97 research outputs found

    The current state of CCS: Ongoing research at the University of Cambridge with application to the UK policy framework

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    The Earth's climate is changing and the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) is recognised as the principal cause. To meet legally binding targets, UK GHG emissions need to be cut by at least 80% of the 1990 levels by 2050. With an increase in future fossil fuel use, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is the only method of meeting these targets. Some key challenges face the deployment of CCS including cost, uncertainty of CCS deployment, the risks of long-term CO2 storage, public communication and scale. Research at the University of Cambridge is resolving these issues and assisting the deployment of CCS technology. The right regulatory framework also needs to be set so that the technology is commercially deployed. The current UK policy framework for CCS is outlined in this document and the immediate barriers to deployment are highlighted. The ongoing CCS research taking place primarily at the University of Cambridge is described. There are many steps that need to be taken if CCS deployment is to ultimately succeed; this document attempts to highlight these steps and address them.Carbon Capture Technologie

    Pyridazine-bridged cationic diiridium complexes as potential dual-mode bioimaging probes

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    A novel diiridium complex [(N^C^N)2Ir(bis-N^C)Ir(N^C^N)2Cl]PF6 (N^C^N = 2-[3-tert-butyl-5-(pyridin-2-yl)phenyl]pyridine; bis-N^C = 3,6-bis(4-tert-butylphenyl)pyridazine) was designed, synthesised and characterised. The key feature of the complex is the bridging pyridazine ligand which brings two cyclometallated Ir(III) metal centres close together so that Cl also acts as a bridging ligand leading to a cationic complex. The ionic nature of the complex offers a possibility of improving solubility in water. The complex displays broad emission in the red region (λem = 520–720 nm, τ = 1.89 μs, Φem = 62% in degassed acetonitrile). Cellular assays by multiphoton (λex = 800 nm) and confocal (λex = 405 nm) microscopy demonstrate that the complex enters cells and localises to the mitochondria, demonstrating cell permeability. Further, an appreciable yield of singlet oxygen generation (ΦΔ = 0.45, direct method, by 1O2 NIR emission in air equilibrated acetonitrile) suggests a possible future use in photodynamic therapy. However, the complex has relatively high dark toxicity (LD50 = 4.46 μM), which will likely hinder its clinical application. Despite this toxicity, the broad emission spectrum of the complex and high emission yield observed suggest a possible future use of this class of compound in emission bioimaging. The presence of two heavy atoms also increases the scattering of electrons, supporting potential future applications as a dual fluorescence and electron microscopy probe

    Elasticity of semi-flexible polymers

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    We present a numerical solution of the Worm-Like Chain (WLC) model for semi-flexible polymers. We display graphs for the end-to-end distance distribution and the force-extension relation expected from the model. We predict the expected level of fluctuations around the mean value in force-extension curves. Our treatment analyses the entire range of polymer lengths and reproduces interesting qualitative features seen in recent computer simulations for polymers of intermediate length. These results can be tested against experiments on single molecules. This study is relevant to mechanical properties of biological molecules.Comment: five pages revtex five figures, slightly improved version with recent references adde

    Emerging Viruses: Coming in on a Wrinkled Wing and a Prayer

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    The role that bats have played in the emergence of several new infectious diseases has been under review. Bats have been identified as the reservoir hosts of newly emergent viruses such as Nipah virus, Hendra virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome–like coronaviruses. This article expands on recent findings about bats and viruses and their relevance to human infections. It briefly reviews the history of chiropteran viruses and discusses their emergence in the context of geography, phylogeny, and ecology. The public health and trade impacts of several outbreaks are also discussed. Finally, we attempt to predict where, when, and why we may see the emergence of new chiropteran viruses

    Dynamic critical behavior of failure and plastic deformation in the random fiber bundle model

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    The random fiber bundle (RFB) model, with the strength of the fibers distributed uniformly within a finite interval, is studied under the assumption of global load sharing among all unbroken fibers of the bundle. At any fixed value of the applied stress (load per fiber initially present in the bundle), the fraction of fibers that remain unbroken at successive time steps is shown to follow simple recurrence relations. The model is found to have stable fixed point for applied stress in the range 0 and 1; beyond which total failure of the bundle takes place discontinuously. The dynamic critical behavior near this failure point has been studied for this model analysing the recurrence relations. We also investigated the finite size scaling behavior. At the critical point one finds strict power law decay (with time t) of the fraction of unbroken fibers. The avalanche size distribution for this mean-field dynamics of failure has been studied. The elastic response of the RFB model has also been studied analytically for a specific probability distribution of fiber strengths, where the bundle shows plastic behavior before complete failure, following an initial linear response.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, extensively revised and accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Failure time in the fiber-bundle model with thermal noise and disorder

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    The average time for the onset of macroscopic fractures is analytically and numerically investigated in the fiber-bundle model with quenched disorder and thermal noise under a constant load. We find an implicit exact expression for the failure time in the low-temperature limit that is accurately confirmed by direct simulations. The effect of the disorder is to lower the energy barrier.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Precursors of catastrophe in the BTW, Manna and random fiber bundle models of failure

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    We have studied precursors of the global failure in some self-organised critical models of sand-pile (in BTW and Manna models) and in the random fiber bundle model (RFB). In both BTW and Manna model, as one adds a small but fixed number of sand grains (heights) to any central site of the stable pile, the local dynamics starts and continues for an average relaxation time (\tau) and an average number of topplings (\Delta) spread over a radial distance (\xi). We find that these quantities all depend on the average height (h_{av}) of the pile and they all diverge as (h_{av}) approaches the critical height (h_{c}) from below: (\Delta) (\sim (h_{c}-h_{av}))(^{-\delta}), (\tau \sim (h_{c}-h_{av})^{-\gamma}) and (\xi) (\sim) ((h_{c}-h_{av})^{-\nu}). Numerically we find (\delta \simeq 2.0), (\gamma \simeq 1.2) and (\nu \simeq 1.0) for both BTW and Manna model in two dimensions. In the strained RFB model we find that the breakdown susceptibility (\chi) (giving the differential increment of the number of broken fibers due to increase in external load) and the relaxation time (\tau), both diverge as the applied load or stress (\sigma) approaches the network failure threshold (\sigma_{c}) from below: (\chi) (\sim) ((\sigma_{c}) (-)(\sigma)^{-1/2}) and (\tau) (\sim) ((\sigma_{c}) (-)(\sigma)^{-1/2}). These self-organised dynamical models of failure therefore show some definite precursors with robust power laws long before the failure point. Such well-characterised precursors should help predicting the global failure point of the systems in advance.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures (eps

    Failure due to fatigue in fiber bundles and solids

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    We consider first a homogeneous fiber bundle model where all the fibers have got the same stress threshold beyond which all fail simultaneously in absence of noise. At finite noise, the bundle acquires a fatigue behavior due to the noise-induced failure probability at any stress. We solve this dynamics of failure analytically and show that the average failure time of the bundle decreases exponentially as the stress increases. We also determine the avalanche size distribution during such failure and find a power law decay. We compare this fatigue behavior with that obtained phenomenologically for the nucleation of Griffith cracks. Next we study numerically the fatigue behavior of random fiber bundles having simple distributions of individual fiber strengths, at stress less than the bundle's strength (beyond which it fails instantly). The average failure time is again seen to decrease exponentially as the stress increases and the avalanche size distribution shows similar power law decay. These results are also in broad agreement with experimental observations on fatigue in solids. We believe, these observations regarding the failure time are useful for quantum breakdown phenomena in disordered systems.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, figures added and the text is revise

    Failure regime in (1+1) dimensions in fibrous materials

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    In this paper, we introduce a model for fracture in fibrous materials that takes into account the rupture height of the fibers, in contrast with previous models. Thus, we obtain the profile of the fracture and calculate its roughness, defined as the variance around the mean height. We investigate the relationship between the fracture roughness and the fracture toughness.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures.eps, Revte

    Boundary-crossing identities for diffusions having the time-inversion property

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    We review and study a one-parameter family of functional transformations, denoted by (S (β)) β∈ℝ, which, in the case β<0, provides a path realization of bridges associated to the family of diffusion processes enjoying the time-inversion property. This family includes Brownian motions, Bessel processes with a positive dimension and their conservative h-transforms. By means of these transformations, we derive an explicit and simple expression which relates the law of the boundary-crossing times for these diffusions over a given function f to those over the image of f by the mapping S (β), for some fixed β∈ℝ. We give some new examples of boundary-crossing problems for the Brownian motion and the family of Bessel processes. We also provide, in the Brownian case, an interpretation of the results obtained by the standard method of images and establish connections between the exact asymptotics for large time of the densities corresponding to various curves of each family