (Zingiber officinale var officinale). This research used descriptive method and the subject was students class X MIPA 1 of MAN 1 Pontianak. Student responses was viewed used a response questionnaire given after the students carry out the experiment. The average percentage of students responses was 90% very high category, so that this laboratory experiment method was suggested implemented as a method of learning on Sub Chapter Role of Plant in Economy

    Kelayakan Media Pembelajaran Poster Kandungan Gizi Buah Alpukat dan Buah Naga pada Sub Materi Zat Makanan

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    This research aimed to determine the feasibility of poster as a learning medium of the food substances material for class XI Senior High School that made from the study result of the nutrients content and fiber avocado and dragonfruit wich were sold in Pontianak. Poster as learning medium of food substances material was conducted in the form of descriptive research and technique analyzed by using Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Validation was done by five people; they were 2 Biology Education lectures and 3 biology high school teachers in Pontianak, with 12 assessment criteria. Validation results showed that all the assessment criteria had reached the minimum value of the CVR Lawshe of 0.99. It was categorized valid to use as a learning medium for sub material food substances in class XI Senior High School

    Kelayakan Media Flipbook Upaya Pencegahan Pencemaran Udara Kelas X

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    This study was aimed to test the flipbook feasibility of sub material prevention of air pollution as a learning medium for 10th grade of senior high school. The research method that used was descriptive. The study consisted of three phases: creating, repairing and validating of media flipbook. Validation of media flipbook was done in two stages. The first phase was done by validating assessment instrument flipbook media conducted by two lecturers and one high school biology teacher. The instrument in this research was the questionnaire that consisted of 5 aspects (format, content, language, practically, and effectiveness) and 14 criterias. The second phase was validated media flipbook. The flipbook media validation was done by five validators consisting of two lecturers and three senior high school biology teachers. The tests showed that the media flipbook sub material air pollution prevention was feasible and need repair to be used as a media in teaching and learning process with validation's average value was 3.73

    Perbandingan Kadar Gizi Tempe Biji Nangka dan Tempe Kedelai

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    This study aimed to compare nutrient content between jackfruit seeds tempeh and soybean tempeh using experimental design. Jackfruit seeds tempeh and soybean tempeh maked with the same procedure. The parameters of nutritional value were protein, fat, water, ash, and carbohydrate. Soybean tempeh have a protein content (17.5 mg/100g), and fat (5.07 mg/100g) higher compared with tempeh jackfruit seeds. Tempe jackfruit seeds have ash content (1.05 mg/100g) and carbohydrate (20.7 mg/100g) higher than the soybean tempeh. In terms of the purposes of the protein, soybean tempeh better than jackfruit seeds tempeh